回复: 2010年 多伦多登陆定居纪实
Business world is nothing but selling. (每天要听上百遍)
Think positively, act confidently, and sell provocatively.
Associate with positive people, walk away from people who is complaining.
Future success depends on how you can leave past behind.
You need to push yourself out of the comfort zone.
Expand your horizons.
Don't talk about where you came from.
Talk about your profession and expertise.
Don't lie. But choosing not to tell is not lying.
You choose to come here, you got to speak English well.
You should tell yourself English is easy, otherwise it will be tough.
Smart people speaks more than one language.
Stop doing translation from your first language, concentrate on the message and point, comprehend by context.
Smile before pickup the phone.
First, get your foot in the door.
Carve out a niche for yourself.
Prepare 20 success stories about yourself.
Prepare some jokes.
Dress like your boss.
Less is More! Answer the question directly. Not too many details.
The only dumb question is the one that isn't asked.
Emphasis key words louder or slower.
Change physical position when change topic.
One sentence one eye contact.
Pay attention and praise when child is doing things right.
Ignore when he is doing things wrong.