

  • 福特Ford

    选票: 221 17.1%
  • 通用GMC

    选票: 64 4.9%
  • 雪佛莱Chevrolet.

    选票: 115 8.9%
  • 奔驰BENZ

    选票: 68 5.3%
  • 宝马BMW

    选票: 155 12.0%
  • 丰田TOYOTA

    选票: 371 28.6%
  • 本田HONDA

    选票: 180 13.9%
  • 马自达MAZDA

    选票: 75 5.8%

    选票: 20 1.5%
  • 起亚KIA

    选票: 26 2.0%

  • 全部投票
回复: 【原创】二手车大家都喜欢买什么牌子的?



(JASON HONDA 416-569-2339)本人想从专业的角度给您些意见:
1, 什么车好, 应该相信谁? --- 要看北美汽车市场历年的销量排行榜, 北美汽车消费者是最聪明的和最现实的. 群众的眼睛是雪亮的. 那些保值性好的2手车, 绝对是好车. 如HONDA, 因为它的质量受到了历史的检验.
2, 和谁买? ---- 2手车的质量是非常关键的, 否则一些故障隐患会导致生命的代价. 所以强烈建议大家和大车行买旧车, 不要为省几百元而从个人或者小公司买没有CARPROOF 等相关历史记录的车. 规模大的车行, 信誉好, 有质量保证, 他们一般不敢隐瞒故障历史记录, 受法律约束!
3, 最好买有原车厂证明的旧车, 如Honda Certified Used Vehicles. 买这样的车有和新车一样的质量保证, 简直就是买便宜的新车, 没有任何后顾之忧!
欢迎大家到本公司法部2手车网站挑选喜欢的2手车. 本公司所有这些手车保证是无事故车, 1手车主, 非出租车, 非吸烟和宠物车, 无事故隐患. 基本上都是本公司LEASE 到期的好车.(大公司都是选好的留下自己卖, 差的卖与小DEALER)
JASON HONDA: 416-569-2339
Honda Certified Used Vehicles

You know every Honda is green, safe and fun. And a certified used Honda is no exception. You get all the benefits of a new Honda, including peace of mind and the confidence that comes with a factory warranty. That's because every certified Used Honda must pass a series of dealer inspections to ensure it meets the most stringent Honda standards. That means every Certified Used Honda upholds the same dependability, quality and reliability Honda is known for.
Here are some highlights of the Honda Certified Used program:

  • 6 years / 120,000 km transferable Powertrain warranty coverage, with option to upgrade to a comprehensive extended warranty.
  • 7 days / 1,000 km exchange privilege.
  • 100-point inspection.
  • Carproof Vehicle History Report.
Vehicle Eligibility Requirements:

Vehicles eligible to become Honda Certified Used Vehicles have to undergo rigorous inspections in order to provide our customers with that 'New Honda' feel, even though you get it from a Used Honda.
  • All Honda models (such as used Civic or used Accord) originally imported, or manufactured, by Honda Canada Inc. for sale in Canada.
  • All vehicles five model years or less prior to current are eligible.
  • Vehicles that have been in service less than 6 years or 120,000 km.
  • Routine maintenance is current or was brought up to current level with appropriate inspection for age and mileage.
  • Warranty has not been cancelled (e.g. stolen, flood damage, etc.).
  • Odometer has not been tampered with or the kilometres are known.
  • No body or suspension modifications.
  • No aftermarket sunroof or bush bar. Accessories like remote starter, alarms, audio, etc. qualify after inspection to ensure they will not cause any problem.
  • No engine, emission or exhaust system modifications.
  • No indication of significant body repair or frame damage that would affect the long-term durability, function or performance of the vehicle.
  • Must pass a 100-point mechanical & appearance inspection.
  • Must meet appearance & reconditioning standards.
  • Vehicle History must be verified with a CarProof Vehicle History Report.
How it works:

All of our Honda Certified Pre-Owned vehicles pass through a number of departments so the appropriate Managers can inspect the vehicle. Outlined below in brief detail are the overall steps taken to ensure Certification.
Vehicle Selection by Sales Department

