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回复: 办理小孩团聚的朋友一起交流一下吧

我还没有收到邮件。但是看到CIC的网站上已经说DECISION MADE.可是不知道这个DECISION 是说我通过了还是没有通过。还说在6月20日有寄相关信件我。很担心啊。不知道大家通过时在网站上的状态是怎样的。
回复: 办理小孩团聚的朋友一起交流一下吧

收到了CIC的信件。有两封信函,一封说我的担保资格通过,孩子的资料已经寄往北京大使馆审批。还有一封信说我的担保资料已寄往我所在的城市Edmonton。以后由当地的签证官与我联系。不太明白这是什么意思。不是担保资格通过了么?CIC MISSISSAUGA为什么还要把我的资料寄往Edmonton?请问大家是不是都是收到了两份信函。
回复: 办理小孩团聚的朋友一起交流一下吧

我还没有收到邮件。但是看到CIC的网站上已经说DECISION MADE.可是不知道这个DECISION 是说我通过了还是没有通过。还说在6月20日有寄相关信件我。很担心啊。不知道大家通过时在网站上的状态是怎样的。
我网上的状态是application received,但是有电邮通知我的资格已经通过,没有邮件。
回复: 办理小孩团聚的朋友一起交流一下吧

回复: 办理小孩团聚的朋友一起交流一下吧


我孩子在加做过体检,cic网上有指定的医生,打电话去前预约,打印递交材料时的package中的MEDICAL EXAM表.医生给你一个他签过字的表,自己寄到CIC.你DM1过了,就直接寄LOCAL OFFICE.


回复: 办理小孩团聚的朋友一起交流一下吧

我孩子在加做过体检,cic网上有指定的医生,打电话去前预约,打印递交材料时的package中的MEDICAL EXAM表.医生给你一个他签过字的表,自己寄到CIC.你DM1过了,就直接寄LOCAL OFFICE.


请问那个MEDICAL EXAM表在哪里可以找到?是不是[FONT=&quot]IMM 1017E。[/FONT]我没有收到那个表,但是上次邮件里面提到了一句要小孩体检。我打电话去一个医生,那里的前台说对于已经提交的申请要一个medical report,他们可以直接寄给CIC。
最后编辑: 2013-07-02
回复: 办理小孩团聚的朋友一起交流一下吧

请问那个MEDICAL EXAM表在哪里可以找到?是不是[FONT=&quot]IMM 1017E。[/FONT]我没有收到那个表,但是上次邮件里面提到了一句要小孩体检。我打电话去一个医生,那里的前台说对于已经提交的申请要一个medical report,他们可以直接寄给CIC。

Undergo your exam before you submit your application
This is called an up front medical exam.
You can contact a panel physician directly to get your medical exam if you apply under one of the following categories:
  • Family Class: Spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner
  • Family Class: Dependent children of the sponsor or the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner
Once your medical exam has been completed, the doctor will give you a document confirming that you underwent a medical exam. You must include a copy of that document with your application.

回复: 办理小孩团聚的朋友一起交流一下吧

请问那个MEDICAL EXAM表在哪里可以找到?是不是[FONT=&quot]IMM 1017E。[/FONT]我没有收到那个表,但是上次邮件里面提到了一句要小孩体检。我打电话去一个医生,那里的前台说对于已经提交的申请要一个medical report,他们可以直接寄给CIC。

Undergo your exam before you submit your application
This is called an up front medical exam.
You can contact a panel physician directly to get your medical exam if you apply under one of the following categories:
  • Family Class: Spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner
  • Family Class: Dependent children of the sponsor or the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner
Once your medical exam has been completed, the doctor will give you a document confirming that you underwent a medical exam. You must include a copy of that document with your application.
Once your medical exam has been completed, the doctor will give you a document confirming that you underwent a medical exam. You must include a copy of that document with your application.
If the doctor works with the eMedical electronic system:
  • they will give you an up-front medical notification printout.
If the doctor works with a paper system:
  • they will give you a copy of the IMM 1017B Upfront Medical Report form.
You must attach that form to your application before you submit it to the visa office. If you apply online, you must upload that form before you can submit your application

回复: 办理小孩团聚的朋友一起交流一下吧

真奇怪,我的确是在这里查的进度,但又试了一次,用FN,用UCI都查不到任何记录,无论是sponsorship的,还是principal application的都没有。


我比你强点,但是也差不多,我倒是能查到状态,但是已经让我寄护照了,但是状态始终没变过一直是application received
回复: 办理小孩团聚的朋友一起交流一下吧

请问各位同学, 我家孩子3月6日提交申请,4月DM1并转交香港。7月1日已经DM2,目前在等待大信封。你们的大信封是怎么收到的? 是平信还是挂号信? 收信地址是中国,如果家里没人在, 邮递员会把信封放在我家的信箱里吗?邮递公司是中国邮政吗?
回复: 办理小孩团聚的朋友一起交流一下吧


Undergo your exam before you submit your application
This is called an up front medical exam.
You can contact a panel physician directly to get your medical exam if you apply under one of the following categories:
  • Family Class: Spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner
  • Family Class: Dependent children of the sponsor or the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner
Once your medical exam has been completed, the doctor will give you a document confirming that you underwent a medical exam. You must include a copy of that document with your application.
Once your medical exam has been completed, the doctor will give you a document confirming that you underwent a medical exam. You must include a copy of that document with your application.
If the doctor works with the eMedical electronic system:
  • they will give you an up-front medical notification printout.
If the doctor works with a paper system:
  • they will give you a copy of the IMM 1017B Upfront Medical Report form.
You must attach that form to your application before you submit it to the visa office. If you apply online, you must upload that form before you can submit your application


回复: 办理小孩团聚的朋友一起交流一下吧

请问各位同学, 我家孩子3月6日提交申请,4月DM1并转交香港。7月1日已经DM2,目前在等待大信封。你们的大信封是怎么收到的? 是平信还是挂号信? 收信地址是中国,如果家里没人在, 邮递员会把信封放在我家的信箱里吗?邮递公司是中国邮政吗?




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