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  参加老外的酒会,能不能喝酒不重要,重要的是要能和不同人等聊上一通。不少人以为自己英语不错了,可以“单刀赴会”了。偏偏是这样的人参加这样的聚会,十之八九都会落得个格格不入(out of place)的不良感觉。
  这里最大的问题不是英语能力,而是对英语文化的意识(cultural awareness)。能够受邀参加老外办的酒会,通常都应该是工作比较出色的专业人员。问题就出在这“专业人员”上。在英语文化中,人们在介绍自己时,至少备有两顶“帽子”,一顶是与工作相关的,一顶是工作以外的。在非工作场所,如果你只能谈工作,而不能谈点其他的什么,就会被认为乏味(boring)。这一点和我们的文化真的不一样,甚至相反,设想一群博导在一个聚会上大谈 fishing,traveling 或 golfing 什么的像话么?不过老外就是这样。就算你除了工作,真的再也没其他了,你也要有意识地准备一点工作以外的话题。
  这样的话题是可以准备好的。老外在 party 上会聊什么呢?他们最常用的两个问句就是 What do you do? 和 What do you do for fun? 第一个问题的意思是What is your job? 这个问题比较开放,我们可以回答是一名学生、一名教师、一名策划人等等都可以。回答时常常带上我们的职务、职称或其他工作头衔,以及相关的一些信息,如 I am an English teacher in China, I specialize in teaching art students how to talk about their work in English; 第二个问题常常被理解成 What is your hobby? 其实两者之间还是有差别的。What is your hobby? 这样的问句并不是很好,因为 hobby 一词常常带有 doing something small with your hands in your spare time 的意思,通常是十多岁的孩子或退休老人做的事情,如集明信片、做飞机模型等。所以最好还是用 What do you do for fun? 或What do you do in your spare time? 来提问。
  当老外谈论其 after work activities 时,通常都让人听起来很兴奋。常言道 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy(光学习不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻),会“玩”在老外的观念中是一件值得炫耀的事情,他们认为人人都应有一两项业余爱好。
  别小看这一两项业余爱好。现在的职场压力那么大,离开校园后还能够一直保持着一两项业余爱好可不简单啊。不少人早“戒”了。这也不要紧,我们可以来点“造假”,选一两个比较感兴趣的消遣领域,准备一些对应的英文词汇就可以了。其实也只是聊聊而已,老外不会在日后核查你的造诣到底如何。比如说,如果你说 I am interested in art, 就要做好准备回答这样的问题:What kind of art do you like? Who are your favorite artists? Have you seen the latest show at the museum? 当然,你也可以用这类问题“先发制人”,成为一个发起谈话、制造话题的活跃的聊天者。
  有人看到这里,可能会皱眉头,心想如此高谈阔论乃我年轻躁狂岁月的行为,现在老调重弹,岂非浅薄。可这就对了,老外哪里懂得你的深沉?如果你想深沉,甚至在 party 上一直作沉思状,那最好的选择就是不要接受邀请,免得不仅自己在 party上不尴不尬(awkward),更令邀请人失望,在社交效果上适得其反。在 party 上深沉地沉思(thoughtful)也好,深沉地沉默(silent)也好,人家都过来搭讪了,你不可以还在那里一脸沉重,对人家热情洋溢的问题,只是以 yes 或 no 作答,再也 没 有 其 他 言 语。 请 注 意, 除 了 情 人 间 演 绎 romance,silence 大 多 表 示 anger 或disinterest,而勉强以 yes 或 no 作答也好不到哪里去,无异于告诉对方:Go away, I don’t want to speak to you!
  这里特别提醒一些女士,老外确实很 gentleman,但这并不意味着他们对女性无原则地迁就,他们尤其反感东方女性在酒会上的 silence,特别是刻意的、自鸣得意的 silence。英语文化在 party conversation 方 面 对 女 性 毫 无 照 顾 政 策。女士们要谨防 silent 的矜持被一些 不太 gentle 的老外解读成 stupid(愚蠢)或 snobbish(势利)。


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  1. I'd like to make a reservation. 在一些餐馆中,你需要事先订位。告诉餐馆你们一共有多少人、你会到达的时间及你的名字。"I’d like to make a reservation for four at 8 p.m. for Kristi."前台接待可能会问你的联系电话或是你是否需要吸烟区,要事先考虑好这些信息。
  2. Could you repeat that, please?这个短语并不止用于在外用餐,但是却是非常的重要。餐厅可能很吵。服务生说话也可能很快。如果你没有听懂什么,就问他们,"Could you repeat that?"当然,简单说,"Excuse me?"也可以。别怕用得次数太多!
  3. We need another minute。如果服务生请你点菜而你还没有决定的话你就可以使用这短语。你会听到,"Are you ready to order?"用"Not yet. We need another minute,"或是"Can we have another minute?"回答。注意"a minute"在一个繁忙的餐馆里通常意味着服务生会在五分钟后回来为你点菜。
  4. I'd like/I'll have .。。这是两句最重要的短语!使用"I'd like …"或是"I'll have …" 在点菜或是点饮料的时候。例如, "I'd like the spaghetti and some tea,"或是"I'll have a sandwich and a soft drink."手指着菜单也总是能让人明白的!
  5. Could you bring …?/Do you have …?如果你要更多的物品,就说,"Could you bring some extra napkins?" 如果你想要什么东西但是不确定餐馆是否有的话就试着说,"Do you have …?" 例如,如果你想要橙汁但是菜单上没有的话,就问, "Do you have orange juice?"
  6. This isn't what I ordered。如果服务生送错了菜,就说,"This isn't what I ordered, I ordered …"接着说你点的菜。这并不常见,但是如果真的发生的话,注意要说些什么来纠正
  7. Check, please!当你准备要离开时,获取服务生的注意,同时说, "Check, please!"作为你餐毕短小而简单的结束语。
回复: 西方基本文化常识扫盲Hot

中国朋友常犯的英语错误:"You are so poor"。这句话没有什么问题,但是很多人以为意思是"你很惨"。其实是"你很穷"。如果想说"你很惨"必须把Poor放在前面:"Poor you"。Poor woman!

