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工作签证 想去加国做住家保姆

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回复: 想去加国做住家保姆


恭喜你!我现在也准备递资料。你能分享你的Interview questions吗?:wdb10::wdb19::wdb6::wdb32:
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆


2009/JUN24TH ----JAN5TH 2009
JULY21TH----------JAN 19TH

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆



回复: 想去加国做住家保姆




haha ,一块钱人民币吗?那么太便宜了,还不够你敲这么多字啦!
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

OTTAWA Domestic caregivers recruited from abroad could find it easier to obtain permanent resident status in Canada under new federal rules being announced Saturday.

The live-in caregivers, who must pass a medical test to be admitted to Canada in the first place, also will no longer have to undergo a second medical examination when applying to become permanent residents.

The new medical standard was spurred by the heartbreaking tale of a caregiver who developed cancer while working in Canada and her painful fight to stay here.

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney will announce the changes at a news conference in Toronto.

The Toronto and Vancouver areas are among the major destinations for foreigners, most of whom are from the Philippines, who are hired to work as live-in caregivers for children and disabled and elderly Canadians.

The proposed new rules, which were outlined to Canwest News Service, are designed to address growing unhappiness over how caregivers are treated under the federal Live-In Caregiver Program.

The program, which dates back to 1992, is widely seen as ineffective in protecting caregivers from such abuse as being forced to work unacceptably long hours, having their passports withheld and being forced to perform duties beyond care giving.

The changes fall short of what many caregiver advocates have been demanding. Some argue, for example, caregivers should be granted permanent residency status as soon as they arrive so they are not so vulnerable to abuse by employers.

Rather than agreeing to immediate residency, the government says it's willing to let caregivers apply for permanent resident status earlier than is currently the case.

As it stands now, they must work for two years as live-in caregivers within the first three years of coming to Canada before they are eligible to apply.

Under the new rule, live-in caregivers would be eligible to apply once they have worked 3,900 hours, or the equivalent of working a standard workweek over two years.

The new rule acknowledges the reality that many caregivers work a lot of overtime, and, therefore, will be able to rack up the hours required for residency much sooner than two years.

The government also proposes to extend the deadline for completing the work requirement to four years from three years a change that recognizes caregivers' work can be interrupted by such developments as job loss or pregnancy.

Permanent residency is important because it makes it easier for the caretakers to then bring their families to Canada.

The elimination of the second medical test proves the campaign by the late Juana Tejada, a caregiver in Toronto, got the attention of the powers that be.

Tejada, who developed colon cancer after she started working in Canada, failed the medical test needed for permanent residency. She was told to leave Canada on grounds she was a burden to the health system.

In the end, she won the right to stay on humanitarian and compassionate grounds, but Kenney says the case of Tejada, who died in March, exposed a problem that must be corrected.

More than 100,000 foreign workers have come to Canada under the live-in caregiver program since 1992, including 12,878 admitted last year.

Other changes require employer contracts to spell out employer-paid benefits, as well as the job duties, hours of work, overtime and the terms under which a caregiver can resign or be fired.

The government also said it will set up a live-in caregiver hotline for those who need urgent help. The rule changes will become final after a 30-day consultation period, beginning Dec. 19.
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联邦公民、移民及多元文化部长康尼(Jason Kenney)昨天在多伦多一个菲律宾社区举行的新闻会上宣布,将正式向政府提出修订外籍保姆计划中的不公平条例,包括取消对外籍保姆所特设的第二次体检要求、缩短超时工作外籍保姆申请居民身份的期限、简化更换雇主所需程序以及将虐待保姆的雇主列入黑名单等等。康尼表示,修例的主要目的是为了保障外籍保姆权益。


News Release

Minister Kenney proposes significant improvements to the Live-in Caregiver Program

