
回复: *柠檬花园*

回复: *柠檬花园*



回复: *柠檬花园*

@tsinglo青萝: 跟出租司机聊过这个。所有的拉土车都有保护伞,一般人无法经营,为其一。其二,拉土车都上双份险,70万,死者赔偿绰绰有余。其三,老板对司机的指示是,撞人先踩刹车留印,再加速把人压死。因为死人比活人便宜。
回复: *柠檬花园*




1.每年因自杀死亡者高达28.7万 (来源:上海心理谘询网――中国首家自杀预防机构负责人悬梁自尽;光明网―中国每年有28.7万人死于自杀)。

2.中国每年约有20万人死于药物不良反应 (来源:中国新闻网――每年20万人死于合格药品 人大代表呼吁救济赔偿)。









11.全国每年1.6万中小学生非正常死亡(来源:钦州教育信息网――全国每年1.6万中小学生非正常死亡 8成可避免);3,000大学生非正常死亡(圣彼得堡华人协会――每年3千大学生非正常死亡)。






17.1986年因酒精中毒死亡9,830人 。



20.中国每年癌症新发病例为220万人,因癌症死亡人数为160万人。(来源:公众健康―中国肺癌死亡率居癌症之首 癌症发病率上升)。

21.中国因食品污染导致5岁以下的儿童死亡应在200万以上(估算。全世界因食物污染导致5岁以下儿童死亡达300万,安北京理工大学经济学教授胡星斗《可怕的死亡定律――中国人各种非正常死亡均占世界的70%以上》计算,中国每年有210万5岁以下的儿童因食物污染导致死亡。依据:医学教育网――我国食 品安全与食线性疾病控制对策)。





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回复: *柠檬花园*

[转帖]Insane Rides: Gerald R. Ford Class Aircraft Carrier

When dead presidents become big war machines.

Reagan got one named after him. So did Kennedy, the first Bush, Eisenhower, and Harry Truman -- all these modern ex-presidents have had aircraft carriers that have bore their name. (Carter got a submarine, by the way, and we're not too sure about Nixon.) And now, the recently departed Gerald Ford will be getting not only a carrier named after him, but an entire new class of supercarrier: the Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carrier. Or, for your purposes, call it this week's installment of IGN Cars' Insane Rides.

Gerald R. Ford Class Aircraft Carrier (CVN-21)

- Northrop Grumman Newport News

Type of Vehicle: Aircraft carrier

Production Status: Construction begins in 2007 on the first ship in the line, also called Gerald R. Ford (CVN-7
; completion expected in 2015

Function: Deployment and recovery of aircraft; seafaring airbase;
sea-to-air, sea-to-land, and sea-to-sea offensive capabilities;
traveling back in time to prevent the Pearl Harbor attack, Final Countdown-style

Unique Features: Electromagnetic catapults and advanced arresting
gear; radar-blocking stealth profile; two A1B nuclear reactors; reduced
crew complement as a result of increased automation

Under the Hood: The next generation of supercarrier for the U.S.
Navy, the Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carrier will be 1,092 feet in
length with a displacement of 100,000 tons and a 134-foot beam. What
does all that mean? Basically, it's gonna be big, capable of
carrying up to 75 aircraft (such as the JSF, F/A-18E/F, EA-18G, E-2D,
MH-60R/S, and J-UCAS) and a standard crew complement of around 4,600 --
and that's with the increased onboard automation that is meant to cut
down on the number of crewmembers. According to the U.S. Navy, the
Gerald R. Ford carrier is "the premier forward asset for crisis response
and early decisive striking power in a major combat operation." In
other words, it's loaded for bear with two nuclear reactors,
surface-to-air missiles (including Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles and
Rolling Airframe Missiles), close-in weapons systems, and plenty of
other high-tech gadgetry and munitions -- all that, plus electromagnetic
catapults and advanced arresting gear that are designed to support
future airwing configurations including unmanned vehicles, and
radar-blocking stealth capabilities.

Chances of Owning One: You have a better chance of becoming
president some day yourself and getting one named after you than you
have of ever owning one of these babies.

- Northrop Grumman Newport News

CVN 78 Gerald R Ford Class ? US Navy CVN 21 Future Carrier Programme

The US Navy's programme CVN 21 for the future generation aircraft carrier programme was previously known as the CVN(X).

In January 2007, The US Navy announced that the new class would be called the Gerald R Ford Class.

The first two ships, Gerald R Ford (CVN 7
and CVN 79, will be commissioned in 2015 and 2019, and further ships of the class will enter service at intervals of five years. A total of ten Ford class carriers are planned with construction continuing to 2058.

The CVN 78 will replace USS Enterprise (CVN 65), which entered service in 1961 and will approach the end of its operational life by 2015. The total acquisition cost of the CVN 21 is expected to be $11.7bn.

The US Department of Defense awarded Northrop Grumman Newport News in Virginia a $107.6m contract in July 2003, a $1.39bn contract in May 2004 and $559m to prepare for the carrier construction and to continue the design programme on the ship's propulsion system.

"The CVN 78 carrier will be armed with the Raytheon evolved Sea Sparrow missile."

The CVN 78's first steel was cut in August 2005. A $5.1bn contract for the detailed design and construction was awarded to Newport News in September 2008. The keel was laid in November 2009.

Northrop Grumman was awarded a contract for the planning and design of the second carrier, CVN 79, in November 2006. In May 2011, the US Navy announced that the carrier will be called John F Kennedy (CVN 79).

Construction of the CVN 79 is expected to begin in 2012.

CVN 21 design
The Gerald R Ford class carriers will have the same displacement, about 100,000t, as its predecessor, the Nimitz class George HW Bush (CVN77), but will have about 500 to 900 fewer crew members.

