家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版


This will confirm that we have received your application for permanent residence in Canada on 04/23/2012.

Your application has been assigned the above file number. Please take note of it for future reference.

Applications for permanent residence in Canada in the immigrant category in which you have applied currently require approximately eight (8) months to process at this office
[FONT=Times New (W1)][FONT=Times New (W1)]for routine cases[/FONT][/FONT].

Be advised that your application is processing normally and is in queue for assessment.

We recommend that you submit all documents using EMS or registered mail. When you do so, you should clearly note for your records the registered mail number. If you would like confirmation that your documents have been delivered to the Embassy, you should contact your postal service directly. Our office is unable to provide confirmation for each document we receive.

Please note that all correspondence in a language other than English or French MUST be accompanied by an English or French translation.

If you have provided an e-mail address on your application, please check it regularly as we will be using e-mail as primary means of communication.

Thank you for your interest in Canada.

回复: 请问各位这个算是AR2信吗?





注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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