Toronto, December 12, 2009 ― Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today proposed regulations to better protect the rights of live‑in caregivers and to make it easier for them and their families to obtain permanent residence in Canada. The announcement follows extensive consultations with caregiver groups from across the country, as well as heartfelt testimony before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration.
The first proposed change to the Live-in Caregiver Program eliminates the requirement for live-in caregivers to undergo a second medical examination when applying to become permanent residents, a change advocated by the late Juana Tejada.
Ms. Tejada developed cancer while working as a live-in caregiver. She was initially denied permanent resident status when she did not pass her second medical examination. It was only through special ministerial intervention that she gained status in Canada on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
“Our government fully supports the ‘Juana Tejada Law.’ We propose to implement this change in her honour, to ensure that no one else has to endure this same painful experience,” said Minister Kenney.
Another proposed change will allow live-in caregivers who work overtime to apply for permanent residence sooner. Currently, live-in caregivers must work for two years within the first three years of entry into the program before they can apply for permanent residence in Canada. Unfortunately, events ? such as pregnancies or loss of employment ? have resulted in some live-in caregivers not meeting the two-year requirement.
Under the new measure, live-in caregivers would be eligible to apply for permanent residence after 3,900 work hours ? the equivalent of working a standard work week for two years. Also, a portion of their overtime hours could count toward the work requirement and enable caregivers to apply for permanent residence sooner. Equally important, these changes would also increase the time that live-in caregivers are allowed to complete the work requirement from three to four years.
“These important changes help fulfil Canada’s duty to those who care for our young, our disabled and our elderly,” Minister Kenney said. “The Government of Canada is taking action to protect foreign workers from potential abuse and exploitation.”
The proposed regulations will also require employers of live-in caregivers to pay for:
  • travel costs for live-in caregivers to come to Canada;
  • medical insurance until live-in caregivers become eligible for provincial health coverage; and
  • workplace safety insurance and any recruiting fees owed to third parties.
Under additional administrative changes to the program, employment contracts will have to spell out these employer-paid benefits. They will also have to include clauses clearly outlining job duties, hours of work, overtime and holidays, sick leave, and termination and resignation terms.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will work closely with caregiver groups to improve information packages that live-in caregivers receive before they leave for Canada. CIC will also set up a dedicated live-in caregiver hotline. Emergency processing of work permits and new authorization requests from employers to hire a live-in caregiver will help caregivers when they need to change employers urgently. Live-in caregivers will continue to be able to apply for study permits when they want to take courses longer than six months; they do not need study permits for shorter courses.
Today’s announcement builds on recently proposed regulatory changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. Employers found to have provided significantly different wages, working conditions or occupations than they promised may be put on a blacklist making them ineligible to hire a live-in caregiver for two years under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. Employers on this blacklist could be identified on the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website in order to inform prospective and current temporary foreign workers of ineligible employers.
The Live-in Caregiver Program helps Canadians recruit caregivers to live and work in the homes of those they care for in order to provide child care or support for seniors or people with disabilities. The program facilitates the entry of qualified caregivers into Canada when there is a shortage of Canadians or permanent residents to fill available live-in caregiver positions. Because of Canada’s ageing population, the program is expected to grow in the years ahead. In 2008, Canada admitted 12,878 live-in caregivers.
The proposed changes to the Live-in Caregiver Program will be published in the Canada Gazette on December 19 for a 30-day comment period open to all Canadians. Final regulatory changes will be published after this period.
For more information on the proposed regulatory amendments, consult the following: Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement.
For further information (media only), please contact:
Alykhan Velshi
Minister’s Office
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
CIC Media Relations
Communications Branch
Citizenship and Immigration Canada


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  本次政策改革之一是取消居家看护申请移民的第二轮医疗体检。此变动的促因是今年3月份去世的菲律宾居家看护泰嘉达(Juana Tejada)曾因患晚期癌症、没有通过第二轮医检,两次申请移民被拒,但移民部最终批准了其移民身份的申请。康尼表示,加拿大政府以泰嘉达桉例为戒,全力支持这一基于人道主义的法律变动。





回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

这个3900小时为什么算成两年呢? 保姆每天工作应该都有10小时吧,那么就只有390天啊?不明白啊....



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