Our Sales Manager selects the vehicles that are to be inspected for possible inclusion in the program (for example: a used Honda Civic or a used Honda Fit). The Sales Manager then initiates the inspection and possible service process by completing the top portion of the Vehicle Inspection Form. The Sales Manager:
  • Enters vehicle’s specifications - such as VIN, mileage, model, etc.
  • Checks for documentation - such as Warranty Manuals, Owner’s Manual, etc.
  • Obtains a CarProof Vehicle History report to confirm that the vehicle complies with eligibility requirements as outlined in “Vehicle Eligibility Requirements” section of this policy manual.
  • Completes a Repair Order requesting the inspection, as per the Dealership policies.
  • Routes the vehicle to service for inspection and reconditioning cost estimates.
Vehicle Inspection by Service Department

Our Service Manager designates qualified, experienced service personnel to perform the inspections.
  • A designated service manager will oversee the entire servicing process.
  • A vehicle inspector is assigned to the vehicle.
  • We make sure to thoroughly test-drive the vehicle and perform a vehicle full underbody inspection with the vehicle on a hoist.
  • The service manager designates service and/or repairs that will bring the vehicle up to Certified condition according to the checklist requirements. The inspector receives detailed instructions on what to inspect.
  • The reconditioning inspection "is not to be used to increase service department revenues or profits beyond what is reasonable to meet required reconditioning standards".
With these parameters in mind, the vehicle is inspected and estimates are made. When all estimates have been compiled, documentation of required repairs and costs for those repairs is returned to sales management for approval. Sales management must then decide to either accept the vehicle with the understanding that - if accepted ? all designated service and/or repairs will be made. The service and/or repairs designated by the service department are not negotiable.
Mechanical Inspection

Further to the aforementioned service checkup, every detail of your next used Honda undergoes thorough visual inspection.
Our vehicle inspector confirms that the following materials are available:
  • Owner’s Manual.
  • Vehicle Warranty Manual. Order new manuals if they are missing or not in "near-new" condition.
  • Radio theft code.
  • Key code.
  • Wheel locks, if equipped.
Other important pointers include:
  • Confirm that maintenance is up-to-date or update it to current. Record service history in the Owner’s Manual (if not already recorded there) and sign or stamp the Service Record.
  • Perform all necessary checks and mandatory parts replacement per the Mechanical Inspection checklist.
  • Be sure to use Genuine Honda parts for mandatory replacement.
  • If brake vibration is present, perform on-vehicle refinishing of the front rotors (rotor replacement is necessary only if rotors are worn to their service limit).
  • For most 1993 and newer models, timing belt/water pump replacement is needed at 100,000 km intervals under most operating conditions. Consult the applicable Owner’s Manual for the specific recommended replacement interval.
  • Be sure to advise the new owner of the need for 100,000 km timing belt/water pump replacement (as may be applicable).
  • Any automatic-transmission failure must be repaired by installing a Genuine Honda re-manufactured transmission. Dealer disassembly is not allowed for certification and is not allowed by the Honda Certified Used Vehicle Limited Warranty. A Genuine Honda re-manufactured transmission must be used.
Appearance Inspection

All Honda Certified Used Vehicles must meet the complete Appearance Standards as identified in the Appearance Inspection checklist. Discrepancies must be identified and corrected before the vehicle can be given Honda Certified Used Vehicle status.
Appearance Repair Standards

  • "Paintless dent repair" is recommended where possible.
  • "Glass repair" is recommended for repairing windshield stone chips where possible.
  • Honda procedures for repairing acid-rain and environmental-fallout paint damage are followed to ensure Certification.
回复: 【原创】二手车大家都喜欢买什么牌子的?


escape 第四,fusion第七.


大哥,我很欣赏你这句话!奔驰宝马是我的DREAM CAR,能不能指点一条尽快变傻的捷径!我是真的不想开着一辆白送都没有人要的车被别人夸我聪明!我本来以为人聪明会赚钱才开得起好车,您的金玉良言给我莫大的安慰,我觉得我的智商一下提升了不少。:wdb6::wdb6: :wdb10:人傻钱多STYLE
回复: 【原创】二手车大家都喜欢买什么牌子的?

