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Sponsorship for Parents

I want to sponsor my parents to immigrate to Canada. But I've called CIC today and they tell me this involves 2 steps. first step is have evaluation first within Canada, but that takes 25 months now. And then will process in the visa office outside Canada, and that's up to different visa offices... and I'm :wdb5: can anyone tell me is it true to take that long to sponsor parents now?? How come I seem to see other people have it done so fast :wdb2: Thanks~!
回复: Sponsorship for Parents

I want to sponsor my parents to immigrate to Canada. But I've called CIC today and they tell me this involves 2 steps. first step is have evaluation first within Canada, but that takes 25 months now. And then will process in the visa office outside Canada, and that's up to different visa offices... and I'm :wdb5: can anyone tell me is it true to take that long to sponsor parents now??
How come I seem to see other people have it done so fast :wdb2: Thanks~!
If you applied 5 years ago, the whole process took less then one year.

The official reason: sponsoring spouse and dependant children now have the high piority so there is not enough resource the handle parent / grand parent cases.




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