
回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013

For how long did the Hudson Bay Company control the northern lands?
A. 180 years.
B. 150 years.
C. 300 years.
D. 220 years.
回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013

--女权运动, 争取投票权
--secret ballot
--modern energy industry是从什么时候开始的? 答案是从1947年在ab发现oil

今天, 4月19日, 2014,刚烤回来.受益于前面朋友分享的经验, 我全答对了.很高兴贡献些新的部分.
我在KITCHENER烤的.应该16个人参考,但是实到14位. 考试30分钟. 大多数人15分钟交卷.
DISCOVER CANADA一定要认真看.千万别当成武打小说. 每个细节都要记清楚. 前面同学提供的题目都会做就很保险了.但是如果万无一失,大家还要在书上多花时间. 我碰到一个没见过的题目是Confederation的时候, FATHERS设定了两级政府. 省级政府负责神马. 应该选教育.
其它的题目都是以前朋友们提到过的,比如BEAVER, DISCOVER CANDA, NOV.11, DOMINION OF CANADA(是纪念加拿大做为一个独立国家.有另外一个选项是庆祝多元文化,貌似有点着边).
回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013


2013年7月2日多伦多 / Scarborough Town center
1.Ontario province has the most people

2.If you need a layer but cannot afford it, what can you do?
Ask for legal aid service.
3who can ask you about whom you vote? no one

4.which one is canadas best known symbol and natonal police force? RCMP

5.which countries fought in the battle of plain of abraham? france and UK

6.what we do on rememberance day? remember the sacrifine of brave fallen

7.who is canadas biggest trading partner? USA

8.Quiet revolution of Quebec

9.federal state, parliament democracy , constitutional monarchy

10.which one is not a responsibility of a citizen ? own a house.

11.what are the rights that canadian citizen can enjoy? freedom of thought. other answers are not correct

12.from where Canada word comes from? aboriginal word for "village"

13.who is the father of manitoba and defender of metis right - louise reil.

14.what are the two official sports? hockey and lacrosse

15.Due to the equality men and women, which of the following is not tolerated by Canadians?
A. spouse abuse; B. “Honor Killing”; C. forced marriage; D. All of the above. Answer: D

16.to whom we pledge allegiance during oath?

17.1759年the Battle of the plains of Abraham 发生在哪两个国家之间----French and Great Britain

18.What is the name of the Royal Anthem of Canada?
God Save the Queen (or King)

19.Judge can be exempt from the law?
No one

20.Who do you vote for in federal elections?
Local Member of parliament
回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013


2013年7月2日多伦多 / Scarborough Town center
1.Ontario province has the most people

2.If you need a layer but cannot afford it, what can you do?
Ask for legal aid service.
3who can ask you about whom you vote? no one

4.which one is canadas best known symbol and natonal police force? RCMP

5.which countries fought in the battle of plain of abraham? france and UK

6.what we do on rememberance day? remember the sacrifine of brave fallen

7.who is canadas biggest trading partner? USA

8.Quiet revolution of Quebec

9.federal state, parliament democracy , constitutional monarchy

10.which one is not a responsibility of a citizen ? own a house.

11.what are the rights that canadian citizen can enjoy? freedom of thought. other answers are not correct

12.from where Canada word comes from? aboriginal word for "village"

13.who is the father of manitoba and defender of metis right - louise reil.

14.what are the two official sports? hockey and lacrosse

15.Due to the equality men and women, which of the following is not tolerated by Canadians?
A. spouse abuse; B. “Honor Killing”; C. forced marriage; D. All of the above. Answer: D

16.to whom we pledge allegiance during oath?

17.1759年the Battle of the plains of Abraham 发生在哪两个国家之间----French and Great Britain

18.What is the name of the Royal Anthem of Canada?
God Save the Queen (or King)

19.Judge can be exempt from the law?
No one

20.Who do you vote for in federal elections?
Local Member of parliament




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