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sinking是往下沉的意思,sinking feeling就是感觉要出事,有不祥的预感。

I have a sinking feeling that we're gonna lost the game today. (gonna=going to)
As soon as I saw Celia I had a terrible sinking feeling. I knew she'd only have come if something was wrong.
回复: 西方基本文化常识扫盲Hot

首先;其次;再次;最后 我们只会说老掉牙的 first(firstly);second (secondly);third (thirdly);finally
首先:to kick off; to start off; to begin with; the very beginning
其次:in addition to that; apart from that; aside from that; besides; also; another point i could add is; and....as well; what's more; further more
再次:one more thing
最后:my point of view is; let us draw a conclusion; to sum up;
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1. I need to go somewhere.
  听到这句话可千万别回答成:You can go anywhere you like.那可是要闹大笑话了。I need to go somewhere. 的意思就是“我要上厕所”。当有老外这么说的时候,指示给他卫生间在哪里就行了。
2. I want to wash my hands.
  你在同女生吃饭的时候有没有注意过她们说“我去洗下手”?这句话隐含的意思也是“我要上厕所”。在英语中这句话就是“I want to wash my hands.”女生说得更客气的一句话是“I need to powder my nose.”,是很含蓄的说法。 而“I want/need to go (or use) to the bathroom/restroom. ”则是比较普通的委婉了,程度没有上面两个高。
3. I need to answer the call of nature.
  一种更为文雅的说法称内急为“the call of nature”,那么上厕所就成了“to answer the call of nature.”。有时个别年纪大的女士在这种情况下还会说“I need to make a pit stop.”其实“pit stop”是指在赛车过程中,赛车在途中紧急停留加油、维修的地方。看来,她们肯定将解决问题看作是一种“紧急维修”了。
4. I need to go pee.
  说过了委婉的说法,一些俚语和口语中很直接的说法我们也要了解一下,这些说法经常出现在一些电视剧和电影中,比如“I need to go pee.”或“I need to take a leak (小便)。”或“I need to take a dump/----.”但这些讲法是非常粗鲁的,通常在小孩子或者受教育程度不高的人中间使用比较普遍。
  说到这儿,有人也许要问,那么上课,开会,听报告或者赴宴会时要上厕所,应该如何说呢?其实在任何场合中,你需要使用卫生间,去就是了,不用跟任何人打招呼。正如美国人所说的那样“If you gotta go, you gotta go.”
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1. crack a smile 展颜微笑,莞尔一笑
The man was willing to do anything to make his wife crack a smile.

