回复: 学习“因风飞过蔷薇 ”-自主EB-5之路开始!!
Oh my lady Gaga! Gaga bless you!
1. You decide on where the geographic location of your new commercial enterprise
2. Find out from which state agency you can obtain a certification letter for TEA qualfication.
3. Decide on the area of your business and think in detail about business plan and how you would go about setting up.
4. Consult (requires money) with an experienced immigration attorney about how to set up business so that your business will qualify as the "new commercial enterprise" for a direct, individual EB-5 case, so that all requirements of EB-5 law will be satisfied.
5. Think about how you will be getting the requisite funds ready and make investments in compliance with the EB-5 law.
6. Retain a qualified immigration attorney to advise you along each step of the way in your EB-5 and to help you with the preparation of necessary documents to file I-526 immigrant petition. You really need to decide on the right investment structure to comply with all aspects of the EB-5 law and at the same time pursue your business goals so that your business will be successful and create the planned number of jobs. You probably need the U.S. immigration attorney to speak with your accountant to make sure the accountant understands the requirements of EB-5 law.
7. Consider retaining an immigration attorney to act as an advisor to make sure you comply with the EB-5 law requirements during the conditional permanent residence period.
8. Create the requisite jobs. This is very difficult task for a direct, individual EB-5 case.
9. File I-829 conditions removal application.