请问,如果我是居民身份,现在去读college,那么可以申请母亲来探亲吗? 还是一样需要有2万左右的收入才能担保啊?假如我需要贷款读书是否没有资格申请探亲和团聚? 请指点.:wdb2:
D days 36 2009-07-15 #1 请问,如果我是居民身份,现在去读college,那么可以申请母亲来探亲吗? 还是一样需要有2万左右的收入才能担保啊?假如我需要贷款读书是否没有资格申请探亲和团聚? 请指点.
annie66 3,258 2009-07-15 #2 回复: 请问,如果我是居民身份,现在去读college,那么可以申请母亲来探亲吗? no. You are not qualified for sponsoring your mom to come to canada, but you mom can support herself if she is rich enough.
回复: 请问,如果我是居民身份,现在去读college,那么可以申请母亲来探亲吗? no. You are not qualified for sponsoring your mom to come to canada, but you mom can support herself if she is rich enough.
never_talk talks all the time 6,870 2009-07-15 #3 回复: 请问,如果我是居民身份,现在去读college,那么可以申请母亲来探亲吗? 探亲可以,让你妈妈担保自己。团聚就不行了。
D days 36 2009-07-15 #4 回复: 请问,如果我是居民身份,现在去读college,那么可以申请母亲来探亲吗? 哦,,,好,有没有知道,我妈妈大概需要什么条件才能来探亲吗,,谢谢各位帮忙.