This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. In order for us to continue the processing of your application, a visa officer requires the following information and documents. Please submit your documents as a single package. In order for us to match your package with your application, please include a copy of this letter in the package.
Complete or provide proof of completion of the Immigration medical examination for yourself and Spouse/Common-law partner.
Valid passport or travel document for yourself and Spouse/Common-law partner.
Pay the Right of Permanent Residence fee for yourself and Spouse/Common-law partner.
Please note that passports must be originals.
太荒诞了,今天收到HK的mail for last reminder for ME,说我老婆的体检报告还没收到,再不做就要取消申请资格了!但是我老婆的体检是和我一起做的,7月28日。真恐怖,难道医院还会漏寄体检报告?或者遗失?这么小概率的事我都碰得到啊,真是不顺。另,我的ME 5月15号就发了,但是由于加拿大邮政罢工,我温哥华的代理7月20号才收到的通知,已经够冤了,现在又碰到这事,我觉得前途黑暗啊。各位,我除了写信申冤外,还能干嘛?就是等VO的回复么?现在医院体检不给报告复印件,实在是让人不放心啊。
太荒诞了,今天收到HK的mail for last reminder for ME,说我老婆的体检报告还没收到,再不做就要取消申请资格了!但是我老婆的体检是和我一起做的,7月28日。真恐怖,难道医院还会漏寄体检报告?或者遗失?这么小概率的事我都碰得到啊,真是不顺。另,我的ME 5月15号就发了,但是由于加拿大邮政罢工,我温哥华的代理7月20号才收到的通知,已经够冤了,现在又碰到这事,我觉得前途黑暗啊。各位,我除了写信申冤外,还能干嘛?就是等VO的回复么?现在医院体检不给报告复印件,实在是让人不放心啊。