I had the same problem, I received two letters to send passports for my parents, is 200RMB for each or 200RMB for both of them? How much did you pay for the 回邮费, how much did you pay in total.
Applications Submitted Inside Canada means people who are already inside of canada, if the country of residence of your parents is China, CIC will treat the application as "outside of Canada", so don't worry!
I had the same problem, I received two letters to send passports for my parents, is 200RMB for each or 200RMB for both of them? How much did you pay for the 回邮费, how much did you pay in total.
我也是! 3月5号在加拿大网上申请的,到现在也没有任何消息,郁闷啊!![/quote]
I submitted during last weekend and CIC was requesting for passport yesterday, so 4 working days! Yours will be coming soon---