虽然英语的"Poor"也可以代表"差"的意思,但是最近我们外国人很少那样说。很多中国教材会教这句"My English is poor"。我从来没有听过一个外国人说"My Chinese is poor"。有几种说法:"My English is bad" "My English isn't very good" "I speak English badly" "I don't speak English very well"

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比如Humorous。我经常听他们说"You're very humorous"。口语上,外国人不会用这个词,而会说"You're funny"或"You're a funny guy"。滑稽=Funny。
如果我们说Humorous,通常是具有讽刺意味。下次有朋友开个不好笑的玩笑,你可以说"Haha! Humorous!
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Birth Control避孕,
Aphrodisiac春 药,
Libido/Sex Drive性欲,

Do you need aphrodisiacs to keep your libido up?你需要吃春 药保持你的性 欲旺盛吗?
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Fast food
1. ice coffee [FONT=宋体]冰咖啡[/FONT]
2. orange juice [FONT=宋体]柳橙汁[/FONT]
3. bag [FONT=宋体]袋子[/FONT]
4. hamburger [FONT=宋体]汉[/FONT][FONT=宋体]堡[/FONT]
5. tray [FONT=宋体]托盘[/FONT]
6. napkin [FONT=宋体]餐巾纸[/FONT]
7 soft drink [FONT=宋体]汽水[/FONT]
8. mustard [FONT=宋体]芥末[/FONT]
9. mayonnaise [FONT=宋体]美乃滋[/FONT]
10. ketchup [FONT=宋体]蕃茄酱[/FONT]
11. straw [FONT=宋体]吸管[/FONT]
12. ice [FONT=宋体]冰块[/FONT]
13. French fries [FONT=宋体]薯条[/FONT]
14. change [FONT=宋体]零钱[/FONT]
15. receipt [FONT=宋体]收据[/FONT]
16. counter [FONT=宋体]柜台[/FONT]
17. cash register [FONT=宋体]收银机[/FONT]
18. coupon [FONT=宋体]折价券[/FONT]
1. burger [FONT=宋体]汉堡[/FONT]
2. cheeseburger [FONT=宋体]起司汉堡[/FONT]
3. fries [FONT=宋体]薯条[/FONT]
4. Next please! [FONT=宋体]下一位![/FONT]
5. Is this seat taken? [FONT=宋体]这个位置有人坐吗?[/FONT]
6. Let's sit over here! [FONT=宋体]我们坐这里吧![/FONT]
7. These fries are cold! [FONT=宋体]这些薯条凉掉了![/FONT]
8. This soda is flat! [FONT=宋体]这杯汽水没汽了![/FONT]
9. I didn't order this. [FONT=宋体]我没有点这个。[/FONT]
10. (Is that for) here or to go? [FONT=宋体]?用还是外带?[/FONT]
11. Is that everything? [FONT=宋体]这样就好了吗?[/FONT]
12. Small, medium, or large? [FONT=宋体]小的、中的还是大的?[/FONT]
13. Excuse me, where's the restroom? [FONT=宋体]抱歉,请问洗手间在哪里?[/FONT]
14. Would you like fries with your order? [FONT=宋体]你点的餐要加薯条吗?[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]俚遮[/FONT][FONT=宋体] [/FONT]Slang
This is great! [FONT=宋体]这太棒了![/FONT]
That's a rip off! [FONT=宋体]那简直是坑人嘛![/FONT]
I could kill for a burger. [FONT=宋体]我非常想吃一个汉堡。(原来字面上的意思是┱我可以为了一个汉堡杀人)[/FONT]
Let's grab a burger. [FONT=宋体]我们吃个汉堡吧。[/FONT]
I've got the munchies! [FONT=宋体]我嘴馋!([/FONT]munch[FONT=宋体]┱咀嚼)[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]成遮 [/FONT]Idioms
To bite one's tongue [FONT=宋体](某人)不要真?;某人(保持缄默)[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]这个成语也可以写成[/FONT] hold one's tongue [FONT=宋体]「控制住(某人的)舌头」,亦即「保持沉默」。而原来[/FONT]bite [FONT=宋体]这个字当动词,是将舌头放在牙齿中间,以防说出一些会让人后悔的事。[/FONT]
You better bite your tongue and not say a word of this to anyone!

[FONT=宋体] [/FONT]Dialogue 1.
Jane is about to order at a fast food restaurant.
Clerk: Welcome to Burger Barn. Can I take your order? [FONT=宋体]店员┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]欢迎光临汉堡屋。我能为您点餐吗?[/FONT]
Jane: Mmm. Can I have a cheeseburger please? And... an orange juice. [FONT=宋体]珍┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]嗯。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]可以给我一个起司汉堡吗?还有[/FONT]……[FONT=宋体]一杯柳橙汁。[/FONT]
Clerk: Small, medium or large? [FONT=宋体]店员┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]小的、中的还是大的?[/FONT]
Jane: Large please. Oh! Can I have some fries with that? [FONT=宋体]珍┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]请斤我大的。喔!我可以要一点薯条吗?[/FONT]
Clerk: Sure. Just a moment please. [FONT=宋体]店员┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]当然可以。请稍候。[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体] [/FONT] Dialogue 2.
Ron and Ann have both ordered their meals and they are now sitting at a table.
Ron: How's your burger? [FONT=宋体]荣┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]你的汉堡怎么样?[/FONT]
Ann: The burger's great but the fries are a bit cold. [FONT=宋体]安┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]汉堡很好吃可是薯条有点凉了。[/FONT]
Ron: Why don't you take them back? [FONT=宋体]荣┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]你怎么不拿回去退?[/FONT]
Ann: Do you think they'll mind? [FONT=宋体]安┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]你想他们会介意吗?[/FONT]
Ron: What do you mean?! They'll be happy to replace them. [FONT=宋体]荣┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]你是什么意思?!他们会很乐意退。[/FONT]
Ann: You know me, I hate to complain about things. [FONT=宋体]安┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]你知道我的嘛,我讨厌抱怨。[/FONT]


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Kitchen stove

1、steam 蒸
2、pan fry 煎,炒
3、deep fry 油炸
4、microwave 微波炉
5、boil 煮
6、bake 烘烤
7、What's cooking? 在煮什么东西
8、Something is cooking. 锅子里在煮东西
9、Mmm, smells good. 恩,闻起来很香
10、What are you making? 你在做什么料理
11、Let's eat in tonight. 我们晚上就在家里吃吧
12、He can't cook. 他不会作饭
13、He's a fantastic cook.他煮东西一流
14、Be careful, that's hot! 小心,烫哦
15、Don't touch that. 别碰那个
16、Here, taste this. 来,尝尝这个
17、Oh no, I burnt the food! 糟糕,我把食物烧焦了
18、It's almost ready. 快好了
19、It just needs a few more minutes. 再几分钟就行了
20、Turn on the oven. 把炉子打开
21、Turn down the gas. 把煤气关小点
22、I'm making casserole for dinner tonight. 我在煮晚上要吃的火锅

