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目前只有perch好钓一些,walleye,pike差一些。 blackstrap 没有trout,白鱼有人从水下摄像机里在浅水区域看到很多,但很少有人钓上来。
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“I tend to use beef liver,pork heart and minnows and frozen sardines from great northern rod n reel

Meal worms and perch eyes for perch and walleye. Try the local pet stores for meal worms they sell them WAY cheaper than the service stations. Smelt and Mackeral for pike. minnows for eyes.

Shrimp ring for perch! Pull the tail off and cut it into 3 pcs. At $3.99 a ring, it lasts longer than a tub of meal worms or minnows!

perch eyes. I have never had a problem with perch eyes and the bonus with those are that they stick onto your hook and dont really come off. I just put my finger just under the eye and it pops out then you pull it out. You can cut them out with eyes too. I know it sounds kinda weird but it works great. Also meal worms, catch pike, white fish and perch with them. Dont see why they wouldnt work for walleye, I just haven't ever really been in an area they were.

Minnows, perch eyes, smelts, herring, beef heart are the go to baits for me. For perch instead of using meal worms or maggots I find that the small powerbait grubs work better, this is the only powerbait product that I swear out fishes real bait. Walleye eyes work well too”
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我周五要上班。你如果要去,可以去Evans road那里,应该有很多凿好的洞可以钓。
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Evans road怎么走啊,我星期天想去。没有戳洞的工具。夏天钓鱼的东西有。
“Evans road怎么走啊”- google map 看一下,在下图示的位置。



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The Fishin's Hole

The Boxing Day Sale! Up to 50% OFF, in store only.

Boxing day open 9AM-6PM.
#805 Circle Drive, East, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3S4

Phone: 306-665-7223
Fax: 306-242-4401
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Birsay fish farm @diefenbaker lake,现在可以去钓white fish ,rainbow trout 了。周末去有很多中国钓友。

2011-2012 冰钓季节总体不错,尤其是3月份,阳光明媚,晴朗无风的早上在深水,和下午(1-3点)在稍浅一些的地方都能钓到不少whitefish. 感觉使用大颗粒的鱼食能吸引大鱼,玉米粒能招来更多小鱼。垂钓的技巧是慢放快拉,尤其是感觉有鱼上钩的时候;使用稍硬一些的长/短杆子和粗一些的鱼线配上一个滑溜的轮子,大一点的triple hook更容易钩牢鱼,不容易跑掉。安静地蹲守比到处换地方调到鱼的几率根高一些,当然还是要扎堆,这样鱼群容易聚集。

最后编辑: 2012-05-01
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5月5日,2012-2013 新的季节开始了!July 7,8, free fishing days

2012 saskatchewan angler's guide

Be an Ethical Angler
Ethical anglers are not born; they learn to fish responsibly
because they consider the rights of others and the need to
protect and conserve our natural heritage.

Ethical anglers:
  • know and obey fishing regulations which serve to
    protect the resource and to spread the harvest among
    all fishermen;
  • understand the need for a personal code of 'unwritten
    laws' since laws cannot cover all situations;
  • know that fish are a valuable resource and do not waste them;
  • learn techniques to handle fish to ensure their survival,if released;
  • co-operate and are courteous with all resource users,
    including other fishermen, swimmers, boaters and land
  • appreciate the environment and keep it clean, leaving
    fishing sites in good condition; and
  • ensure good fishing for future generations by limiting
    their total catch.
最后编辑: 2012-05-01
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