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在 YOUTUBE 这个 911 UFO 视频是很多的,看到这些因为宗教信仰走入极端发动的恐怖袭击,给人类的心灵带来沉重的创伤!有时一看到这样的场面镜头心里总是长久的不适,世贸大厦是人类伟大的建筑之一,叹息。



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好奇心驱使小区保安去看小区录像,一看才发现这块一公分厚的钢化玻璃被一个慢悠悠飞行一个乒乓球大小的 UFO 给撞碎了,而这个微型 UFO 在撞毁了这块一公分厚钢化玻璃后,毫发无损继续飞行,怎么解释这件事?一个乒乓球大小的 UFO 在没有加速度的状况下撞毁一块一公分厚钢化玻璃,这里面的冲击力,抗拉强度,材料的硬度我们已经很难在地球现有的材料中去寻找和想象了。
最后编辑: 2012-07-22
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这部影片是两天前由 JOSE ESCAMILLA 上传的,也是由他制作的这部影片《 CELESTIAL 》,这部很值得一看的月球影片,它首先打破了 NASA 长期掩盖月球的真相,第一次让我们看到月球真实的色彩,月球是有颜色的!

许多当年 APOLLO 登月期间拍摄的的照片呈现在我们面前,全部是灰色的,现在我们看到了月球真实的色彩,影片介绍一些当年的月球照片和经过现在拍摄的月球照片对比,惊人的让我们看到月球完完全全有智慧生物在改造月球和建设月球...........

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这两天,太阳周围聚集了成千上万大大小小的 UFO,很少见的,太阳很不正常,日珥正在大规模爆发

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2012年07月22-23日 ,美国宇航局太阳动力学观测站接收到太阳观察卫星发回的相片 显示出太阳附近巨大的 UFO 群围绕在太阳周围,这些外星 UFO 的体积都是庞大的母舰,打个比方:如果这颗太阳缩小到篮球大小,那我们的地球则相当于一颗绿豆大小,当你看了以上的视频,你就知道许多围绕太阳周围的 UFO 体积都和地球体积相当大小,有些是地球的几十倍大小,我们的心里能想象接受这么庞大的飞船这个现实吗?




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回复: 地球人类有史以来最震惊的访谈记录!

好奇心驱使小区保安去看小区录像,一看才发现这块一公分厚的钢化玻璃被一个慢悠悠飞行一个乒乓球大小的 UFO 给撞碎了,而这个微型 UFO 在撞毁了这块一公分厚钢化玻璃后,毫发无损继续飞行,怎么解释这件事?一个乒乓球大小的 UFO 在没有加速度的状况下撞毁一块一公分厚钢化玻璃,这里面的冲击力,抗拉强度,材料的硬度我们已经很难在地球现有的材料中去寻找和想象了。

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补上 585 的视频

Incredible Illuminated UFO Near Sun 2012 HD

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从7月22日到25日,太阳周围的外星 UFO 集聚在太阳周围越来越多,这张是 JULY 25 的相片。




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What if we had a planet instead of a Moon

Our moon is a pretty big object. It's big enough to be a respectable planet in its own right, if it were orbiting the sun instead of the Earth. (Actually, it is orbiting the sun in a nearly perfectly circular orbit, that the Earth only slightly perturbs... but that's a topic for another day.) The Moon is a quarter the diameter of the Earth. Only Pluto has a satellite that is larger, in proportion to the size of the planet it orbits.


At a distance of about 240,000 miles, the Moon occupies a space in the night sky about half a degree wide. By sheer coincidence, this is almost exactly the same size the sun appears, which is why we occasionally get total solar eclipses. (We don't get a total eclipse every time the Moon passes in front of the sun because the Moon is sometimes a little closer to the Earth and sometimes a little further away, so it will cover more or less of the sun during any eclipse.)


But what if the Moon were size of Mars, instead? Check out how some of the other planets of the Solar System would look in our sky, if they took the Moon's place.


But it's interesting to imagine what the night sky might look like if one of the Solar System's planets were to replace our moon. (We'd have to ignore things like tides and gravitation, but that's the advantage of doing things in the mind's eye.) So what would we see if we were to replace the moon with Mars? The red planet is almost exactly twice the size of the Moon, so it would appear twice as big in the Earth's sky. It would be easy to see with the naked eye details on the surface of the planet that were previously visible only through telescopes. You could watch the ice caps grow and shrink during the changing seasons, see dust storms form and move across the planet and make out features like Vallis Marineris and Olympus Mons.


Venus is three and a half times larger than the Moon. It would be nearly as large in our sky as the Earth appeared to the Apollo astronauts, when they were walking on the surface of the Moon. There wouldn't be too much to see, other than vague swirling patterns in the dense, ivory-colored cloud cover. (We're pretending, of course, that Venus would still have the same atmospheric conditions if it were in essentially the same orbit as the Earth.) It would be an amazingly bright object, however much brighter than our moon. Not only does Venus reflect six times more light than the Moon, it covers an area 40 times larger... so the night skies would seem as bright as daylight.

金星是体积是月球的3.5倍。如果它取代了月球,在地球上看它,就像阿波罗宇航员看地球一样大小。不过金星上可看的就没这么多了,除了模糊的漩涡形状被象牙色的云层所覆盖(当然同样要假装金星就算位置变到了地球附近,其大气环境也不变)。然而,金星可 比月球亮多了不仅仅是因为金星可以比月球多反射6倍的光,它的表面积也比月球大40多倍...所以我们的夜晚可能会跟白天一样亮。

Neptune is more than fourteen times larger than the Moon and now we're talking about something that would look really impressive. It would loom like an enormous blue balloon in the night sky. And dominate the daytime sky, as well. All other things being equal, an eclipse of the sun would seem to last forever. Once the sun disappeared behind the edge of the "moon" earth would be plunged into darkness for over an hour and half.

海王星比月球要大14倍如果是海王星的话,那么我们到时候就会叹为观止了。它会朦胧地出现在地球的上空,就像一个突然出现的蓝色气 球。就算白天海王星也会在天上。日全食将会变成大灾难。一旦太阳消失在海王星背后,据估计,地球就会迅速投入黑暗之中,时间长达一个半小时。

Uranus, which is nearly the same size as Neptune, would provide a very similar view.


Saturn would be an astonishing sight. Almost 35 times larger than the Moon, this golden globe would cover nearly 18 degrees of the sky. We'd be a little further away from Saturn than its satellite Dione. In fact, we'd be more likely to be a satellite of Saturn ourselves than the other way around. The rings would stretch nearly from horizon to horizon.


Jupiter would trump them all. Forty times larger than the Moon, Jupiter would stretch 20 degrees across the sky. It would also look a little different from the telescopic and spacecraft photos we're used to seeing. This close, we'd be looking "up" at the northern hemisphere and "down" at the southern hemisphere, so the cloud bands would be distinctly curved in perspective. In fact, we'd not be able to see the north and south poles of the planet.


To visualize Jupiter taking the place of our Moon, we really have to use our imaginations. Since we'd be about the same distance from Jupiter as its satellite Io, the earth would be subject to the same tidal stresses caused by Jupiter's immense gravitation. We might have a much more volcanic-looking landscape around us. There might also be little evidence for life since we'd also be in the midst of Jupiter's deadly radiation field. But as I said at the beginning, we have to make some allowances for imagination!



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最后编辑: 2012-08-02
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