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Netfile 是个人用于个人所得税(personal income tax) 的网上报税工具,你可用任何CRA认可的报税软件填表,然后通过Netfile将填好的T1表送交CRA。每个人只能提交一份T1。
Efile 是供那些为别人提供报税服务的人和机构用来向CRA提交T1表的工具。用Efile,则可为多人报税。
网上报税需要由CRA提供的access code. 如果你是第一次报税,你没有access code 必须填表交给CRA或找Efile agent 帮你报税。如果你曾报过税,则可以联系CRA取得你的access code:
Your four-digit access code that enables you to use NETFILE is printed on the information sheet of your T1 personal income tax return package. If you didn't receive an access code or you misplaced it, the following options exist to get one:
If you are filing a tax return for the first time, we are unable to process it through NETFILE. You can seek the service of an authorized
EFILE service provider, or print and mail your tax return.