Albert Zhou
CFP-416-834-9204 访加探亲保险,加拿大人外出旅游保险,国际学生保险
Albert Zhou, Financial Advisor MBA, CFP (Certified Financial Planner)
TEL: 416-834-9204
FAX: 416-652-3315
Address: 15 Wertheim Court, suite 501, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3H7
International Student Insurance(国际学生保险) 留学生
保费------ TRAVEL UNDERWRITERS--------------- ETFS
--------------- $1.5/天--------------------------- $1.45/天
--------------$547.50/年------------------------- $470/年
团体: --------$430/年---------------------------- N/A
Visitors to Canada Insurance(访加探亲旅游保险)
Visitors to Canada insurance Rates/day
Age------- $10,000----- $15,000--- $25,000----- $50,000------ $100,000------- $150,000
Up to 25-- $1.50------- $1.80---- ---$2.00---- ----$2.20--------- $3.17---------- $3.79
26-40----- $1.64------- $1.97------- $2.20-------- $2.42--------- $3.54----------- $4.11
41-60----- $1.89------- $2.25------- $2.53-------- $2.75---------- $4.35---------- $5.07
61-64----- $ 2.18------ $2.83------- $3.39-------- $3.66---------- $4.50 --------- $5.60
65-69----- $2.64------- $3.46---- ---$4.16-------- $4.49---------- $5.24 ----------$6.53
70-74------ $3.37-------$4.40------- $5.29 -------- $5.81---------- * --------------- *
75-79------- $4.04------- $5.25 ------ $6.24--------- $6.88--------- * ---------------- *
80-85------- $5.47 ------- $6.93 ----- $8.51 --------- $9.17 -------- *----------------- *
86+--------- $8.85----- $11.44------ $13.78 --------- *------------- * ----------------*
No medical questionnaire required Canadians Travel worldwide insurance (加拿大人外出旅游保险)
USA PLAN Emergency Hospital & Medical for Canadians
Includes travel worldwide Age Daily rates:
AGE ------1-35days------ 36-60 days------ 61-365 days
0-30------ $1.75--------- $1.75------------ $1.80
31-54------ $2.10--------- $2.10----------- $2.30
55-60------ $2.50--------- $2.50----------- $2.50
61-65------ $3.90--------- $4.00--------- **
66-70------ $4.80--------- $5.50--------- **
71-76------ $10.50------- $11.75--------- **
77+------- $18.00--------- $18.50 --------**
Family: 0-60 $5.40*------- $5.40--------- $5.55
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 416-834-9204 or email me:
Albert Zhou, Financial Advisor MBA, CFP (Certified Financial Planner)
TEL: 416-834-9204
FAX: 416-652-3315
Address: 15 Wertheim Court, suite 501, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3H7
International Student Insurance(国际学生保险) 留学生
保费------ TRAVEL UNDERWRITERS--------------- ETFS
--------------- $1.5/天--------------------------- $1.45/天
--------------$547.50/年------------------------- $470/年
团体: --------$430/年---------------------------- N/A
Visitors to Canada Insurance(访加探亲旅游保险)
Visitors to Canada insurance Rates/day
Age------- $10,000----- $15,000--- $25,000----- $50,000------ $100,000------- $150,000
Up to 25-- $1.50------- $1.80---- ---$2.00---- ----$2.20--------- $3.17---------- $3.79
26-40----- $1.64------- $1.97------- $2.20-------- $2.42--------- $3.54----------- $4.11
41-60----- $1.89------- $2.25------- $2.53-------- $2.75---------- $4.35---------- $5.07
61-64----- $ 2.18------ $2.83------- $3.39-------- $3.66---------- $4.50 --------- $5.60
65-69----- $2.64------- $3.46---- ---$4.16-------- $4.49---------- $5.24 ----------$6.53
70-74------ $3.37-------$4.40------- $5.29 -------- $5.81---------- * --------------- *
75-79------- $4.04------- $5.25 ------ $6.24--------- $6.88--------- * ---------------- *
80-85------- $5.47 ------- $6.93 ----- $8.51 --------- $9.17 -------- *----------------- *
86+--------- $8.85----- $11.44------ $13.78 --------- *------------- * ----------------*
No medical questionnaire required Canadians Travel worldwide insurance (加拿大人外出旅游保险)
USA PLAN Emergency Hospital & Medical for Canadians
Includes travel worldwide Age Daily rates:
AGE ------1-35days------ 36-60 days------ 61-365 days
0-30------ $1.75--------- $1.75------------ $1.80
31-54------ $2.10--------- $2.10----------- $2.30
55-60------ $2.50--------- $2.50----------- $2.50
61-65------ $3.90--------- $4.00--------- **
66-70------ $4.80--------- $5.50--------- **
71-76------ $10.50------- $11.75--------- **
77+------- $18.00--------- $18.50 --------**
Family: 0-60 $5.40*------- $5.40--------- $5.55
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 416-834-9204 or email me: