“Selection standards are objective and clearly defined, and eligibility can be assessed in Straightforward Cases through the information provided on the application for permanent residence forms and the accompanying supporting documentation. In COLOR="blue"]most cases, officers should be able to make selection decisions―either to approve or refuse applications―from the documentation provided.”
“Any concerns officers have regarding the accuracy or authenticity of information or documentation should be communicated to the applicant, whether these concerns are raised as the result of site visits, telephone checks or other means. Concerns can be communicated to the applicant in writing or at interview.“
总之,一旦背调开始,既可能意味着VO对你的材料的真实性已经产生了怀疑,用背调来求证,即所谓定点求证(Targeted Verifications),也可能只是申请人在随机抽查求证(Random Verifications)中被抽中。CIC要求各签证处必须保证背调和面试的数量和百分比达到一个可以使其成为有意义的威慑物的数字,以使企图作弊者望而生畏。 这种说法似乎与我们目前网上流行的对于背调的可能性的态度不相吻合,当然原因之一应该是我们在网上能够接触的到的技术移民case毕竟只是每年总量中很小的一个部分---A really small fraction of the whole picture
“Visa offices will be expected to undertake both targeted and random verifications to detect and deter fraud. The number and percentage of cases subjected to verification should be high enough to act as a meaningful disincentive to those who would attempt such practices.”
申请人一旦作弊(CIC的统一说法是Material Misrepresentation,字面意思即"材料的不当陈述,假报"),请注意这个“假,不当(mis)”既包括蓄意的直接作假,也包括变相的间接参与(both directly and indirectly involved in such practices.)所以作弊被查出后,把责任推给中介是不被接受的!将面临的惩罚是两年内不得再次提出申请。
“A40 makes material misrepresentation a grounds for inadmissibility in its own right and prescribes a two-year BAN on those both directly and indirectly involved in such practices.”
没有数据统计,我觉得从那句话“...high enough to act as a MEANINGFUL disincentive....”来猜测,各签证处应该是以自己受理的case总量,最后签发Visa的数量,之前统计的各类型,各地区申请case的作弊比例等等因素来综合决定应该进行多少背调比较合适,比较能让想要作弊的人产生惧怕感。