IMM0008 Generic (DETAILS OF FAMILY MEMBERS)怎么填啊? :wdb17:
cindy701 211 2007-06-07 #2 回复: 填表急需确定? 表上不是有说明吗,你可能看表上的说明呀。 include your spouse or common-law partner,if applicable, and all of your dependent children, and those of your spouse or common-law parter, who are not already permanent resident or citixens of Canada.
回复: 填表急需确定? 表上不是有说明吗,你可能看表上的说明呀。 include your spouse or common-law partner,if applicable, and all of your dependent children, and those of your spouse or common-law parter, who are not already permanent resident or citixens of Canada.