该死的英文, 总是让我有挫败感


The Power of fully experiencing and working on your strength.
Theses are the Breakthroughs after reading the “Tao of fully feeling” by Pete Walker.

The first time in my life I had a healthy response to an emotional wounded talk so it didn’t upgrade to a fight.
My husband said:”You don't love me because everything I do get you mad so easy. You say you love me but this is not LOVE.” Instead of responding with “ I love you but you don’t see it. “ or “I don’t love you because you are a jerk. ” Amazingly I said “My love is not perfect but it’s still love.” Yes it’s still love, love with its full colors: ups and down, shiny or dull, sad or joyful, satisfied or disappointed. Instead of rebuking or criticizing his feelings I allowed him to fully feel and address my side of the truth. My side of story is also part of the picture and part of fully feeling. I learned from Pete Walker “ The Tao of fully feeling” that feelings or emotions can be ambivalent or complex. You can feel love and hate, like or dislike, apathy and care at the same time or even more complex. You may love a person while have some negative feelings sometimes. You may love your favorite channels while hate some content of it. Anyway, all emotions are crucial to human being. There isn’t necessarily have to be black or white or choosing one side of the extremes. The opposite parts of your feelings can be complementary. These contradictions help you see a clearer and whole picture of the truth and facts. Feelings or emotions may not be the facts and truth but they are reflections of them. Not only negative emotions are necessary and unavoidable, even the bad things in life can be inspiring, protective or preventative. They open doorways of possibilities. Instead of resisting and fighting against them we can just embrace them as part of our journeys. We don’t need to get rid of all the negative things or garbages in life. There is a better solution of being healthy and getting strong . By experiencing the power of positivity wholeheartedly we are able to turn on the mode of detoxing the negativity. Just like our body has the function of detoxing itself .The more we focus on nourishment the more we are empowered to detox the garbage. Thank to the negativity because it allows us to know how powerful we can be.
It is amazing to jump out the world of perfectionism and allow ourselves to be imperfect and fully feel! First time in my life I felt so healthy and balanced in my mind. No matter what happens I hold dear to my heart knowing that happiness and love do not need to be perfect. What I need to chase after is the strength and power of positivity. Fully experience life in every aspect and what you truly believe will stand out and become a pillar of your life. Focus on the nourishment, garbages get cleaned. Work on your strength, weaknesses get improved. Look at what’s going well, life keeps growing. Address the truth, lies flee away.
最后编辑: 2019-04-10

The Power of fully experiencing and working on your strength.
Theses are the Breakthroughs after reading the “Tao of fully feeling” by Pete Walker.

