BC medical地址改到我姐家了,免得信寄丢了;
BC Hydro和SHAW都打过电话了,人家第一句话就问最后一次账单寄哪里,OK,我姐家呗~SHAW那边走前还需要把猫还到downtown,干脆把东西丢给我姐,让他们帮忙办吧!
City of Brampton Ontario is anything but populated. Walking with my daughter in tow on the street feels like we were the only human being at least 1 square km around.
3 hours waiting outside the DriveTest Centre in the summer heat only to find out there was no more seat available for today's written test.Public transit here is not as convenient as it was in Vancouver. 4 days into this city, I've had enough of it! But I have no one to blame but myself for not driving a car.
That's sweet of you, Shirley. Living in a foreign city does require some nerves. I am afraid I am done venturing. But each time I passed through the office building that held my future, I replenished my strength. Only that I won't make my debut until July 12.
That's sweet of you, Shirley. Living in a foreign city does require some nerves. I am afraid I am done venturing. But each time I passed through the office building that held my future, I replenished my strength. Only that I won't make my debut until July 12.