1、Whip something up 速成一盘菜
2、Throw something together 拼拼凑凑一锅
3、Make a mean hamburger 做一个很棒的汉堡
4、Slave over the stove 在厨房忙着

Cook up ( something ) 构思,策划
cook up 原指把东西加热煮熟以便食用,所以形容一个人正在cook up something即表示着这个人正在计划构思着某件事
He's cooking up a way to make some extra money.他正在构思着赚外快的方法

Dialogue one
Jim: What are you cooking? 吉姆,你正在煮什么?
Lara: It's a surprise. 萨拉,这是个秘密
Jim: Well, it sure smells good. You really know how to cook. 吉姆,恩,闻起来很香,你很会煮东西哦
Lara: Thanks, Jim. Cooking is something I've enjoyed doing since I was young. 萨拉,谢谢,吉姆.我从小就喜欢煮东西
Jim: So, can I taste the surprise yet? 吉姆,那,我可以尝尝这个秘密了吗?
Lara: It'll be ready in a few minutes. Go sit down! 萨拉,再几分钟就好了,你去坐好啦。

Dialogue two
Mom: Honey, I have to go now. Could you finish cooking the soup? 妈,亲爱的,我得走了,你可以把汤煮了吗?
Larry: Sure, mom. What do I need to do? 赖瑞,当然,妈妈,我要怎么做。
Mom: Just wait ten more minutes, then turn the gas down a little. 妈,只要等上10分钟,然后把煤气关小一点。
Larry: What do I do when it's ready? 赖瑞,然后呢?
Mom: Just turn the stove off. 妈,把炉火关掉就行了。
Larry: OK mom, no problem. See you later. 赖瑞,好妈妈,没问题,再见。


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Living room

1. clock 时钟
2. bookshelf 书架
3. TV 电视机
4. videotape 录影带
5. speaker 喇叭
6. TV stand 电视柜
7. DVD (digital versatile disk) player 数位影音光碟机
8. VHS player 录影机
9. stereo system 立体音响
10. magazine rack 杂志架
11. magazine 杂志
12. floor lamp 立灯
13. sofa 沙发
14. cushion 靠垫;坐垫
15. picture 书
16. potted plant 盆栽
17. armchair 扶手椅
18. coffee table 茶几
19. newspaper 报纸
20. rug 地毯
21. remote control 遥控器

1. What's on? 现在在演什么?
2. Could you pass me the remote? 可以请你把哜控器拿给我吗?
3. Pass me a cushion, please. 请递给我一个靠垫。
4. Keep your feet off the sofa. 脚不要放在沙发上。
5. This is boring -- change the channel. 这节目好无聊啊──转台吧。
6. Have you seen this movie? 你看过这部电影吗?
7. Don't tell me the ending. 不要告诉我结局。
8. Who stars in this? 这是谁主演的?
9. Is this a repeat? 这是重播的吗?
10. Is this live? 这是现场直播的吗?
11. There are no subtitles! 没有字幕!
12. Turn it up a bit, please. 请大声一点。
13. Would you like a snack? 要来点小点心吗?

俚遮  Slang
couch potato 电视迷(couch┱沙发或长椅)
the box 电视(口语用法;因为电视的外观方正像盒子一样)
the tube 电视(口语用法;tube原指电视的映像管)
chill out 放轻松(chill┱寒冷)
kick back 完全放松
a quite night at home 宁祜的居家夜晚
make yourself at home 不要拘束(就像在自己家一样)

成遮 Idioms
pull the rug out from under (someone's) feet  破坏(某人)的计划
pull 当动词是「拉;扯」的意思。rug 是「地毯;门毯」。字面上看来就是从某人的脚下把地毯抽掉,想当然耳,某人一定会因为站不稳而跌倒。 后来用在「停止某人原有的支援或资源,而且通常是突然停止」,也就是「破坏(某人)的计划」的意思。
My company pulled the rug out from under my feet when it cut the entire budget for my project.

Dialogue 1.

John: What are you doing tonight? 约翰┱ 你今天晚上要做什么?
Mary: Oh, not much. I was thinking of spending a quiet night at home watching TV. 玛丽┱ 喔,没什么。我想要在家里看电视,享受一个宁静的夜晚。
John: Is there anything good on TV tonight? 约翰┱ 今晚有什么好看的电视节目吗?
Mary: There's a great movie on channel seven. 玛丽┱ 第七台有一部很棒的电影。
John: Really? What time does it start? 约翰┱ 真的?几点开始?
Mary: Nine. Why don't you come over and watch it with my roommates and me? 玛丽┱ 九点。 你何不过来和我还有我的室友一起看?
Dialogue 2.

Danny: Hi Sandra! Come in and make yourself at home. 丹 尼┱ 嗨,珊卓拉。请进,不要拘束。
Sandra: Thanks. What are you watching? 珊卓拉┱ 谢啦。你在看什么?
Danny: It's a DVD I rented. It stars Jackie Chan. 丹 尼┱ 这是我租来的 DVD。成龙主演的喔。
Sandra: Oh yeah. I've seen this one. In the end he . . . 珊卓拉┱ 哦,这一部我看过了。最后的结局是他……
Danny: Don't tell me the ending! I want to find out for myself! 丹 尼┱ 先不要告诉我结局!我要自己看!


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1、Ouch! That's hot! 哇塞,太热了
2、Are the sausages ready yet? 香肠好了吗
3、rare 生的
4、medium 半生不熟
5、well-done 全熟
6、The flames are too high! 火太旺了
7、Put the cover on! 盖上盖子
8、Help yourself!请自便
9、Is it hot enough yet? 够热了吗?

