,是否是将以前的那些表格重新更新并填写一遍,还是有单独的表格,还是只是列出来需要更新哪些内容? 真的很急。另外如果是自雇,是不是只需要提供公司的净收入就行了,多谢了。
T tarzon 19 2010-02-07 #1 ,是否是将以前的那些表格重新更新并填写一遍,还是有单独的表格,还是只是列出来需要更新哪些内容? 真的很急。另外如果是自雇,是不是只需要提供公司的净收入就行了,多谢了。
B bluebean 1,399 2010-03-24 #3 回复: 请教,父母移民担保下来之前,需要更新材料,请知道的大侠们告诉我更新的内容,多谢了 They will be the other forms. please check the detail in CIC website. On the other hand, you just need provide option C if your income can conver the reqirment. If not, provide the other document, like sponse Option C. banking statement etc...
回复: 请教,父母移民担保下来之前,需要更新材料,请知道的大侠们告诉我更新的内容,多谢了 They will be the other forms. please check the detail in CIC website. On the other hand, you just need provide option C if your income can conver the reqirment. If not, provide the other document, like sponse Option C. banking statement etc...