2. laugh a hearty laugh/laugh heartily 放声大笑,开怀大笑
Upon hearing that he had won the lottery, the man laughed heartily.
3. force a smile 强作欢颜
At the funeral, he forced a smile for anyone who offered condolences.
4. saccharine smile 谄笑,谄媚的笑
When he talks to his boss, he puts on a saccharine smile.
5. smile bitterly 苦笑
The student smiled bitterly when his teacher caught him copying his homework.
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1、a wise guy 骄傲自大的人。这里的wise并不表示“聪明”,相反它含有讽刺的意味。Alic's all right, I guess, but sometimes he's such a wise guy. 据我看,亚历克这个人还不赖,不过有时候太狂妄自大了。有时候本词组还用于朋友之间的调侃。Who's the wise guy that took my lunch box? 是哪位机灵的大爷拿走了我的饭盒?
2、a shrinking violet 畏首畏尾的人。原意为“正在发蔫的紫罗兰”。紫罗兰在背阴的地方悄悄地开花,所以violet是谦虚的象征,代表“腼腆的人”,但加上shrinking意思就有了变化。George has a very good mind. He would rise fast in the world if he weren't such a shrinking violet.乔治很聪明。如果他不是一个畏首畏尾的人,在社会上早就出人头地了。
3、a backseat driver 不在权限范围内而指手划脚的人。在美国开车出门是许多人生活的一部分。开车的技术当然每个人都不一样,一般来说,开车的人都不太愿意被别人指指点点。所以我们把那些老是喜欢在后面给开车的人提出不必要的指导和建议的人叫做backseat driver。One place where you find lots of backseat drivers is in politics. 要说指手画脚的人,在政界你可以找到好多。
4、a wet blanket 令人扫兴的人。这一表达的来源是:当发生火灾的时候,为了扑火,把湿毛毯盖到火上。后用来指在社交场合泼冷水、令人扫兴的人。I'm sorry to be such a wet blanket, but I'm afraid I have to go home now. 我让大家扫兴,实在太对不起了。不过,我现在必须回家啦。
5、a late bloomer 大器晚成的人。原意是“迟开的花”,与人大器晚成相似。Paul was such a slow worker at first that we almost fired him, but he proved to be a late bloomer. 保罗初来时工作非常迟钝,我们几乎要开除他,但最终证实他是一个有潜力的人。
6、an apple polisher 拍马屁者。过去美国学生为了讨好老师,把擦得光光亮亮的苹果递给老师,本词组源于此。You should take much care of him, and he's a real apple polisher. 你可得多留心那小子,他可是个货真价实的马屁精。
7、an ugly customer 粗暴的人。Ugly是ugly behavior(行为丑恶)的意思,指使用暴力,威胁他人。Customer原意为“顾客”,转用于表示“一沾上边就会有麻烦的人”。When he starts drinking, he can become an ugly customer. 他一喝上酒就会大吵大闹,让人真是没办法。
8、a visiting fireman 远方的客人。原指从地方前来的团体客人。他们从地方前来参加大会,感到一身轻松,吃喝玩乐,挥金如土。现多指重要的商业伙伴或高级官员或公司老板,是需要殷勤招待的客人。I'm behind in my work because our office had three groups of visiting firemen this week. 本周我们公司有三批远方来客,因此我耽搁了工作。
9、an Indian giver 送东西给人而日后往回要的人。这一表达法的起源是:在过去,某些印第安部落有送礼必须还礼的习俗。因此,有不少印第安人为了得到新奇的礼物而向白人送礼。后来就把一般给人送礼而指望别人还礼的人都称为“印第安送礼者”。Toby may have given you these books, but don't start celebrating yet. He's famous for being a Indian giver. 托比可能送给你这几本书了,但是不要高兴的太早。他送东西又往回要,是出了名的。
10、a name-dropper 以仿佛很熟悉的口吻谈到著名人物的人。Drop是“若无其事地说”。本词语指由于虚荣心作怪,到处胡乱提及著名人士的名字以提高自己身价的人。Most social climbers are name-droppers. 绝大部分削尖脑袋往上流社会钻营的人,大多喜欢提著名人士的名字。
11、an eager beaver 工作卖力的人。Beaver海狸是一种哺乳动物,前肢比后肢短,趾有爪,擅长挖掘,忙于筑坝。所以用eager beaver来喻指“干劲十足的人,积极、努力又热心的人”。He seems never to know what tiredness is, and he's really an eager beaver. 他似乎从不知什么叫累,真是个用功的人。
12、mall rat 喜欢逛购物中心的年轻人。Mall是购物中心,有的规模小,有的规模大。一到周末各地的购物中心都有买东西的人,有的人不见得买什么,只是在里面像老鼠一样钻来钻去。I used to be a typical mall rat hanging around watching the crowds, especially the girls. But now I join the football club, and I have no time.我过去是个典型的逛购物中心迷,在那里看人,特别是女孩子。但是现在我加入了足球俱乐部,就没有时间了。
回复: 西方基本文化常识扫盲Hot


大冷饮(雪碧,芬达,可口可乐) Large Drink
标准冷饮(雪碧,芬达,可口可乐) Regular Drink
巧克力奶昔 Chocolate Shake
草莓奶昔 Strawberry Shake
香草奶昔 Vanilla Shake
汉堡 Hamburger
吉士汉堡 Cheeseburger
双层汉堡 Double Hamburger
两个吉士汉堡,热红茶 2 Cheeseburgers,Hot Tea
吉士汉堡,奶昔 Cheeseburger, Shake
双层吉士汉堡 Double Cheeseburger
巨无霸 Big Mac
麦香鱼,咖啡 Filet-O-Fish, Coffee
汉堡,标准薯条,标准饮料 Hamburger, Regular Fries, Regular Drink
麦香鸡,热红茶 McChicken Sandwich, Hot Tea
两个汉堡,标准冷饮 Hamburgers, Regular Drink
麦香鱼 Filet-O-Fish
麦香鸡汉堡 McChicken Sandwich
麦辣鸡翅 Spicy Chicken Wings