1、burnt to a frazzle 烤焦了
2、I'm getting eaten alive. 我快要被生吞活剥了
3、I'm a bit of a night owl. 我是有点夜猫子的人
4、He drinks like a fish! ヌ他大口大口豪饮

once in a blue moon ±难得有一次,稀有
关于blue moon的定义,在古老的说法中是指,有四次满月的一季里,第三次满月.因为在年历上会以颜色标记,所以因此得名.这在当时认为是久久才发生一次的现象,后来就被广泛引申为罕见稀有了.
How often do you drink beer? 你多久喝一次啤酒
Oh -- once in a blue moon! 哦,我难得喝一次

Dialogue one
Troy is serving up food at his friend's barbecue特洛伊在他朋友的烤肉宴上帮忙端盘子
Troy: How would you like your steak Lilly? 特洛伊,李丽,你的牛排要几分熟
Lilly: Well done please. And make sure there's no blood!李丽,请给我全熟的,而且要确定不带血的
Troy: Don't worry. One s teak, well-done, coming right up! Why don't you have a sausage while you wait? 特洛伊,别担心.一块排骨,全熟的,来了!要不要边等边来块香肠.
Lilly: Oh no thank you. I'm on a diet and sausages are very fattening.李丽,不,谢谢,我正在节食,而且香肠太油
Troy: Tell me about it! 特洛伊,那还用说

Dialogue two
Tina and Peter are relaxing in the park at their family's barbecue.笛拉和彼得正在公元享受他们的家庭烤肉
Tina: Wow! Look at the moon. Isn't it beautiful? 笛拉,哇,看月亮,它不是很美吗?
Peter: Yeah, the sky is so clear , and check out the stars. 彼得,是啊,天空好晴朗,你看那些是星星
Tina: Amazing. I love having the day off just to relax.笛拉,简直美呆了,我好想休个假,放松一下
Peter: It sure beats working -- can I get you a drink?彼得,对啊,肯定比工作好,要我给你拿饮料吗?
Tina: Sure, I'll have a beer thanks. 笛拉,当然,来罐啤酒,谢谢


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1、My scooter won't start.我的机车发动不了
2、Can you give me a ride? 你可以载我一程吗?
3、Jump on!上车
4、Can you drop me off at the corner?你可以让我在拐角下车吗?
5、Slow down!骑慢点
6、Step on it!快一点
7、I'm almost out of gas.我的汽油快用完了
8、Is there a gas station near here?附近有加油站吗?
9、Don't forget to lock your scooter.别忘了锁你的机车
10、Pull over here a minute.把车停到路边一下
11、Can you change the oil please?你能帮我换油吗?
12、Fill her up please!请把油加满
13、Watch out for the potholes!小心地上的坑洞
14、Where did you park?你的车停哪里
15、Drive carefully.小心驾驶
16、My scooter was towed!我的机车被拖吊了

俚语 Slang
1、Road hog 挡路的自私驾驶
2、Take your time!慢慢来
3、Road warrior 横冲直撞的驾驶
4、Speed trap 自动测速的照相机
5、A crazy driver 疯狂的驾驶
6、Maniac 疯子

成语 Idioms
Drive someone crazy使发疯,惹恼某人
drive有迫使某人处于某种状态或不情愿地做某事的意思drive someone crazy
Stephanie's music drives her mother crazy.

Dialogue one
Betty: Hey Steve, can you give me a lift to the university?贝帝,嘿,史蒂夫,你可以顺便载我到学校吗?
Steve: No pro blem. We're very close to it now. 史蒂夫,没问题,那里离我们不远
Betty: Great! You can just drop me off at this corner.贝帝,太好了,你在这个转角让我下车就好
Steve: OK. Here you go. 史蒂夫,好,到了
Betty: Thanks! See you later! 贝帝,谢了,呆会见

Dialogue two
Candace: Jeff, what's the hurry? 凯德丝,杰夫,你开那么快干嘛
Jeff: Relax Candace, I'm a safe driver. 杰夫,放轻松,凯德丝,我是个注意安全的驾驶
Candace: Sure, but you might get a speeding ticket.凯德丝,这我当然知道,你可能会收到超速罚单
Jeff: Oh, you're right. I'll slow down. 杰夫,哦,你是对的,我会开慢一点


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Office Desk

1. calendar 月历;桌历
2. pencil 铅笔
3. pen 笔
4. pencil holder 笔筒
5. glue 胶水
6. stapler订书机
7. staples 订书针
8. White-Out 修正液
9. phone 电话
10. Post-it Notes 便条?;便利贴
11. computer 电脑
12. mug 马克杯
13. file tray 公文架
14. eraser 橡皮擦
15. tacks 大头针
16. file folder 档案夹
17. magnet 磁铁
18. hole puncher 打孔机
19. paperclip 回文针
20. paper 纸
21. notepad 记事本
22. desk 桌子;桌面


1. Is anybody using this desk? 有人在用这张桌子吗?
2. There's a call for you! 有一通你的电话!
3. What's your extension number? 你的分机号码是几号?
4. Which desk is yours? 你的桌子是哪一张?
5. I have to tidy my desk. 我必须清理一下我的桌面。
6. My desk is a mess. 我的桌面一团乱。
7. Should I shutdown this computer? 我应该把这台电脑开机吗?
8. Can I take a message? 我可以帮你留话吗?
9. Whose desk is this? 这是谁的桌子?
10. This chair isn't very comfortable. 这张椅子坐起来不是很舒服。
11. He's working overtime. 他在加班。
12. I'm new here. 我是新来的。

俚遮  Slang
Show somebody the ropes. 让某人了解状况;带某人认识环境
My boss is a slave driver. 我的老板是暴君。(slave driver┱奴役别人的人)
Hand in my notice. 第上我的辞呈。
Get the boot.被开除。
Get fired. 被炒?酤。
Get off work. 下班。
Finish early. 提早下班。
成遮 Idioms
on the ball  能干的;机警的;效率高的
这句成语来自棒球场上,打击者必?全神?注于投手投出的球(keep his eyes on the ball),才能随时做出反应。后来就被引申为「机灵的;反应快的」,也有「很能干的」的意思。
That new secretary is really on the ball. I think she'll get promoted soon.