The manpower reduction was a key performance parameter added to the original four outlined in 2000 in the operational requirements document for the CVN 21 programme. It is estimated that the new carrier technologies will lead to a 30% reduction in maintenance requirements and a further crew workload reduction will be achieved through higher levels of automation.
The other main differences in operational performance compared with the Nimitz Class are increased sortie rates at 160 sorties a day(compared with 140 a day), a weight and stability allowance over the 50-year operational service life of the ship, and increased (by approximately 150%) electrical power generation and distribution to sustain the ship's advanced technology systems. Another key performance requirement is interoperability.

Aircraft carrier hull

All US Navy aircraft carriers since the 1960s have been built at Northrop Grumman Newport News. Northrop has extended its design and shipbuilding facilities with a new heavy plate workshop and burners, a new 5,000t thick plate press, covered assembly facilities and a new 1,050t-capacity crane.

"Northrop is using a suite of CAD tools for the CVN 21 programme."

Northrop is using a suite of computer-aided design (CAD) tools for the CVN 21 programme, including a CATIA software suite for simulation of the production processes and a CAVE virtual environment package.
The hull design is similar to that of the current Nimitz Class carriers and with the same number of decks. The island is smaller and moved further towards the aft of the ship.
The island has a composite mast with planar array radars, a volume search radar operating at S band and a multifunction radar at X band, and also carries the stern-facing joint precision approach and landing system (JPALS), which is based on local area differential global positioning system (GPS), rather than radar.

The aircraft carrier traditionally carries the flag officer and 70 staff of
the carrier battle group. The flag bridge, which was previously
accommodated in the carrier's island, was relocated to a lower deck in
order to minimise the size of the island.

The ship's internal configuration and flight deck designs have
significantly changed. The lower decks incorporate a flexible rapidly
reconfigurable layout allowing different layouts and installation of new
equipment in command, planning and administration areas.

The requirement to build in a weight and stability allowance will accommodate the added weight of new systems that will be installed over the 50-year operational life of the ship. The removal of one aircraft elevator unit and reducing the number of hangar bays from three to two have contributed to a reduction of the weight of t


The carrier will be armed with the Raytheon evolved Sea Sparrow missile (ESSM), which defends against high-speed, highly manoeuvrable anti-ship missiles. The close-in weapon system is the rolling airframe missile (RAM) from Raytheon and Ramsys GmbH.


The carrier will be capable of carrying up to 90 aircraft including the F-35 joint strike fighter, F / A-18E / F Super Hornet, E-2D Advanced Hawkeye, EA-18G, MH-60R / S helicopters and unmanned air vehicles and unmanned combat air vehicles.

"The CVN 78 will replace the CVN 65, which entered service in 1961."

The requirement for a higher sortie rate at 160 sorties a day with
surges to a maximum of 220 sorties a day in times of crisis and intense
air warfare activity, has led to design changes in the flight deck.

The flight deck has a relocated and smaller island, and there are three
rather than four deck edge elevators. Deck extensions also increase the
aircraft parking areas. The aircraft service stations are located near the 18
refuelling and rearming stops.

General Atomics was awarded the contract to develop the EMALS
electromagnetic aircraft launch system, which uses a linear electromagnetic
accelerator motor. EMALS demonstrators were tested at the Naval Air
Systems Command (NASC) Lakehurst test centre in New Jersey. It is planned that
EMALS will replace the current C-13 steam catapults.
If successful, EMALS technology offers the potential benefit of finer aircraft acceleration control, which leads to lower stresses in the aircraft and pilots and provides a slower launch speed for unmanned air vehicles and allows a wider window of wind-over-deck speed required for the launch sequence.

The contract for the development of an advanced turbo-electric arrestor gear has been awarded to General Atomics. The electro-magnetic motor applies control to the synthetic arrestor cable to reduce the maximum tensions in the cable and reduce the peak load on the arrestor hook and on the aircraft fuselage.

Aircraft weapons

The flow of weapons to the aircraft stops on the flight deck were upgraded to accommodate the higher sortie rates. The ship carries stores of missiles and cannon rounds for fighter aircraft, bombs and air-to-surface missiles for strike aircraft, and torpedoes and depth charges for anti-submarine warfare aircraft.

"Sortie rates for the CVN 21 increased to 160 sorties a day compared with 140 a day for the Nimitz Class."

Weapons elevators take the weapons systems from the magazines to the weapons
handling and weapons assembly areas on the 02-level deck (below the flight
deck) and express weapons elevators are installed between the handling and
assembly areas and the flight deck. The two companies selected by Northrop Grumman to generate designs for the advanced weapons elevator are the Federal Equipment Company and Oldenburg Lakeshore Inc.

The deployment of all-up-rounds, which are larger, rather than traditional
weapons requiring assembly will require double-height magazines and store rooms
and will also impact on the level of need for weapons assembly facilities.

The US Navy outlined a requirement for a minimum 150% increase in the power-generation capacity for the CVN 21 carrier compared with the Nimitz Class carriers. The increased power capacity is needed for the four electro-magnetic aircraft launchers and for future systems such as directed energy weapons that might be feasible during the carrier's 50-year lifespan.
Raytheon was contracted in October 2008 to supply a version of the dual-band radar (DBR) developed for the Zumwalt Class destroyer for installation on the Gerald R Ford. DBR combines X-band and S-band phased arrays.


Northrop Grumman is developing the advanced nuclear propulsion system and a zonal electrical power distribution system for the CVN 21.

The Gerald R Ford Class carriers will have the same displacement (about 100,000t) as its predecessor the Nimitz class George H W Bush (CVN 77), but will have 500 to 900 fewer crew members.
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[转帖]港媒怒斥北京对外弱国心态: 援交当外交 奴性代血性











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