Base Salary of Members of Parliament
All members of parliament make a basic salary of $157,731.
Extra Compensation for Additional Responsibilities
MPs who have extra responsibilities, such as the Prime Minister, Speaker, Leader of the Opposition, Cabinet Ministers, Ministers of State, Leaders of other parties, parliamentary secretaries, party house leaders, caucus chairs, and chairs of House of Commons committees, receive additional compensation.
TitleAdditional SalaryTotal SalaryMember of Parliament$157,731Prime Minister*$157,731$315,462Speaker*$ 75,516$233,247Leader of the Opposition*$ 75,516$233,247Cabinet Minister*$ 75,516$233,247Minister of State$ 56,637$214,368Leaders of Other Parties$ 53,694$211,425Government Whip$ 28,420$186,151Opposition Whip$ 28,420$186,151Other Party Whips$ 11,165$168,896Parliamentary Secretaries$ 15,834$173,565Chair of Standing Committee$ 11,165$168,896Caucus Chair - Government$ 11,165$168,896Caucus Chair - Opposition$ 11,165$168,896Caucus Chairs - Other Parties$ 5,684$163,415*The Prime Minister, Speaker of the House of Commons, Leader of the Opposition and Cabinet Ministers also get a car allowance.