Dialogue 1. Troy: Hi there! Are you new here? 特洛伊┱ 嗨,你好!你是新来的??
June: Yeah, this is my first day on the job! 朱恩┱ 是啊,这是我第一天到这个工作。
Troy: My name's Troy Jenkins. Pleased to meet you. 特洛伊┱ 我叫做特洛伊简金思。很高兴认识你。
June: I'm June. June Simmons. Where do you sit? 朱恩┱ 我是朱恩,朱恩西门斯。你坐在哪里?
Troy: Right here next to you. If you have any questions about anything, just ask. 特洛伊┱ 就坐你旁边。如果你对任何事情有任何问铨,就问我。
Dialogue 2. Gail: My desk is a mess. I really should tidy it up a bit. 盖尔┱ 我的书桌一团乱。我真的需要整理一下了。
Tony: What you need are file folders for your stuff. 汤尼┱ 你需要用档案夹来整理你的资料。
Gail: I know. But they don't have any left. 盖尔┱ 我知道。但是我都用完了。
Tony: Wait a minute! I have a few I can give you. 汤尼┱ 等一下!我还有几个可以给你。
Gail: Great! Thanks! 盖尔┱ 太棒了!谢啦!


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1. carry-on bag 胗身行李
2. overhead compartment 舱顶置物箱
3. window seat 靠窗的座位
4. declaration form 出入境申报单
5. blanket 毛毯
6. seat pocket (椅背)置物袋
7. seatbelt 安全带
8. tray 折叠餐桌
9. buckle (安全带)带扣
10. passport 护照
11. boarding pass 登机证
12. footrest 踏脚处
13. headrest 靠头处
14. aisle seat 靠走道的座位
15. pillow 枕头
16. headphones 耳机
17. console 扶手上的按怙毙
18. armrest 扶手

1. airport 机场
2. runway 跑道
3. taxi 计程车
4. Would you like tea or coffee? 您要茶还是咖啡?
5. Can I have a blanket please? 可以给我一条毛毯吗?
6. When's dinner being served? 什么时候开始用晚餐?
7. We will be experiencing some turbulence. 我们将经过一阵乱流。
8. We'll be taking off shortly. 我们即将起飞。
9. Please remain seated until the plane comes to a complete standstill.
10. How long is the flight? 航程有多久?
11. Could you put your seat up please? 麻烦您竖直椅背好吗?

俚遮  Slang
I've got jet lag! 我有时差!
I'm still on Tokyo time! 我还在过东京的时间!
We should send out flyers! 我们应该去发传单的!
Check out that car -- it's flying! 你看那辆车--超快的!

成遮 Idioms
flying by the seat of one's pants  想到什么就做什么
Ricky never has anything planned out. He's always flying by the seat of his pants !

1. A flight attendant is dealing with a passenger.
Passenger: Excuse me. May I have some water please? 旅 客┱ 不好意思。可以给我一杯水吗?
Attendant: Yes sir -- just a moment. 空服员┱ 好的,马上来。
Passenger: Oh! And can I have a blanket too. 旅客┱ 喔!也请斤我一条毛毯。
Attendant: There's a blanket on the seat. 空服员┱ 座位上有毛毯。
Passenger: Oh sorry. I didn't see it. 旅 客┱ 喔,抱歉。我?看到。
Dialogue 2.
Two passengers are chatting on a plane, which has just landed in Sydney.
Tom: Is this your first time in Australia? 汤姆┱ 这是你第一次到澳洲吗?
Zoe: Yes it is. I'm visiting relatives. 柔伊┱ 是啊。我来探望亲戚。
Tom: You're going to love Australia. Especially at this time of year -- the weather's gorgeous. 汤姆┱ 你会爱上澳洲的。尤其是一年中的这个时候──天气棒极了。
Zoe: I can't wait. Oh, I still have to fill out my declaration form. Do you have a pen I can borrow? 柔伊┱ 我等不及了。喔,我还需要填一下申报单。你有笔可以借我吗?
Tom: Yeah, here you go. 汤姆┱ 有啊,这里。


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Living room

1. clock [FONT=宋体]时钟
2. bookshelf [FONT=宋体]书[/FONT][FONT=宋体]架[/FONT]
3. TV [FONT=宋体]电视机[/FONT]
4. videotape [FONT=宋体]录影带[/FONT]
5. speaker [FONT=宋体]喇叭[/FONT]
6. TV stand [FONT=宋体]电视柜[/FONT]
7. DVD (digital versatile disk) player [FONT=宋体]数位影音光碟机[/FONT]
8. VHS player [FONT=宋体]录影机[/FONT]
9. stereo system [FONT=宋体]立体音响[/FONT]
10. magazine rack [FONT=宋体]杂志[/FONT][FONT=宋体]架[/FONT]
11. magazine [FONT=宋体]杂志[/FONT]
12. floor lamp [FONT=宋体]立灯[/FONT]
13. sofa [FONT=宋体]沙发[/FONT]
14. cushion [FONT=宋体]靠垫;坐垫[/FONT]
15. picture [FONT=宋体]书[/FONT]
16. potted plant [FONT=宋体]盆栽[/FONT]
17. armchair [FONT=宋体]扶手椅[/FONT]
18. coffee table [FONT=宋体]茶几[/FONT]
19. newspaper [FONT=宋体]报纸[/FONT]
20. rug [FONT=宋体]地毯[/FONT]
21. remote control [FONT=宋体]遥控器[/FONT]

1. What's on? [FONT=宋体]现在在演什么?[/FONT]
2. Could you pass me the remote? [FONT=宋体]可以请你把哜控器拿给我吗?[/FONT]
3. Pass me a cushion, please. [FONT=宋体]请递给我一个靠垫。[/FONT]
4. Keep your feet off the sofa. [FONT=宋体]脚不要放在沙发上。[/FONT]
5. This is boring -- change the channel. [FONT=宋体]这节目好无聊啊[/FONT]──[FONT=宋体]转台吧。[/FONT]
6. Have you seen this movie? [FONT=宋体]你看过这部电影吗?[/FONT]
7. Don't tell me the ending. [FONT=宋体]不要告诉我结局。[/FONT]
8. Who stars in this? [FONT=宋体]这是谁主演的?[/FONT]
9. Is this a repeat? [FONT=宋体]这是重播的吗?[/FONT]
10. Is this live? [FONT=宋体]这是现场直播的吗?[/FONT]
11. There are no subtitles! [FONT=宋体]没有字幕![/FONT]
12. Turn it up a bit, please. [FONT=宋体]请大声一点。[/FONT]
13. Would you like a snack? [FONT=宋体]要来点小点心吗?[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]俚遮[/FONT][FONT=宋体] [/FONT]Slang
couch potato [FONT=宋体]电视迷([/FONT]couch[FONT=宋体]┱沙发或长椅)[/FONT]
the box [FONT=宋体]电视(口语用法;因为电视的外观方正像盒子一样)[/FONT]
the tube [FONT=宋体]电视(口语用法;[/FONT]tube[FONT=宋体]原指电视的映像管)[/FONT]
chill out [FONT=宋体]放轻松([/FONT]chill[FONT=宋体]┱寒冷)[/FONT]
kick back [FONT=宋体]完全放松[/FONT]
a quite night at home [FONT=宋体]宁祜的居家夜晚[/FONT]
make yourself at home [FONT=宋体]不要拘束(就像在自己家一样)[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]成遮 [/FONT]Idioms
pull the rug out from under (someone's) feet [FONT=宋体] 破坏(某人)的计划[/FONT]
pull [FONT=宋体]当动词是「拉;扯」的意思。[/FONT]rug [FONT=宋体]是「地毯;门毯」。字面上看来就是从某人的脚下把地毯抽掉,想当然耳,某人一定会因为站不稳而跌倒。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]后来用在「停止某人原有的支援或资源,而且通常是突然停止」,也就是「破坏(某人)的计划」的意思。[/FONT]
My company pulled the rug out from under my feet when it cut the entire budget for my project.

