一周前,pp班的老师Mr. Bradley 在博客里提到采用stability ball来替换学生目前坐的椅子,紧接着收到pp带回的Student Contract,如果家长同意使用stability ball,那么,学生和家长需要签署这份合约。合约如附件所示。
better posture
physical fitness
keeping the spine straight can increase oxygen to the brain
concentration improves
less noise in the classroom
excess energy burned off
builds ab muscles
when your body’s engaged, your brain is engaged
丫头高兴得不得了,现在就坐在球凳上做她的乐理作业呢。我还是相当的困惑 只好拭目以待吧。
Student Contract
Benefits of using the stability ball in the classroom include:
-better posture
?physical fitness
?keeping the spine straight can increase oxygen to the brain
?concentration improves
?less noise in the classroom
-excess energy burned off
?builds ab muscles
?when your body’s engaged, your brain is engaged
Stability balls must be the appropriate size for the user (when sitting on the ball, hips are to be at the same height or slightly higher than the knees, and feet are to be flat on the floor).
The following are the expectations associated with the stability ball:
My feet will stay on the floor at all times.
I will not allow others to use my stability ball.
I will not pick up the ball or throw the ball at any time.
There will be no bouncing ? only small movements.
I will not roll backwards while sitting on the ball.
I will not use the ball with anything sharp in my pocket.
When I stand up, I will place the ball under my desk.
I understand the stability ball is a tool to help me focus on my lessons.
I understand that the teacher may take away my stability ball if it’s not being used appropriately.
On days there is a supply teacher, I will use my regular chair.
I have read the contract and agree to its terms.
Student Signature
Parent Signature
一周前,pp班的老师Mr. Bradley 在博客里提到采用stability ball来替换学生目前坐的椅子,紧接着收到pp带回的Student Contract,如果家长同意使用stability ball,那么,学生和家长需要签署这份合约。合约如附件所示。
better posture
physical fitness
keeping the spine straight can increase oxygen to the brain
concentration improves
less noise in the classroom
excess energy burned off
builds ab muscles
when your body’s engaged, your brain is engaged
丫头高兴得不得了,现在就坐在球凳上做她的乐理作业呢。我还是相当的困惑 只好拭目以待吧。
Student Contract
Benefits of using the stability ball in the classroom include:
-better posture
?physical fitness
?keeping the spine straight can increase oxygen to the brain
?concentration improves
?less noise in the classroom
-excess energy burned off
?builds ab muscles
?when your body’s engaged, your brain is engaged
Stability balls must be the appropriate size for the user (when sitting on the ball, hips are to be at the same height or slightly higher than the knees, and feet are to be flat on the floor).
The following are the expectations associated with the stability ball:
My feet will stay on the floor at all times.
I will not allow others to use my stability ball.
I will not pick up the ball or throw the ball at any time.
There will be no bouncing ? only small movements.
I will not roll backwards while sitting on the ball.
I will not use the ball with anything sharp in my pocket.
When I stand up, I will place the ball under my desk.
I understand the stability ball is a tool to help me focus on my lessons.
I understand that the teacher may take away my stability ball if it’s not being used appropriately.
On days there is a supply teacher, I will use my regular chair.
I have read the contract and agree to its terms.
Student Signature
Parent Signature