热红茶 Hot Tea
热巧克力 Hot Chocolate
咖啡 Coffee
标准橙汁 Regular O.J.
大杯橙汁 Large O.J.
鲜奶 Milk
苹果派 Apple Pie
巧克力圣代 Chocolate Sundae
菠萝圣代 Pineapple Sundae
大薯条 Large Fries
标准薯条 Regular Fries
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China, America的结尾音是那和卡,不是“那儿”和“卡儿”。
Famous, delicious的弱音节是“么斯”和“社斯”,不是“么儿斯”和“社儿斯”。
Believe, you的结尾音是上牙咬下嘴唇的“v”和压得很低的“又”,不能有一点点儿话。

二. 十几和几十的发音介于鼻音和不鼻音之间


三. Th没有阻碍感"


四. 发音标


五. 百分之per cent


六. 政治经济和民主


七. 工业Industry

八. 西城“区”


九. 故宫imperial palace

十. Of
回复: 西方基本文化常识扫盲Hot

在这一课里, 我们学习几个跟时间有关系的常用语,比方 "准时"on time,"及时" in time, "总是" all the time, "有时候" from time to time, 等等. 另外我们要谈美 国人的时间观念, 顺便谈一谈在这套教材里出现过的人物.
首先我们依照惯例听一段对话, 内容是说珍妮早晨起来去跑步, 作运动, 回家 路上遇到鲍勃, 两个人谈话的经过. 请你注意听英文老师的发音和语调.
M: Jenny, I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been?
F: I've been busy, Bob. How are you?
M: I'm fine. You have been running, haven't you? Where do you find the time?
F: It does take a lot of time, but I really enjoy it. Why don't you try it?
M: Well, I think about it from time to time, but it seems like I never have enough time.
F: Speaking of not having enough time, I really need to get home and take a shower. I have a class in an hour. I want to be on time for it.
M: Okay, I'll talk to you some other time.
M: Jenny, I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been?
F: I've been busy, Bob. How are you?
M: I'm fine. You have been running, haven't you? Where do you find the time?
F: It does take a lot of time, but I really enjoy it. Why don't you try it?
M: Well, I think about it from time to time, but it seems like I never have enough time.
F: Speaking of not having enough time, I really need to get home and take a shower. I have a class in an hour. I want to be on time for it.
M: Okay, I'll talk to you some other time.
刚才那段对话里包含了许多跟时间有关系的俗语. 现在我把这些有俗语的句 子挑出来, 请老师再念一遍给你听.
M: I haven't seen you for a long time.
M: Where do you find the time?
F: It does take a lot of time.
M: I think about it from time to time.
F: I want to be on time for it.
M: I'll talk to you some other time.
现在我们挑出几个表明时间的常用语分别作练习. 首先我们练习 "准时" 或是 "守时" on time, o-n t-i-m-e, on time 的用法. 下面男老师用这个词组作一些句子 说明珍妮很守时, 比方 "珍妮无论作什么事总是想着要准时." Jenny is preoccupied with being on time. "她总是准时赴约会." She is always on time for an appointment. 等等. 请你注意听男老师念句子, 并且跟女老师一起把句子 重复一遍.
M: Jenny wants to be on time for her class.
F: Jenny wants to be on time for her class.
M: She was taught to be on time when she was small.
F: She was taught to be on time when she was small.
M: She feels that being on time is a good habit.
F: She feels that being on time is a good habit.
M: She thinks that being on time is important.
F: She thinks that being on time is important.
M: She is preoccupied with being on time.
F: She is preoccupied with being on time.
M: She is always on time for an appointment.
F: She is always on time for an appointment.
M: She is always on time for work.
F: She is always on time for work.
M: She tells her boss if she cannot be on time for work.
F: She tells her boss if she cannot be on time for work.
M: She wants to be on time because she values time.
F: She wants to be on time because she values time.
下面我们作一组代换练习, 一方面练习 on time 这个词组,一方面看一看什么样 的人通常比较准时. 练习的作法是老师念一个有从句的问题, 然后老师念另外 一个从句, 请你把从句代换到原来的句子里. 这组练习里有些词汇可能你不熟, 比方 "珍贵" precious, "注重时间的" time-oriented, "繁忙的" hectic, "时间表" schedule, "认真地" conscientiously, 请你在作练习的时候特别注意. 每作完一 句老师就把正确答案念一遍给你听. 现在开始.
M: Are those who have a watch usually on time?
M: who worry about being late
F: Are those who worry about being late usually on time?
M: who value time
F: Are those who value time usually on time?
M: who consider time precious
F: Are those who consider time precious usually on time?
M: who live in a time-oriented society
F: Are those who live in a time-oriented society usually on time?
M: who have a hectic schedule
F: Are those who have a hectic schedule usually on time?
M: who work conscientiously
F: Are those who work conscientiously usually on time?
下面我们练习怎么用 "及时" in time, i-n t-i-m-e, in time 作句子. 练习的作法是鲍 勃问珍妮一些问题, 比方"你今天早上赶上那班直达车了吗?" Did you catch the express bus this morning? 珍妮就用 in time 作肯定的答覆. 请你注意听.
M: Did you catch the express bus this morning?
F: Yes, I caught it in time.
M: Did you make it to your class?
F: Yes, I made it in time.
M: Did you finish the exam?
F: Yes, I finished it in time.
M: Did you talk to your advisor before he left the office?
F: Yes, I talked to him in time.
M: Did you make it to the doctor's appointment after school?
F: Yes, I made it in time.
M: Did you get home before the traffic hour started?
F: Yes, I got home in time.
下面我们再作一组练习. 首先老师说一句话, 比方: Jenny talked to her advisor just before he left the office. 请你把句子改成: She talked to her advisor in time.
这组练习不但提到珍妮还提到其他在这套教材里出现过的人物跟他们做过的 一些事情, 希望你还记得.现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句, 就请你听老师念 正确答案.
M: Jenny talked to her advisor just before he left his office.
F: She talked to her advisor in time.
M: Bob got back from China the day before the semester started.
F: He got back from China in time.
M: Henry and Kate paid their income tax before it was too late.
F: They paid their income tax in time.
M: Henry and other firemen put out the fire just before it started to spread.
F: They put out the fire in time.
M: Nancy finished typing the fire report an hour before it was due.
F: She finished typing the fire report in time.
M: Kate picked up her car just before the garage close.
F: She picked up her car in time.
M: Peter got into his parents' trailer before it started to rain.