Dialogue 1.
John: What are you doing tonight? [FONT=宋体]约翰┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]你今天晚上要做什么?[/FONT]
Mary: Oh, not much. I was thinking of spending a quiet night at home watching TV. [FONT=宋体]玛丽┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]喔,没什么。我想要在家里看电视,享受一个宁静的夜晚。[/FONT]
John: Is there anything good on TV tonight? [FONT=宋体]约翰┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]今晚有什么好看的电视节目吗?[/FONT]
Mary: There's a great movie on channel seven. [FONT=宋体]玛丽┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]第七台有一部很棒的电影。[/FONT]
John: Really? What time does it start? [FONT=宋体]约翰┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]真的?几点开始?[/FONT]
Mary: Nine. Why don't you come over and watch it with my roommates and me? [FONT=宋体]玛丽┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]九点。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]你何不过来和我还有我的室友一起看?[/FONT]
Dialogue 2.
Danny: Hi Sandra! Come in and make yourself at home. [FONT=宋体]丹[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]尼┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]嗨,珊卓拉。请进,不要拘束。[/FONT]
Sandra: Thanks. What are you watching? [FONT=宋体]珊卓拉┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]谢啦。你在看什么?[/FONT]
Danny: It's a DVD I rented. It stars Jackie Chan. [FONT=宋体]丹[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]尼┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]这是我租来的[/FONT] DVD[FONT=宋体]。成龙主演的喔。[/FONT]
Sandra: Oh yeah. I've seen this one. In the end he . . . [FONT=宋体]珊卓拉┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]哦,这一部我看过了。最后的结局是他[/FONT]……
Danny: Don't tell me the ending! I want to find out for myself! [FONT=宋体]丹[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]尼┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]先不要告诉我结局!我要自己看![/FONT]



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关于身体部位的英语单词很难背,试试用另外一种角度吧: 性感地带!对照下图:

女生 1=Ear, 2=Neck, 3=Breast**/Nipple乳头, 4=Belly Button, 5=Vagina/Pussy(俚语), 6=Lips, 7=Armpit, 8=Wrist腕, 9=Fingers手指, 10=Knee膝盖,还有屁股=Bum,Butt,Ass。

男生 1-10=Penis**,Balls蛋蛋

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经常听中国朋友说"She is very sex"。其实Sex不是性感的意思,而是"性"或"性别"。
应该说"She is very sexy(加个y)"。Sexy是"性感"的意思。英语口语中经常用Sexy形容自己喜欢的东西。例如"That's a sexy car!"那辆车很好,"Pink iPhone! So sexy!"粉红iPhone!好棒
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中国朋友常犯的英语错误:"You are so poor"。这句话没有什么问题,但是很多人以为意思是"你很惨"。其实是"你很穷"。如果想说"你很惨"必须把Poor放在前面:"Poor you"。Poor woman!

虽然英语的"Poor"也可以代表"差"的意思,但是最近我们外国人很少那样说。很多中国教材会教这句"My English is poor"。我从来没有听过一个外国人说"My Chinese is poor"。有几种说法:"My English is bad" "My English isn't very good" "I speak English badly" "I don't speak English very well"
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Christmas Tree

1. fireplace [FONT=宋体]火炉[/FONT]

2. candle [FONT=宋体]蜡烛[/FONT]

3. cookies [FONT=宋体]小饼干[/FONT]

4. gingerbread man [FONT=宋体]叶饼娃娃[/FONT]

5. snow [FONT=宋体]雪[/FONT]

6. Christmas lights [FONT=宋体]圣诞灯饰[/FONT]

7. coal [FONT=宋体]炭[/FONT]

8. milk [FONT=宋体]牛奶[/FONT]

9. gingerbread house [FONT=宋体]叶饼[FONT=宋体]屋[/FONT][/FONT]

10. star [FONT=宋体]星星[/FONT]

11. Christmas tree [FONT=宋体]圣诞树[/FONT]

12. ornament [FONT=宋体]装饰品[/FONT]

13. tinsel [FONT=宋体]金箔装饰品[/FONT]

14. stocking [FONT=宋体]长袜[/FONT]

15. candy cane [FONT=宋体]糖果棒[/FONT]

16. tree stand [FONT=宋体]树架[/FONT]

17. presents [FONT=宋体]礼物


1. Christmas is coming. [FONT=宋体]圣诞节快到了。[/FONT]
2. Merry Christmas! [FONT=宋体]圣诞快乐![/FONT]
3. Santa Claus [FONT=宋体]圣诞老人;圣诞老公公[/FONT]
4. Father Christmas [FONT=宋体]圣诞老公公[/FONT]
5. The North Pole [FONT=宋体]北极[/FONT]
6. Santa's helpers [FONT=宋体]圣诞老人的助手(通常是指小精灵)[/FONT]
7. What would you like for Christmas? [FONT=宋体]你想要什么圣诞礼物?[/FONT]
8. Have you done all you Christmas shopping? [FONT=宋体]你作好圣诞节的采购了吗?[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]俚遮[/FONT][FONT=宋体] [/FONT]

"Expressing appreciation" [FONT=宋体]表达感激之情
What a nice thought! [FONT=宋体]你真体贴![/FONT]
How kind of you! [FONT=宋体]你真好![/FONT]
You shouldn't have! [FONT=宋体]你太客气了![/FONT]
How wonderful! [FONT=宋体]多棒啊![/FONT]
Thank you so much! [FONT=宋体]感激不尽![/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]成遮 [/FONT]Idioms
burn the candle at both ends [FONT=宋体]蜡烛两头烧;过度消耗体力[/FONT]
I'm exhausted. I've been burning the candle at both ends recently.

