家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版

Anybody knows about the police certificate and clearances?

Hi, there, I will apply for my husband's immigration. It says that "all police certificates must be originals; photocopies are not acceptable. If your certificates are in a language other than English or French, you must attach a certified (notarized) traslation with the certificates."

But when do the notarization, they won't give the original back, since they need to keep a record. So what should we do about it? What did you guys do? Asking for the police office another original statement or just only submit the notarized one?

Thank you so much for reply! I am really looking forward to any answer!
Anyone come to Montreal from Shanghai at the beginning of April?

Anyone come to Montreal from Shanghai at the beginning of April?
I have some important documents to bring to Montreal from Shanghai. If you can help to bring them here, it would be very appreciated! And I'm willing to help you if you need.

Pls contact: giraffe_pp@hotmail.com

Thanks a lot!
Anyone come to Montreal from Shanghai at the beginning of April?

I have some important documents to bring to Montreal from Shanghai. If you can help to bring them here, it would be very appreciated! And I'm willing to help you if you need.

Pls contact: giraffe_pp@hotmail.com

Thanks a lot!




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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