F: He got into his parents' trailer in time.
M: Mary got her graduation cap and gown the day before the graduation ceremony.
F: She got her graduation cap and gown in time.
M: Linda bought a swimming suit for Jenny on the last day of the sale.
F: She bought a swimming suit for Jenny in time.
现在我们练习怎么用 from time to time, f-r-o-m t-i-m-e t-o t-i-m-e, from time to time 这个词组的意思就是 "不时" 或是 "有时候". 下面老师用这个词组提出一 些跟工作有关系的问题, 比方美国人有时候感到工作沉重, 有时候觉得受到时 间的束缚等等, 请你一一地作肯定的答覆. 你回答之后老师会把答案再念一 遍给你听.
M: Are Americans preoccupied with their jobs from time to time?
F: Yes, Americans are preoccupied with their jobs from time to time.
M: Do they feel job pressure from time to time?
F: Yes, they feel job pressure from time to time.
M: Do they cope with a hectic schedule from time to time?
F: Yes, they cope with a hectic schedule from time to time.
M: Do they work extra hours from time to time?
F: Yes, they work extra hours from time to time.
M: Do they complain about their jobs from time to time?
F: Yes, they complain about their jobs from time to time.
M: Do they need to relax from time to time?
F: Yes, they need to relax from time to time.
M: Do they need to get away from their jobs from time to time?
F: Yes, they need to get away from their jobs from time to time.
下面我们学习怎么用 all the time, a-l-l t-h-e t-i-m-e, all the time. 这个词组可以用 来表示 "总是". 比方: He's always busy. 可以改成: He's busy all the time. 现在 老师作一些句子说明在这套教材里出现过的一些人物.比方: Peter doesn't like to wear a watch. He's always late. 学生就把句子改成: Peter doesn't like to wear a watch. He's late all the time. 学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.
M: Jenny is preoccupied with time. She always worries about being late.
F: Jenny is preoccupied with time. She worries about being late all the time.
M: Peter doesn't like to wear a watch. He's always late.
F: Peter doesn't like to wear a watch. He's late all the time.
M: Henry has a hectic schedule. He's always busy.
F: Henry has a hectic schedule. He's busy all the time.
M: Kate is persuasive. Her students always listen to her.
F: Kate is persuasive. Her students listen to her all the time.
M: Bill is a competitive coach. He always talks about winning a game.
F: Bill is a competitive coach. He talks about winning a game all the time.
M: Bob likes politics. He always campaigns for somebody.
F: Bob likes politics. He campaigns for somebody all the time.
M: Nancy has financial problems. She always complains about the high cost of living.
F: Nancy has financial problems. She complains about the high cost of living all the time.
M: Bonnie has psychological problems. She's always upset.
F: Bonnie has psychological problems. She's upset all the time.
今天我们要听的文章谈到美国人很重视时间. 这一点从语言, 生活习惯等等方 面都可以看出来. 文章里许多词汇都是我们刚刚练习过的.
Americans think a great deal about time. They constantly refer to time and the value of keeping busy. From childhood, they learn to value time, and their language reflects this preoccupation with it.
As children, they are taught to be on time for events and to do work on time. They learn that the price of committing a crime is to do time in prison. When they are having a good time, they say that time flies; they say sadly of someone who is dying that he is living on borrowed time. From the time of its beginning, American English has reflected this preoccupation with time.
Nowhere can this sense of time be seen more clearly than in the working place. Working Americans are bound to the clock. It is a commonly held belief that one should balance work against a set time, for example an 8 hour day or a 40 hour week. Anything over these time limits is overtime, and the worker should receive more money per hour for work done during overtime.
Time during nonworking hours is also considered very precious. Whether an American decides on a hectic weekend schedule, when Saturday and Sunday are filled with activities,or on a relaxed weekend,the time will be regarded as valuable. Some Americans feel they have a love / hate relationship with time. They love the comforts that progress has brought through work, but they hate the bondage to the clock and the pressures of a time-oriented society. There is little doubt that many Americans feel they have become servants of the clock.
现在请你回答下面三个问题. 回答之后老师会念正确答案给你听.
M: What are some of the expressions reflecting Americans' preoccupation with time?
F: To be on time, have a good time, live on borrowed time and to do time are some of the expressions reflecting Americans' preoccupation with time.
M: What is overtime?
F: Anything over an 8 hour day or a 40 hour week is overtime.
M: Why do many Americans feel they have become servants of the clock?
F: It is because they live in a time-oriented society.
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  工作狂----workaholic [,w:k’hlik]
  这个词的后半部分来源于 alcoholic ([,lk’h:lik] 酗酒的,酒鬼的),共同之处是对什么事情非常迷恋。
  那猜猜 shopaholic 是什么意思呢?就是“购物狂”的意思。
  chocaholic 是“巧克力狂”。似乎我们可以组合出很多很多的 “狂”。
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fingers crossed---希望有好运
  good luck 就不用多介绍了。
  英国乐透彩票(lottery)就用的是fingers crossed的logo。表示好运。
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Fed up---对什么事情很厌烦了,忍无可忍了。(这是个非常地道的英语短语)
  用的时候要用被动语态。例如:I am fed up with my boss. 我对我的老板是受够了。
  fed 其实是 feed 的过去分词形式。这个短语可以想象为什么东西把你喂的都要吐出来了 (throw up),你说烦不烦
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Face the music---面对批评,困难,惩罚,或不想面对的事实。
  After he was caught with the stolen goods, he had to face the music.
  Now you have to face the music.
回复: 西方基本文化常识扫盲Hot

