麦考林本月的杂志封面故事是:who earns what
Maclean’s magazine reveals who earns what
Toronto police Chief Bill Blair earns nearly 2½ times the salary of Winnipeg Police Chief Devon Clunis but hockey pundit Don Cherry earns more than twice what Blair does, a new survey of who earns what in Canada says.
The salary cheat sheet is the cover story of this week’s
Maclean’s magazine.
At the top of the pile, not surprisingly, stands shirtless superstar Justin Bieber, who raked in $55 million, followed Michael Bublé ($37 million). Next comes Blue Jays outfielder Jose Bautista’s $14 million, Sidney Crosby’s $12 million and Hollywood star Ryan Gosling, with up to $10 million.
Actor Ellen Page nabs $5 million a picture, while Gordon Pinsent’s day rate is $5,000.
Toronto-born supermodel Coco Rocha, who even makes news when she cuts her hair, collected $2 million last year.
The 15-page report covers everyone from bus drivers to bank chief executive officers to animal trappers.
“I think it’s a Canadian thing” not to talk about salaries, Maclean’s senior editor Jason Kirby said, who announced the survey with the subtitle “The Last Dirty Secret.”
It might be more than politeness. What particularly struck Kirby is how much more Canada pays its senior public servants than the U.S. does, including police chiefs.
Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz’s $431,800 to $507,900 a year far eclipses U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s $199,700, and Canada’s Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin’s $379,900 dwarfs U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ $223,500.
Chicago’s Chief Garry McCarthy’s income is $260,004 a year.
Blair’s $367,719 annual income puts him just above the very top end for a major league baseball umpire at $350,000 (the low end is $120,000) but way below heart surgeons ($802,736 in Saskatchewan; $382,492 in Quebec) and top earning Calgary lawyers ($477,457).
Cherry’s salary is $800,000 a year.
Statistics Canada reported in February that the average Canadian income was up year over year to roughly $47,200.
The Canadian average for plumbers, Maclean’s reports, is $69,160; for garbage collectors, $55,407 and for housekeepers, $39,520.
In Toronto, the average without overtime for transit drivers is $59,300; rickshaw drivers can run up wages of $30,000 to $45,000
Maclean’s city comparison reveals a wide disparity across the country:
- The average wages for a roofer in Montreal are $67,282, compared with $49,498 in Regina.
- The median income of taxi drivers in Vancouver is $25,332 and in Ontario, $47,424.
- For real estate agents, the average in Toronto is $61,651 and in Vancouver, $87,694.
As kids get ready to go back to school, the Maclean’s list offers some career guidelines based on earnings:
- The range for a Cirque du Soleil acrobat, Contortionist or trapeze artist is $40,000 to $70,000 a year.
- For a Stratford Festival actor, $1,127.67 a week is minimum; for a Stratford director, $20,700 a year.
- For a courtroom sketch artist, $30,000 a year. A reality TV director, $150,000 a year.
An Ottawa hairdresser ($45,902) earns about half of what a Newfoundland ferry captain does ($90,111), Maclean’s says. Between them lie the wages of a Calgary Zoo elephant keeper ($60,524).
Maclean’s used union contracts, government lists and websites such as
glassdoor.com and
workingincanada.gc.ca to compile its list, Kirby said.