出租, 便利, moncton, dieppe

  1. P

    大温哥华 近UBC,半地下室阳光充足,全新家具电器,只租750

    距UBC2.3公里的独立屋,门前有公交车直达UBC。半地下室, 窗外有阳光、花草、苹果树。豪华家具购自The Brick,另有电冰箱、烤箱,全新。41平方米,一房一卫一停车位。特别欢迎UBC女生入住。如有任何要求欢迎提出。电:604-366-7078。微信:panyuhong5
  2. J

    房屋出租, 全包

    The two normal size bedrooms are furnished with new beddings. One bed is new. They are on the second floor sharing one full-size washroom. Each room has a suitable window. Walk-in or regular big size cupboard and standing table with layers of drawers are provided. The two rooms are available...