回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!
1,加拿大冬季的official运动 —— hockey
2,从East到West走过的第一个省 ——Newfoundland and Labrador
3,Acadians是谁 ——descendants of French colonists in Maritime
4,为什么英语和法语都是加拿大的official language —— they both settle Canada 那个选项
5,The great majority of Canadians identify as Christians —— True
6,Remembrance Day是纪念什么的 —— 答案太长了,在22页第一段第一句话就是了。
7,three key facts about Canada's system of government —— federal state, parliamentary democracy, constitutional monarchy
8,Judical branch包括什么 —— Supreme Court of Canada, Federal Court of Canada, Provincial Courts (29页)
9,选举资格 —— 18岁,加拿大公民
10,Everyone is innocent until proven guilty —— True (36页)
11,1922重建的建筑 —— the Parliament
12,符合Official Languages Act内容的是 —— 答案见39页
13,NAFTA是 —— Mexico,USA,Canada的Free Trade Agreement (42页)
14,75%的人工作在什么行业 —— Service Industries
15,Sir John Alexander Macdonald是谁 —— First PM
16,West Coast的省份 —— BC
17,成为加拿大公民后 —— 可以申请护照
18:选举日期-----(the third monday in october )in every four years(填空题)
19:privileges canadian citizen ----a:做sovereign b:rigth to vote c:忘记了d:all of above
20:国旗颜色----red & white