Dialogue 1.

Tina and Jason are at the office. [FONT=宋体]蒂娜和杰森在办公室里。
Tina: Hey Jason! Are you going to the office party? [FONT=宋体]蒂娜┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]嘿,杰森!你要参加办公室派对吗?[/FONT]
Jason: No, I'm going to bed early tonight. [FONT=宋体]杰森┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]不了,我今晚要早点睡。[/FONT]
Tina: How come? The party will be a lot of fun! [FONT=宋体]蒂娜┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]怎么啦?派对会很好玩的![/FONT]
Jason: I know, but I've been burning the candle at both ends lately and need some sleep! [FONT=宋体]杰森┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]我知道,可是我最近体力消耗过度,我需要补充睡眠![/FONT]
Tina: I know what you mean . . . Christmas is a very busy time of year. [FONT=宋体]蒂娜┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]我懂你的意思了[/FONT]... [FONT=宋体]圣诞节是一年中非常忙碌的?节。[/FONT]
Dialogue 2. [/FONT]

Sarah is visiting her friend Adam. [FONT=宋体]莎拉拜访她的朋友亚当。
Adam: Hi, Sarah! Come in! [FONT=宋体]亚当┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]嗨,莎拉!请进![/FONT]
Sarah: Hi, Adam! I just came over to drop off your Christmas presents! [FONT=宋体]莎拉┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]嗨,亚当!我特地来送你圣诞礼物![/FONT]
Adam: Wow, Sarah! How kind of you. [FONT=宋体]亚当┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]哇,莎拉!你真好。[/FONT]
Sarah: You're welcome, Adam . . . but don't open them now. [FONT=宋体]莎拉┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]不客气,亚当[/FONT]... [FONT=宋体]可是,不要?在打开。[/FONT]
Adam: No way! I almost forgot . . . my wife and I have something for you as well. [FONT=宋体]亚当┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]当然不会罗!我差点忘了[/FONT]... [FONT=宋体]我太太跟我也有礼物要给你。[/FONT]
Sarah: Hey, thank you, Adam. I'll put these under the tree when I get home. [FONT=宋体]莎拉┱[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]嘿,谢啦,亚当。我回到家会把这些礼物放在圣诞树下。[/FONT][/FONT]


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回复: 西方基本文化常识扫盲Hot



  Shut up! *常用于吵架等场合,语气非常严厉。
  Shut up! I don't want to hear it! (住嘴!我不想听。)
  You shut up! (你住嘴!)
  Shut your mouth。
  Keep your mouth shut。
  Be quiet! (安静!)
  Shut the fuck up. *这是一句语气尖锐、很难听的脏话,最好不用。
  Can it。
  Don't be a back seat driver. *这种说法是源于开车的时候坐在司机后边的人指示司机这么走那么走,唠唠叨叨地说个不停的情况而产生的一种表达方式。
  Stop shouting!
  Stop yelling! (别吵!)
  Keep your voice down! (小点声!)
  Stop complaining! *complain “抱怨”。用于针对絮絮叨叨地诉说不满、痛苦和悲伤的人。
  You always come home late. (你总这么晚回来。)
  Stop complaining! (别抱怨了!)
  Calm down, will you? *calm down “安静下来”、“镇静”、“平息”。
  Calm down, will you? (安静点,行不行?)
  Okay. I'll try. (好的!我尽量。)
  Stop nagging! *nag多用于女性。是男性对爱叨叨的、小声嘟囔的女人说的。因此和stop complaining(发牢骚)的语气不太一样。
  Did you fix my car? I told you to do it before dinner. (我的车修了吗?我不是让你晚饭以前给我修好的吗?)
  Stop nagging me! I'll do it. (唠叨什么呀!我这就修。)
  Get off my back! *直译“从我背上下来”。这是句惯用短语,表示“少说废话!别多嘴!”。
  But you promised! (可是,你答应我了呀!)
  Get off my back. (别再嗦了!)
  Stop pestering me! *pester 含有“使人为难,烦恼”的意思,特别是带有“缠磨得人难受,使人苦恼”的语感。
  Quit bothering me! (别再死气白赖地缠着我了!)
  Don't tell me what to do! (用不着你告诉我该怎么做!)
  Quit telling me what to do! (用不着你告诉我该怎么做。)
  Don't talk back to me! *talk back “顶嘴”。带有孩子对父母、晚辈对长辈还嘴的语感。
  I won't do it! (我才不干呢!)
  Don't talk back to me! (别跟我顶嘴!)
  That's the end of it. (就这样。) *表示已经没有商量的余地。
  That's final. (就这么着。)
  That's it. (就这样。)
  It's settled. (就这么定了。) *settle “解决、决定(日期)、决定做某事”。因此该句含有“已经决定了,就别再多嘴了”的语感。一般情况下settle 表示决定的用法如以下例句。
  Let's meet at 5∶00. (我们5点见吧。)
  It's settled. (好,就这么定了。)
  Big mouth! *直译是“大嘴”。用来说那些说多余话的人。
  He doesn't have a girlfriend. (他还没有女朋友呢。)
  Shut up, big mouth! (闭嘴,用你多话!)
  You've got a big mouth。
  You talk too much. (你真多嘴多舌。)
  Leave me alone!
  Hey, baby, what's your name? (嗨!小宝贝,你叫什么名字?)
  Leave me alone! (离我远点儿!)
  None of your business. *表示“别多管闲事、跟你有什么关系,用不着你帮忙,用不着你管”等等。
  It's none of your business。
  Mind your own business. (先管好你自己吧!)
  It is not your concern。
  It doesn't concern you。
  Stay out of it. (你别瞎搀和。)
  I don't need your input. (用不着你帮忙。)
  It's personal. (这是我的私事。)
  I don't need your two cents. *直译“我不需要你这两分钱”。俚语,表示“用不着你指导我,这和你没关系”。
  I don't think you should do that. (我觉得你不该做。)
  Thanks, but I don't need your two cents. (谢谢,用不着你来说。)
  Who asked you?
  I think you're wrong. (我觉得你错了。)
  Who asked you? (谁问你了?)
  Who cares what you think? (谁管你想什么!)
  I didn't ask you. (我又没问你。)
  If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked you. (我要想问你的话,早就问了。)
  I can't talk to you now。
  I don't need your help。
  Your kindness is unwanted。
  Your kindness is unwelcome。
  I don't want your kindness。
  Get out of here! *语气强烈地让人离开某地。口语中连读。
  Get out of here! (给我出去!)
  They're just kittens. (它们不过是几只小猫呀。)
  Go away! (一边去!)
  Get lost! (你给我消失!) *这样说起到把人轰走的效果。
  Take a hike!
  Get out of my face! *惯用短语,“离开我的视线”、“躲我远点儿,走开!”。
  Get out of my face! (别让我看见你!)
  What did I do wrong? (我做错什么了?)
  Beat it! *俚语。
  Buzz off! *buzz 是蜜蜂或苍蝇发出的“嗡嗡”的声音。比喻对方像蜜蜂、苍蝇一样地吵人,所以该短语表示“你一边呆着去!”
  Leave me alone。
  Back off! *打架的时候粗暴地对对方说“后退,躲开!”
  Step back! (后退!)
  Don't bother me!
  Let's play this game. (玩游戏吧!)
  Don't bother me! I have to finish my homework. (别打扰我,我得写完作业。)
  Are you trying to get rid of me? *get rid of…“轰走,去掉,摆脱”。Are you trying to…? 带有“你想试试做……吗?”的语感。
  Are you trying to get rid of me? (你想赶我走?)
  No, I've just been busy. (不是,我只是太忙了。)
  Are you trying to avoid me? (你想躲着我?)
回复: 西方基本文化常识扫盲Hot


