回复: 卡城流水账
Sait Update
You were offered a seat to attend SAIT Polytechnic. Your offer letter stated a $250.00 tuition deposit was due in order to hold your seat.
We require this deposit be paid within the next 5 business days. If the deposit is unpaid after 5 business days we must assume you are no longer interested in the program and we will cancel your application and offer the next student.
As payment cannot be made on-line, please call our Contact Centre at 403-284-7248 (toll free 1-877-284-7248) with a Visa or Mastercard. If unable to pay with Visa or Mastercard, you can visit Student Services, 2nd floor, Heritage Hall Building.
Hours of Operation:
Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 8:15 am to 4:30 pm
Weds 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
If you wish to cancel your application, please reply to this email with your cancellation reason.
看到邮件我马上跑到sait把钱给交了,顺便到student service咨询了一些问题,得到的答复如下,
1. 申请funding和student loan的相关信息?
2. 申请时间
答:我的课程是明年秋天的课程,所以最早接受申请的时间是明年6月初,申请审理需要4-6周,大概7月中旬会收到确认信,确认是否可以拿到funding或者loan,能拿到的金额等。收到确认信后再去sait student service找他们确认,看他们是否也收到了你的确认。
如果申请杯具,那么就得赶紧自己掏钱,在8月初之前把学费交上。具体的dead line到时候会收到一封信,信里有说明。
3. 我交了250刀的deposit,这个座位会给我留到什么时间?
4. 我的课程具体开始日期是哪天?我八月打算离开卡城两周左右,会不会耽误办理相关手续?
答:我的课程开始具体日期是9月9号,一般情况下,8月中旬所有手续包括funding和loan就都能搞定了,如果我需要离开,8月下旬应该可以,离开前找student service的人确认一下是否还有未完成的手续,通知他们你会离开多长时间,他们确认没问题了,就没什么可担心的了。