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回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪




Visa and Immigration Section
Canadian Embassy, Beijing

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am the immigration applicant for Federal Skilled Workers, FN: B00001688 (date on 12 Aug. 2007), ZHANG San, birth on 18 August 1978. Since the October 2009, the supporting documents have seen submitted to immigration section for your review. But unfortunately, I do not receive the following instructions from your office. I fully understand that you have the constraints on manpower and quotas of visa. Thus, I am not asking you to push forward, but it would be highly appreciate if you could inform me how long it would be to issue the medical examination to me.
Thank you very much in advance for your great help!

Yours sincerely,


Visa and Immigration Section
Canadian Embassy, Beijing

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am the applicant for permanent residence, Federal Skilled Workers, details as below:
FN: B00001688
Surname: LEE
Forename: Si
Birth date: 18 August 1978.
I am sorry to bother you but my lovely daughter is approaching the age of entry school. The application was sent to you in three years ago, and all supporting documents have been submitted for almost one year. My family is eager to receive the next instructions from you so that the little girl is able to catch up with the new term in Canada. It is very appreciate to you if you could let us know how long it would take to issue the visa to us. Thank you so much for your warm help and great effort.

Yours sincerely,

[FONT=宋体]大气磅礴型:[/FONT]([FONT=宋体]没有[/FONT]thank you[FONT=宋体]和[/FONT]套磁[FONT=宋体],因为其实就是[/FONT]Customer Service,适合那种太长时间等待,出离愤怒的人)

Visa and Immigration Section
Canadian Embassy, Beijing

To whom it may concern,

I am the applicant for the permanent residence on Federal Skilled Workers programme. My name is WANG Wu, FN: B00006188 and Birth date is on 18th August 1980. I would ask for your help in tracking the processing time of my case. If additional documents are needed for the following review, please send out the instructions to me ASAP

Appreciate for your prompt reply.

Yours sincerely,



Visa and Immigration Section
Canadian Embassy, Beijing

To Whom It May Concern

My name is XX XXX, and I am an immigration applicant for Federal Skilled Workers Program, FN: B0520xxxxx (date on 10 December. 2007), birth on xx xxxxxxxxx 1980.

I'm writing this email to inquire the process of my case. Since March 2010, the supporting documents have been submitted to immigration section for your review. But unfortunately, I have not received the following instructions from your office yet. I fully understand that you have the constraints on manpower and quota of visa. Thus, I am not asking you to push forward, but it would be highly appreciated if you could inform me how long it would take to issue the medical examination form to me.

Thanks in advance for your great help!

Yours sincerely,


Visa and Immigration Section
Canadian Embassy, Beijing

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name of ####### and my birth date is #######. I applied for the permanent residence on Federal Skilled Workers Program in ##### 2007 and my File number is ########, which was dated in your email sent on ########, 2008. Per your email request, I submitted the SAP documents in ##### 2009 but have not heard any news from you since then.
I’m writing to seek your help on tracking my application status and it will be great if you could suggest how long I shall be expecting my medical check. Additionally, if any other supporting documents are needed for the following processing, please kindly contact me in your earliest convenience.

Appreciate your prompt reply.

Yours sincerely,
最后编辑: 2010-09-15
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪





Visa and Immigration Section
Canadian Embassy, Beijing

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am the immigration applicant for Federal Skilled Workers, FN: B00001688 (date on 12 Aug. 2007), ZHANG San, birth on 18 August 1978. Since the October 2009, the supporting documents have seen submitted to immigration section for your review. But unfortunately, I do not receive the following instructions from your office. I fully understand that you have the constraints on manpower and quotas of visa. Thus, I am not asking you to push forward, but it would be highly appreciate if you could inform me how long it would be to issue the medical examination to me.
Thank you very much in advance for your great help!

Yours sincerely,


Visa and Immigration Section
Canadian Embassy, Beijing

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am the applicant for permanent residence, Federal Skilled Workers, details as below:
FN: B00001688
Surname: LEE
Forename: Si
Birth date: 18 August 1978.
I am sorry to bother you but my lovely daughter is approaching the age of entry school. The application was sent to you in three years ago, and all supporting documents have been submitted for almost one year. My family is eager to receive the next instructions from you so that the little girl is able to catch up with the new term in Canada. It is very appreciate to you if you could let us know how long it would take to issue the visa to us. Thank you so much for your warm help and great effort.

Yours sincerely,

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This is to confirm receipt of your email. Please DO NOT reply to this
message as no action will be been taken. We endeavour to reply to your email in 2 working days.
估计也就回个模板,告诉be patient 什么的。等使馆回复了再来告诉大家吧。
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This is to confirm receipt of your email. Please DO NOT reply to this
message as no action will be been taken. We endeavour to reply to your email in 2 working days.
估计也就回个模板,告诉be patient 什么的。等使馆回复了再来告诉大家吧。

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Your application is in queue for review. Please be patient.
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