下面这个是洋人的教堂,但是经常有中国人的聚会,上次的camping就是他们组织的,以新移民和学生为主,也有人两边串的。顺便介绍下他们本周六的活动:This coming Saturday (September 24th), House of Mandarin will be hosting the monthly meeting at our church.
You are cordially invited to this event to enjoy the food, meet friends and find Christian Fellowship.
Please bring your favorite food to share. Where: Argyle Road Baptist Church (3510 Argyle Road) When: September 24th, Saturday
5:00PM - 5:30PM Welcome and Greetings
5:30PM - 7:00PM Potluck Supper
7:00PM - 8:30PM Choir and Video Program
下面这个是洋人的教堂,但是经常有中国人的聚会,上次的camping就是他们组织的,以新移民和学生为主,也有人两边串的。顺便介绍下他们本周六的活动:This coming Saturday (September 24th), House of Mandarin will be hosting the monthly meeting at our church. You are cordially invited to this event to enjoy the food, meet friends and find Christian Fellowship. Please bring your favorite food to share. Where: Argyle Road Baptist Church (3510 Argyle Road) When: September 24th, Saturday 5:00PM - 5:30PM Welcome and Greetings 5:30PM - 7:00PM Potluck Supper 7:00PM - 8:30PM Choir and Video Program