看了很多网友的回帖,都喜欢德系车,令我想起一个国内看过的一个笑话:要是大众汽车在国内出了碰撞事故伤亡较重,大家就会说,你看上海大众把德国车做臭了。遇到日系车碰撞,就会说日本车就是这个样,偷工减料一碰就散。其实所有在北美销售的汽车都经过统一的安全碰撞标准,可能德国车的碰撞安全临界点会比某些日韩车高点,但过了这个临界点大家可能都是一样的了。 以我的经验,德过车特别是奔驰宝马奥迪,他们的车身是比较重,驾驶的感觉比较重和扎实,日系车多数比较灵活,但驾驶感觉的东西是很相对的一样东西,没有说那个好那个不好,习惯了叫好。德国人(特别是奔驰)造车的理念就是能用钢的地方绝不用朔料,尽量厚实一点,数据工况允许误差值尽量少。每台车(主要指高档德国车)都像是一台艺术品,侦都想拥有一台艺术品,包括我自己,但代价是拥有艺术品的代价是,你需要耐心的呵护和保养,而这个是需要金钱和时间的,包括每次加油都要加标号高的油,定期进行保养,很多时候还是需要原厂的保养,艺术品是有小脾气的。既然我说德国车是艺术品,日韩车(特别是civic,corolla,crv RAV4 等)就是典型的代步工具了,没什么小问题,也没什么驾驶乐趣,但每天把你从A拉到B绝对没问题,让你免去等公交和日晒雨淋之苦,这样是大多数人所希望的。
买什么车是根据你有什么需要和能力,这个能力包括金钱,时间(修车,保养是一件很耗时间的事)。我个人觉得那些只会说德国车扎实,日韩车没有毛病的人是很不负责任的。 还有一点要提醒大家一下,碰撞的安全指标也是相对的,越小的车越不安全,越大的车碰撞起来越安全。比方所一辆smart car(奔驰的那辆2座位小车)就说通过任何碰撞测试,销售人员对你说这车拿了多少颗安全五角星,但你想想他和一辆SUV相碰有什么后果)。

回复: 【原创】二手车大家都喜欢买什么牌子的?

看了很多网友的回帖,都喜欢德系车,令我想起一个国内看过的一个笑话:要是大众汽车在国内出了碰撞事故伤亡较重,大家就会说,你看上海大众把德国车做臭了。遇到日系车碰撞,就会说日本车就是这个样,偷工减料一碰就散。其实所有在北美销售的汽车都经过统一的安全碰撞标准,可能德国车的碰撞安全临界点会比某些日韩车高点,但过了这个临界点大家可能都是一样的了。 以我的经验,德过车特别是奔驰宝马奥迪,他们的车身是比较重,驾驶的感觉比较重和扎实,日系车多数比较灵活,但驾驶感觉的东西是很相对的一样东西,没有说那个好那个不好,习惯了叫好。德国人(特别是奔驰)造车的理念就是能用钢的地方绝不用朔料,尽量厚实一点,数据工况允许误差值尽量少。每台车(主要指高档德国车)都像是一台艺术品,侦都想拥有一台艺术品,包括我自己,但代价是拥有艺术品的代价是,你需要耐心的呵护和保养,而这个是需要金钱和时间的,包括每次加油都要加标号高的油,定期进行保养,很多时候还是需要原厂的保养,艺术品是有小脾气的。既然我说德国车是艺术品,日韩车(特别是civic,corolla,crv RAV4 等)就是典型的代步工具了,没什么小问题,也没什么驾驶乐趣,但每天把你从A拉到B绝对没问题,让你免去等公交和日晒雨淋之苦,这样是大多数人所希望的。
买什么车是根据你有什么需要和能力,这个能力包括金钱,时间(修车,保养是一件很耗时间的事)。我个人觉得那些只会说德国车扎实,日韩车没有毛病的人是很不负责任的。 还有一点要提醒大家一下,碰撞的安全指标也是相对的,越小的车越不安全,越大的车碰撞起来越安全。比方所一辆smart car(奔驰的那辆2座位小车)就说通过任何碰撞测试,销售人员对你说这车拿了多少颗安全五角星,但你想想他和一辆SUV相碰有什么后果)。

这两句话太搞笑了,坛子里面有开修车行的师傅也有卖二手车的dealer,让他们来判断一下吧。我开过垃圾福特不到2万公里轴承就废了。普通品牌的车是消耗品,都会有毛病,日本车的毛病是通病,修起来一回生二回熟,结构设计合理,容易维修,零件便宜。德国车有的毛病也多数是通病,结构设计不敢恭维,零件贵,人工贵也费时间。美国车毛病无任何规律,特别是垃圾车任何地方都会坏,所以叫FIX OR REPAIR DAILY:wdb6::wdb6:




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