有没有TX使用过最新版的CAIPS 查询表? 见http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit...s/IMM5563E.pdf
1.如果我是主申请人,人已在加拿大境内,去申请查询的时候,填写的时候,是否需要下面的dependent 那行需要相应填上副申请人的信息?后面dependent那栏的consent 是否应该画上
“To facilitate processing requests for personal information, we also recommend that the consent of all individuals who may have personal information included in the records be obtained and provided with the request. For example, in the case of immigration records ? consent should be obtained from the spouse, sponsor, adult children or any other person appearing in the records. Consent may be provided by completing the Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual Form (IMM 5475) or by way of a written statement indicating the name of the person giving the consent and to whom consent is being given.” 按照这段话是不是说只要涉及到移民申请中的有关人员(非申请查询者)都需要填写CONSENT?
1.如果我是主申请人,人已在加拿大境内,去申请查询的时候,填写的时候,是否需要下面的dependent 那行需要相应填上副申请人的信息?后面dependent那栏的consent 是否应该画上
“To facilitate processing requests for personal information, we also recommend that the consent of all individuals who may have personal information included in the records be obtained and provided with the request. For example, in the case of immigration records ? consent should be obtained from the spouse, sponsor, adult children or any other person appearing in the records. Consent may be provided by completing the Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual Form (IMM 5475) or by way of a written statement indicating the name of the person giving the consent and to whom consent is being given.” 按照这段话是不是说只要涉及到移民申请中的有关人员(非申请查询者)都需要填写CONSENT?