回复: 今天收到PR CARD 什么都上点就最好了
萨 萨省sky Saskatoon地产投资专 240 2009-07-31 #23 回复: 今天收到PR CARD 去open door,那里有专门为新移民服务的英语课程以及找工帮助,都是政府免费的服务,虽然没什么用。。
cream6 1,534 2009-08-05 #26 回复: 今天收到PR CARD 楼上,是在SERVICE CANADA那栋楼,220室 不过卡是邮寄到你提供的地址 你可以去220室查询PR卡办理程度,记得带上护照和LANDING PAPER PS:工卡(SIN卡)就是在SERVICE CANADA那里办理的 good luck~~
回复: 今天收到PR CARD 楼上,是在SERVICE CANADA那栋楼,220室 不过卡是邮寄到你提供的地址 你可以去220室查询PR卡办理程度,记得带上护照和LANDING PAPER PS:工卡(SIN卡)就是在SERVICE CANADA那里办理的 good luck~~
alberto 16,260 2009-08-06 #30 回复: 今天收到PR CARD jmszl 说: 谢谢LZ, 我是RENEW卡,CIC的网站说,领新卡,要交旧卡,所以我想要我亲自去领的. 点击展开... 现在不是说不用交旧卡了吗?
J jmszl 909 2009-08-07 #31 回复: 今天收到PR CARD alberto 说: 现在不是说不用交旧卡了吗? 点击展开... CIC网站上说,要以旧换新,以下摘自其网站. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/prcard.asp Permanent residents applying to renew their PR card: may hold on to their still valid PR card and return it to a Citizenship and Immigration Canada officer when they pick up their new card; should return it with the application for a new card, if the card has already expired. In all cases, a replacement card will not be issued until the previous card is returned or otherwise accounted for.
回复: 今天收到PR CARD alberto 说: 现在不是说不用交旧卡了吗? 点击展开... CIC网站上说,要以旧换新,以下摘自其网站. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/prcard.asp Permanent residents applying to renew their PR card: may hold on to their still valid PR card and return it to a Citizenship and Immigration Canada officer when they pick up their new card; should return it with the application for a new card, if the card has already expired. In all cases, a replacement card will not be issued until the previous card is returned or otherwise accounted for.
天 天天学习 711 2009-08-12 #33 回复: 今天收到PR CARD Open door 的找工作班,是帮助找工作, 一般是帮你找个实习的地方,实习3-6个月,能不能留下来是很多方面因素决定的.而且有可能找不到实习单位. 进这个班语言不一定要到linc5.
回复: 今天收到PR CARD Open door 的找工作班,是帮助找工作, 一般是帮你找个实习的地方,实习3-6个月,能不能留下来是很多方面因素决定的.而且有可能找不到实习单位. 进这个班语言不一定要到linc5.