
回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013

1, ____ protects you to vote?
Secret ballot
2, How many seats in Parliament?
3, ** you selected to represent you in __________ .
the House of commons.
4, the equality of woman and man.
5, what are Canadian freedoms?
6, Canada's diversity includes gay and lesbian ....(orignal words from the book) .....including access to civil marriage.
7, New comes are expected to .......
The rules of the law.
8, who you take an oath to................
Queen Elizabeth II
9, Central Canada provinces......
ON and QC
10, Natural resource
Fishing and Mining
11, which in O Canada repeat twice?
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
12, The highest honour of Canada
The Victoria
13, the Prairie provineces
M, S, A
14, Black loyalist were well established here before Europe.
15, The Dominion of Canada was created on July 1, 1867, that why July 1 is Canada Day
16, Sir Paschal, George-Cartie, John A Macdonald,
The fathers of confederation
17, three parts of parliament
S, S, HM
18,Qebec rapid change in 1960,
Quiet Revolution
19, volunteer
help others without pay
20,forgot unfortunately.

回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013


回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013

<Discover Canada> P11:NB is the only officially bilingual province.

I don't think I answered your question...but you can check it in the book.

是正确的-NB is the only officially bilingual province


回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013

各位同胞 俺刚刚考试回来。
多伦多Scarborough Town Centre
2013年圣诞大停电前接到通知说1月8日考试(多好的日子啊 1月8号 要发发发 呵呵)

因为不熟悉从车站怎么走到考试building 早到1个小时。坐在那里后来就头好晕,很困,想睡觉啊。

现在可以告诉那些和我一样坐TTC的 没必要早到 只要考试前10-15钟最好 这样排队站前面些先入考场 值得一提是除了考场这个入口 考场房间的一面墙还有个门通向面试房间 最好坐前2排靠那个房门的 这样你可以方便早些交卷 过去面试房间也坐最前排 好听听前面正面试的人都被问了什么 。

至于交卷时间和面试的关系:个人觉得前10名到15名先交卷的基本都会得到早早面试先结束 因为后面的都会压到底下了反而会慢些。

说是考试1点半开始 结果等2点多了才开始。 笔试开始加面试全过程(中间加上等面试)我个人总共不过12分钟结束,感觉好快啊。我比较运气阿 面试官是个中年白人lady 金发的 有几分姿色 是几个女人中最友善的,她语言也好,由她宣布考试纪律。我刚坐下她就跟我说你考得很好之类的 接着就告知我你会在2个月内接到宣誓通知。我心里惊讶阿,心想你不是要问很多问题么,后来她只是要了这些材料:
- 护照有照片页复印件 + 有效期页复印件 (我还有过期本也给她了)
- 核对了Driver License+ Health Card (奇怪 没看PR Card)
- 问了工作情况 一句带过 我想多聊几句看她似乎也没兴趣 只好打住
- 正等着她问出国情况 她又笑了,说了第二遍你2个月内收到宣誓通知

我只好收拾书包了 整个面试不到3分钟 好短 感到没过瘾 后来连连跟她说再会 依依惜别之类的

考题简单 什么历史人物 时间 啥都没考 竟然还来一个对错题。那本Discover Canada 我可是全书通背的阿 呜呜 我觉得20题应该全对的 因为实在是太简单了 结果告知对了19个 实在不知道哪个错了 郁闷。

光顾着准备面试了 再加上太早去了那里 很晕很困 很快就忘记大部分考题了 不好意思哈
1题:公民考试用的材料叫啥: Discover Canada
2题:有一个15岁人的大选那天出国 问他可以(加怎么)参加选举么 (很怪的题 ):No he must be 18years or older
3题:Women Suffrage Movement helps get women to shool and work (true/false): False
4题 (又很妖 似乎语法都不对 这句就是原题)Which provinces below are part of Prairies:答案只能是这个阿:Manitoba, Saskachwan, Alberta
5. People wear red poppies on? : Nov 11th Rememberance Day
6. A judge broke the law, is he subject to law 之类: everyone is subject to law
7. which discovery below saves millions of peoples' lives with diabeties: Insulin
8. Constitutional Act of 1791 : divided Province of Quebec to Upper Canada and Lower Canada and allowed for 1st time legislatures assembly to be elected by people
9. Which one of these is NOT among citizens' responsibilities: report to police about a crime/ an accident
10: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI, and Newfound Land Labrador belong to which region: Atlantic provinces
11. which is Canadian Royal Anthem: God Save the queen
12.Her Majesty's representatives in Canada are: the Governor General and Lieutenant Governor
13. one of tasks (or responsibilities 我不记得具体单词)of Canadian Forces is : to defend Canada
14. Dominion of Canada is celebrated for (这个题我现在回忆起来觉得我错的可能是这个 ): 我选的是 anniversary of conferation 当时觉得很对压根就没看别的选项 我现在重新看书 上说celebrating that Canada became self-governing dominion
15。还有一题提到publicly-funded education的 不记得考试怎么问得了 大家可以看书P24第二段末尾


最后编辑: 2014-01-08
回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013

我的情况特殊 因为我有2本护照 一个新的 一个过期的 因为是延期的

没有复印也不要紧 考试前让你举手 他们帮笔试前统一复印
回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013

各位同胞 俺刚刚考试回来。
多伦多Scarborough Town Centre
2013年圣诞大停电前接到通知说1月8日考试(多好的日子啊 1月8号 要发发发 呵呵)

因为不熟悉从车站怎么走到考试building 早到1个小时。坐在那里后来就头好晕,很困,想睡觉啊。

现在可以告诉那些和我一样坐TTC的 没必要早到 只要考试前10-15钟最好 这样排队站前面些先入考场 值得一提是除了考场这个入口 考场房间的一面墙还有个门通向面试房间 最好坐前2排靠那个房门的 这样你可以方便早些交卷 过去面试房间也坐最前排 好听听前面正面试的人都被问了什么 。

至于交卷时间和面试的关系:个人觉得前10名到15名先交卷的基本都会得到早早面试先结束 因为后面的都会压到底下了反而会慢些。

说是考试1点半开始 结果等2点多了才开始。 笔试开始加面试全过程(中间加上等面试)我个人总共不过12分钟结束,感觉好快啊。我比较运气阿 面试官是个中年白人lady 金发的 有几分姿色 是几个女人中最友善的,她语言也好,由她宣布考试纪律。我刚坐下她就跟我说你考得很好之类的 接着就告知我你会在2个月内接到宣誓通知。我心里惊讶阿,心想你不是要问很多问题么,后来她只是要了这些材料:
- 护照有照片页复印件 + 有效期页复印件 (我还有过期本也给她了)
- 核对了Driver License+ Health Card (奇怪 没看PR Card)
- 问了工作情况 一句带过 我想多聊几句看她似乎也没兴趣 只好打住
- 正等着她问出国情况 她又笑了,说了第二遍你2个月内收到宣誓通知

我只好收拾书包了 整个面试不到3分钟 好短 感到没过瘾 后来连连跟她说再会 依依惜别之类的

考题简单 什么历史人物 时间 啥都没考 竟然还来一个对错题。那本Discover Canada 我可是全书通背的阿 呜呜 我觉得20题应该全对的 因为实在是太简单了 结果告知对了19个 实在不知道哪个错了 郁闷。

光顾着准备面试了 再加上太早去了那里 很晕很困 很快就忘记大部分考题了 不好意思哈
1题:公民考试用的材料叫啥: Discover Canada
2题:有一个15岁人的大选那天出国 问他可以(加怎么)参加选举么 (很怪的题 ):No he must be 18years or older
3题:Women Suffrage Movement helps get women to shool and work (true/false): False
4题 (又很妖 似乎语法都不对 这句就是原题)Which provinces below are part of Prairies:答案只能是这个阿:Manitoba, Saskachwan, Alberta
5. People wear red poppies on? : Nov 11th Rememberance Day
6. A judge broke the law, is he subject to law 之类: everyone is subject to law
7. which discovery below saves millions of peoples' lives with diabeties: Insulin
8. Constitutional Act of 1791 : divided Province of Quebec to Upper Canada and Lower Canada and allowed for 1st time legislatures assembly to be elected by people
9. Which one of these is NOT among citizens' responsibilities: report to police about a crime/ an accident
10: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI, and Newfound Land Labrador belong to which region: Atlantic provinces
11. which is Canadian Royal Anthem: God Save the queen
12.Her Majesty's representatives in Canada are: the Governor General and Lieutenant Governor
13. one of tasks (or responsibilities 我不记得具体单词)of Canadian Forces is : to defend Canada
14. Dominion of Canada is celebrated for (这个题我现在回忆起来觉得我错的可能是这个 ): 我选的是 anniversary of conferation 当时觉得很对压根就没看别的选项 我现在重新看书 上说celebrating that Canada became self-governing dominion
15。还有一题提到publicly-funded education的 不记得考试怎么问得了 大家可以看书P24第二段末尾



回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013





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