家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版




回复: 【38项紧缺职业】2010年6月妥投统计

政策末尾本来就是最慢的 大家耐心等待
回复: 【38项紧缺职业】2010年6月妥投统计

haha 哈哈 乐死我了
rn 啊 快来吧 我把公正的表该盖章的都盖了
回复: 【38项紧缺职业】2010年6月妥投统计

回复: 【38项紧缺职业】2010年6月妥投统计


" I will have to repeat again the very simple fact I am stating almost every week here - there is nothing increase in resources can do to eliminate backlogs. Backlogs are not caused by poor management, low resources or incompetence of processing officers - backlogs are a direct result of the difference between number of applications being submitted every year and the annual immigration targets approved by our Parliament. No matter how much money and people you will throw into processing - if you have 3 to 6+ times more applications than the number of visas to be granted per year then you have a backlog. ":wdb14:
回复: 【38项紧缺职业】2010年6月妥投统计


" I will have to repeat again the very simple fact I am stating almost every week here - there is nothing increase in resources can do to eliminate backlogs. Backlogs are not caused by poor management, low resources or incompetence of processing officers - backlogs are a direct result of the difference between number of applications being submitted every year and the annual immigration targets approved by our Parliament. No matter how much money and people you will throw into processing - if you have 3 to 6+ times more applications than the number of visas to be granted per year then you have a backlog. ":wdb14:

回复: 【38项紧缺职业】2010年6月妥投统计

回复: 【38项紧缺职业】2010年6月妥投统计

等的都神经兮兮的了,同感,患得患失的。。。其实5月班的可能比咱们更难过:wdb14::wdb39: 还是希望他们的好消息快些,然后是咱们,总之,淡定吧,能咋样呢?
回复: 【38项紧缺职业】2010年6月妥投统计

回复: 【38项紧缺职业】2010年6月妥投统计

回复: 【38项紧缺职业】2010年6月妥投统计

回复: 【38项紧缺职业】2010年6月妥投统计

最近各处静悄悄,扣款 rn...静得让我们发慌,该干活的不干活,他们罢工了啊???
回复: 【38项紧缺职业】2010年6月妥投统计


" I will have to repeat again the very simple fact I am stating almost every week here - there is nothing increase in resources can do to eliminate backlogs. Backlogs are not caused by poor management, low resources or incompetence of processing officers - backlogs are a direct result of the difference between number of applications being submitted every year and the annual immigration targets approved by our Parliament. No matter how much money and people you will throw into processing - if you have 3 to 6+ times more applications than the number of visas to be granted per year then you have a backlog. ":wdb14:

不明白, 4月的RN 已经发完了, 该发5月的了, 有什么backlog呢?不就是停着不发吗?
回复: 【38项紧缺职业】2010年6月妥投统计





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