bump into---碰巧遇到某人
  bump 作动词, 是“撞击”的意思。过去式是直接加“ed”。bumped
  e.g. Guess who I bumped into downtown today? The queen 猜我今天遇到了谁?女王
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Top 这个词是再熟悉不过了。
  top of the hill---山顶
  top of the class---顶级的
  top priority---最高的优先级
  topless [tɔplis] ---无上装(表演等)
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  hop 是单脚跳跃的意思。
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Fuck off---滚开
  再附送上同样意思的一句: bugger off---滚开,但总感觉这句不如上面一句有威慑力。
回复: 西方基本文化常识扫盲Hot

I wont let you down---我不会让你失望的
  比如你的老板很信任你,给了你一个重要任务。你就可以说“I wont let you down”,隐含意思就是“我会把它做好,不辜负你的期望”。
  如果你把事情搞砸了,你来向老板认罪,你就可以说“Sorry,I let you down”。对不起,我让你蒙羞了(感觉像是日本人的语气!)
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Hen party---母鸡之夜
  新娘结婚前,只有女性朋友参加的party。即告别单身生活前的最后疯狂。《老友记》里面莫尼卡结婚前的hen party那一集是非常好笑。
  stag [stæg] party---雄鹿之夜
  新郎对应的结婚前party。以往是结婚前一天,后来怕新郎在stag party 上喝的烂醉,误了第二天的大事。所以现在stag party都挪到结婚前的几个星期举行。
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paper work---一些文书工作,像添表格,信息录入,写报告之类事情的总称。
  在英国,好像任何事情都要必须经过无休止的paper work。




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