You can try to find the jobs with your current resume, but do not count on it. Most likely you have to go to local college to stay a major (new major?) which can help you get a job. Long way to go, but worth it.楼主,我刚刚跟老公过来的,在国内本科学了商贸英语(学士),自考行政管理,硕士研究生专业是MBA,国企市场经理岗位九年工作经验,这边工作好找吗?承认学历吗?需要重新读书吗?
You can try to find the jobs with your current resume, but do not count on it. Most likely you have to go to local college to stay a major (new major?) which can help you get a job. Long way to go, but worth it.
最近我是在研究在这边重新申请个学校读书,early childhood education or nursing practise。不过我英文口语还不是特别好,还在想办法适应和学习,就像你说的,学习是一条很长的路,但希望是值得的,否则我没有方向去慢慢适应这个社会,新移民真的不容易,因为爱情和家庭才不得已。You can try to find the jobs with your current resume, but do not count on it. Most likely you have to go to local college to stay a major (new major?) which can help you get a job. Long way to go, but worth it.
对我来说8.0很难Yeah, you have a MBA degree, provided your English is good, you can get a good job not very hard. Good English level means if you do take an IELTS test, your listening and speaking scores can not be lower than 8.0.
I was just talking about something if you do not want to waste your MBA degree. As you know, most executive managers here, they can get 9.0 if they want to take an IELTS test. If you scores are under 8.0, forget about the MBA, it just was a paper for the history.对我来说8.0很难