  You are really a rare visitor。
  What you said sounded reasonable。
  I am really slow-minded。
  You made me confused。
  You deserved it。
  There is no way out。
  Don't give yourself too much pressure。
  Just say it。
  It's not easy to explain in several words。
  Nothing serious. It’s up to me。
  You will find a way。
  Lose money just to avoid misfortune。
  Never make, but always break。
  Don't make jokes about me。
  Great minds think alike。
  Thank you for inviting me。
  There's something wrong here。
  It never happens to you。
  I had better follow your advice。
  Don't look down upon on me。
回复: 西方基本文化常识扫盲Hot


  It's boring。
  Do you want to watch that movie? (你想看那部电影吗?)
  No, I hear it's boring. (不,听说那电影很无聊。)
  My life is dull. (我每天都这么无聊。)
  It's dull. (没劲。)
  It's for the birds. *直译“帮不了谁,最多只能帮帮鸟罢了”,即“无聊,没有意思”。是比较旧的说法,但现在仍然在用。
  I hate this class. (我最讨厌上这课。)
  I agree. It's for the birds. (没错。真无聊。)
  It's no good。
  It sucks。
  I'm not interested。
  So, when do you want to go out with me? (你什么时候能和我约会呢?)
  I'm not interested in you. (我对你不感兴趣。)
  It's nothing great。
  How's your new job? (你的新工作怎么样?)
  It's nothing great. (没什么了不起的。)
  It's nothing much。
  I'm not satisfied。
  I'm dissatisfied。
  I'm not happy about it。
  I'm not content。
  I'm discontent。
  It was just another meeting. *just another“常有的,不稀奇的”。
  How was the meeting? (那个会怎么样?)
  It was just another meeting. (很平常。)
  It was just a meeting。
  That meeting was nothing special. (那个会没有什么特别的。)
  I can't get into my work. *get into…“专心做……”、“对……抱有兴趣”。
  I can't concentrate on my work. (我不能集中精力工作。) *concentrate on…“集中精力做……”。
  I can't get excited about my job. (我没有工作的热情。)
  I've lost interest in my work. (我对我的工作失去了兴趣。)
  It's outdated。
  It's out of date。
  Give me a break。
  I don't know her, I promise. (我发誓我不认识她。)
  Give me a break! (算了吧,别玩花样了。)
  Get real. (你认真点儿。)
  Tell me the truth. (告诉我实话。)
  Stop joking. (别开玩笑。)
  Get serious. (说正经的。)
  Stop kidding! (别耍弄我。)
  Stop pulling my leg! (别跟我逗!)
  I can't stand it. *stand “容忍,忍耐”。
  Tom is very rude. (汤姆太粗鲁了。)
  Yeah, I can't stand it. (就是,我真受不了他。)
  I can't take it (anymore)。
  I can't bare it (anymore)。
  I can't take the strain。
  I can't stand it any longer。
  I can't put up with it any longer! *put up with…“忍受……”。
  That's enough. *表示不想再听下去时。
  Mom! She won't leave me alone and she keeps playing with my toys and… (妈妈,她不让我一个人呆着,还拿我的玩具玩。)
  That's enough. Stop complaining. (够了,别那么多牢骚了。)
  I've had it. (我受不了了。)
  I've had enough。
  I've heard enough! (我听够了。)
  That's it。
  Enough is enough. (够了,别再说了!)
  Have a heart!
  Finish your homework first, then wash my car. (你先写作业,然后再把我的车洗了。)
  Have a heart, dad! (饶了我吧,爸爸!)
  The more I hear about it, the more disgusted I get. *The more…, the more… “越……越……”、 “越来越……”。
  The more I hear about it, the more disgusted I become。
  The more I know, the sicker I feel。
  There she goes again. *用于常说同样话的人又开始重复同一话题时。
  A) Are you listening? I said… (你听着呢吗? 我是说……)
  B) (To C) Oh, no! There she goes again. ([对C说]得,她又来了。)
  She's starting it again。
  She's saying it again. (她又说上了。)
  Oh, man!
  No, you can't go. (不行,你不能去。)
  Oh, man! You never let me do anything. (哦,真烦!你总是什么都不让我做。)
  I don't want to hear it。
  I don't want to hear about it。
  Now what? *当一个计划接着一个计划,一个问题接着一个问题时,用来表示“下一个是什么?”、“怎么样?”、“这次又是什么样的事情”。多用于坏事的不断发生。
  There's one more problem. (还有个问题。)
  Now what? (这次又是什么?)
  What else? (还有什么?)
  What's next?
  What else is wrong? (还有什么不对劲的吗?)
  What is it this time?




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