家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版




回复: 柠檬花园温哥华分部

【校园笑话】[FONT=宋体]上周偶班做电子实验。突然一个女同学尖叫起来:“我失真了!我失真了!” 有个自以为很牛的男同学便上去帮忙,这个同学摸了半天,反而失真越发严重。 那位女同学愤怒的说:“你不要再摸了!再摸我的波就要变形了,真是受不了你!”[/FONT]


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站长不必难过 花开总有花落时 待到金秋育果实


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Flag of British Columbia

The Flag of BC is comprised of a Union Jack Flag at the top with a crown to show the province British Colonial Roots. The navy blue lines underneath symbol our place near the Pacific Ocean. The sun symbolizes the great weather we have.


回复: 柠檬花园温哥华分部

City emblem

Vancouver's emblem was developed in 2006 by the City's senior graphic designer Elaine Ayres. The emblem conveys the idea of a vibrant, livable, healthy and natural city. The palette captures the predominant colours of our natural environment: blue for the sea and sky that surround our city; and green for the grass, trees and our abundant plant life.

The two overlapping elements in the graphic allude to many symbols of Vancouver: budding blossoms; crests of ocean waves and the peaks of mountains; birds in flight; the sails of Canada Place, a prominent city landmark; and the letter V. The placement of the graphic element against the words "City of Vancouver" suggest a spark or fireworks--a city that is alive and growing.


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Burnaby's Logo

The Corporation of the District of Burnaby adopted the use of a new logo that was approved by Council in 1976 as part of an overall "Visual Identity Program". Its 'pop-art' style reflects the graphic design trend of the day, as does the use of a logo for identifying a corporate place of business.

The meaning of the new logo was articulated in a 1976 description: "The new symbol has been created within the basic confines of a circle - a cohesive unit projecting the image of a well planned and solid community. This geometric shape is divided into radial spokes to impart the feeling of integration which in turn suggests a community with many branches and activities, but one strong nucleus. Also seen here is the anthropomorphic or human shape which conveys the impression of a group of people holding hands. The final factor is the environmental one. It is transmitted throughout the overall form, being similar to that of a tree and through the colour green."

In 1992 when Burnaby was incorporated as a city on its Centennial, the logo was redesigned with a new colour and font.


回复: 柠檬花园温哥华分部

Burnaby's Official Flower

The Rhododendron was selected as Burnaby's official flower in 1966 as part of Burnaby's preparations for marking Canada's Centennial year. The Parks and Recreation Commission during the latter part of 1966 decided that the 1967 Centennial should be celebrated with a horticultural theme that would see hundreds of roses, azaleas and rhododendrons planted throughout the Municipality. In the course of planning, the Commission considered the idea of Burnaby adopting an official flower as part of the celebration. When deciding what flower would be the appropriate symbol for Burnaby earlier selections such as the yellow iris and the rose were rejected because of their short flowering spans and the difficulty of growing and maintaining them.

Rhododendron - Burnaby's Official Flower

The Commission finally selected the rhododendron because they would produce the most show, possessed great variety of size and colour and required the least expense and maintenance. Councillor Doreen Lawson was instrumental in the selection and promotion of this new symbol. In 1966 in an interview with the Courier-Examiner she said: "The plants are ideally suited to our coast climate, well adapted to the acid soil types prevalent here. They're easily propagated and may be grown economically and are relatively free from insect and disease ravages and can be relied upon to put forth flowers in great abundance each spring, creating a show which would draw tourists while it beautified Burnaby."

The rhododendron was officially adopted by Council on August 22, 1966. Century Gardens was established as the municipality's Centennial Project at Deer Lake Park and became a rhododendron display garden that remains as one of the best of its kind in the province. In 1992 as part of Burnaby's Centennial a new hybrid rhododendron was propagated and named "Burnaby Centennial".
回复: 柠檬花园温哥华分部

冬奥所在地温哥华是滑雪胜地,不谈享誉天下的WISTLER,光是距DOWNTOWN20公里左右的西温北温,就有三家著名的滑雪场。孩子去二手店买套装备只需100多,滑雪场费用也不高,12岁以下孩子玩一整天20多元,晚上5-7点CYPRESS只需9元,5-10点SEYMOUR MOUNTAIN 孩子18.5元(只能上高山,初学者的雪道日前已经关闭)。







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