The first time in my life I had a healthy response to an emotional wounded talk so it didn’t upgrade to a fight.
My husband said:”You don't love me because everything I do get you mad so easy. You say you love me but this is not LOVE.” Instead of responding with “ I love you but you don’t see it. “ or “I don’t love you because you are a jerk. ” Amazingly I said “My love is not perfect but it’s still love.” Yes it’s still love, love with its full colors: ups and down, shiny or dull, sad or joyful, satisfied or disappointed. Instead of rebuking or criticizing his feelings I allowed him to fully feel and address my side of the truth. My side of story is also part of the picture and part of fully feeling. I learned from Pete Walker “ The Tao of fully feeling” that feelings or emotions can be ambivalent or complex. You can feel love and hate, like or dislike, apathy and care at the same time or even more complex. You may love a person while have some negative feelings sometimes. You may love your favorite channels while hate some content of it. Anyway, all emotions are crucial to human being. There isn’t necessarily have to be black or white or choosing one side of the extremes. The opposite parts of your feelings can be complementary. These contradictions help you see a clearer and whole picture of the truth and facts. Feelings or emotions may not be the facts and truth but they are reflections of them. Not only negative emotions are necessary and unavoidable, even the bad things in life can be inspiring, protective or preventative. They open doorways of possibilities. Instead of resisting and fighting against them we can just embrace them as part of our journeys. We don’t need to get rid of all the negative things or garbages in life. There is a better solution of being healthy and getting strong . By experiencing the power of positivity wholeheartedly we are able to turn on the mode of detoxing the negativity. Just like our body has the function of detoxing itself .The more we focus on nourishment the more we are empowered to detox the garbage. Thank to the negativity because it allows us to know how powerful we can be.
It is amazing to jump out the world of perfectionism and allow ourselves to be imperfect and fully feel! First time in my life I felt so healthy and balanced in my mind. No matter what happens I hold dear to my heart knowing that happiness and love do not need to be perfect. What I need to chase after is the strength and power of positivity. Fully experience life in every aspect and what you truly believe will stand out and become a pillar of your life. Focus on the nourishment, garbages get cleaned. Work on your strength, weaknesses get improved. Look at what’s going well, life keeps growing. Address the truth, lies flee away.
nicely done.
Very cool.
My husband said:”You don't love me because everything I do get you mad so easy. You say you love me but this is not LOVE.” Instead of responding with “ I love you but you don’t see it. “ or “I don’t love you because you are a jerk. ” Amazingly I said “My love is not perfect but it’s still love.” Yes it’s still love, love with its full colors: ups and down, shiny or dull, sad or joyful, satisfied or disappointed. Instead of rebuking or criticizing his feelings I allowed him to fully feel and address my side of the truth. My side of story is also part of the picture and part of fully feeling. I learned from Pete Walker “ The Tao of fully feeling” that feelings or emotions can be ambivalent or complex. You can feel love and hate, like or dislike, apathy and care at the same time or even more complex. You may love a person while have some negative feelings sometimes. You may love your favorite channels while hate some content of it. Anyway, all emotions are crucial to human being. There isn’t necessarily have to be black or white or choosing one side of the extremes. The opposite parts of your feelings can be complementary. These contradictions help you see a clearer and whole picture of the truth and facts. Feelings or emotions may not be the facts and truth but they are reflections of them. Not only negative emotions are necessary and unavoidable, even the bad things in life can be inspiring, protective or preventative. They open doorways of possibilities. Instead of resisting and fighting against them we can just embrace them as part of our journeys. We don’t need to get rid of all the negative things or garbages in life. There is a better solution of being healthy and getting strong . By experiencing the power of positivity wholeheartedly we are able to turn on the mode of detoxing the negativity. Just like our body has the function of detoxing itself .The more we focus on nourishment the more we are empowered to detox the garbage. Thank to the negativity because it allows us to know how powerful we can be.
It is amazing to jump out the world of perfectionism and allow ourselves to be imperfect and fully feel! First time in my life I felt so healthy and balanced in my mind. No matter what happens I hold dear to my heart knowing that happiness and love do not need to be perfect. What I need to chase after is the strength and power of positivity. Fully experience life in every aspect and what you truly believe will stand out and become a pillar of your life. Focus on the nourishment, garbages get cleaned. Work on your strength, weaknesses get improved. Look at what’s going well, life keeps growing. Address the truth, lies flee away.

I love English exactly like you love your husband.
乱七八糟, love english, love husband. 小葡萄如果哪天再次离婚,你怎么处理。 中文式的比喻,太烂。
我祝愿--------和她丈夫白头偕老, 从爱到爱恨交加, 从爱恨交加到爱得越来越多, 恨越来越少, 就象我对英文的热爱: 有时沮丧, 有时欣喜; 有时爱, 有时恨.........
乱七八糟, love english, love husband. 小葡萄如果哪天再次离婚,你怎么处理。 中文式的比喻,太烂。
Today I participated in the Sun Run. It was hailing, but I still think that it was a great day overall.
Hailing? Good lord! I was in the Sun Run once many years ago. I walked all the way instead of running. So to me it was the Sun Walk. :giggle:

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