家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版


今天去cics,里面的clerk说我是04年登陆的,应该报税.我跟他说04年是短登,06年长登,且06的税还没有报,所以没办法拿到option c printout,但他对我说04,05,06年都应该报,我要等能拿到这个表才能申请我小孩团聚,但我的一位朋友说我短登不是税务居民是不应该报税的.我现在真不知怎么办了,不知大家有没有这方面的经验呀.


回复: 急问:关于小孩团聚出现了新问题

今天去cics,里面的clerk说我是04年登陆的,应该报税.我跟他说04年是短登,06年长登,且06的税还没有报,所以没办法拿到option c printout,但他对我说04,05,06年都应该报,我要等能拿到这个表才能申请我小孩团聚,但我的一位朋友说我短登不是税务居民是不应该报税的.我现在真不知怎么办了,不知大家有没有这方面的经验呀.
回复: 急问:关于小孩团聚出现了新问题

今天去cics,里面的clerk说我是04年登陆的,应该报税.我跟他说04年是短登,06年长登,且06的税还没有报,所以没办法拿到option c printout,但他对我说04,05,06年都应该报,我要等能拿到这个表才能申请我小孩团聚,但我的一位朋友说我短登不是税务居民是不应该报税的.我现在真不知怎么办了,不知大家有没有这方面的经验呀.
回复: 急问:关于小孩团聚出现了新问题

RE: Explanation for not having “Option C Printout”
I first landed in Canada on Nov.17, 2003 as a new immigrant. I went back China in December 2003 because of maintaining the relationships with my girlfriend and getting married with her later. Since I have never worked in Canada so far, I am not familiar with the Canadian Taxation information of personal income. I tried to declare once in early 2004 with the “0” income. But because of my moving, I did not receive any response from tax office. This year in August, I returned to Canada and got advice on October 23, 2006 from Canada Revenue Agency that my previous tax declaration was not necessary to be declared in 2004. Then, the agency helped me to change my new address and marriage status by filling out the form named “GST/HST credit application for individuals who become residents of Canada” and told me that the tax credit with my latest address and personal information will be changed after 3 months. My next declaration date will be the next year in 2007. Therefore, It is not possible for me to get the “Option C Printout” ready before the new declaration in 2007. (For the details, please kindly refer to Envelop-3 item No. 3.4.1: Photocopy of GST/HST credit application for individuals who become residents of Canada ( issued by Canada Revenue Agency)
My wife and I do not want to separate too long time, so I sent our application without Option C Printout. I hope you can kindly understand our situation. Thank you very much.


回复: 急问:关于小孩团聚出现了新问题





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