回复: 办理小孩团聚的朋友一起交流一下吧
Valid passport or travel document for 孩子
Hospital records before and after birth.
Evidence that your sponsor resides in Canada. This includes but is not limited to: pay stubs,
T4 slips, most recent NOA, utility bills, tenancy agreement/mortgage payment, letter of employment, banking history, etc. Driver’s licenses, property tax assessments, social insurance or health insurance cards are not sufficient.
Notarised non-objection declaration signed by 老公
National identification of 老公
CSQ: Certificat de sélection du Québec from the ministère de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles.
A self-addressed courier waybill.
2.孩子的出生前后医院证明是不是要医院的记录,需要做公证吗?还是自己翻译就可以?后面VO补了一个邮件是要birth certificate,那是不是提供出生证就可以了?