
回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!


回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

2011,11,1, 邮寄申请,Vancouver
2011,12, 收到书和信
2012,10, IP
2012,11月收到RQ信, 要求提供过去四年所有的住址

1、全都是书上的,没有直接考年份和数字,但与年份有关。比如说,加拿大立国的同时,哪项法令(Britsh North America Act)通过?
3、考试后的Interview问的全都是前面清单里的问题。 我有些不明白的是这个问题: Do you have any problem with police and immigration? 什么时候必须答Yes呢?
回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

2011,11,1, 邮寄申请,Vancouver
2011,12, 收到书和信
2012,10, IP
2012,11月收到RQ信, 要求提供过去四年所有的住址

1、全都是书上的,没有直接考年份和数字,但与年份有关。比如说,加拿大立国的同时,哪项法令(Britsh North America Act)通过?
3、考试后的Interview问的全都是前面清单里的问题。 我有些不明白的是这个问题: Do you have any problem with police and immigration? 什么时候必须答Yes呢?
回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

俺良民一个,从来没有和警察及移民局闹过"Problem", 当然是答“No”。

后来问本地朋友,人家说,你在警察局和移民局有任何“Problem”历史, 人家那里是有记录的。在那种情况下,应该答“Yes”。 我也不知道对不对。

回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

2011,11,1, 邮寄申请,Vancouver
2011,12, 收到书和信
2012,10, IP
2012,11月收到RQ信, 要求提供过去四年所有的住址

1、全都是书上的,没有直接考年份和数字,但与年份有关。比如说,加拿大立国的同时,哪项法令(Britsh North America Act)通过?
3、考试后的Interview问的全都是前面清单里的问题。 我有些不明白的是这个问题: Do you have any problem with police and immigration? 什么时候必须答Yes呢?
回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

1、全都是书上的,没有直接考年份和数字,但与年份有关。比如说,加拿大立国的同时,哪项法令(Britsh North America Act)通过?
3、考试后的Interview问的全都是前面清单里的问题。 我有些不明白的是这个问题: Do you have any problem with police and immigration? 什么时候必须答Yes呢?

看说一段时间,发现年份日期真难记,但立国 Britsh North America Act这些容易,就怕题目问那些很偏门的年份,例如1759了发生什么了。。。。

回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

1.If you cannot afford to pay for a lawyer, where can you get free or low cost legal service?---Legal Aid (P37)
2.What is Canada’s national winter sport? ---Hockey (P39)
3.Which are the two offical languges of Canada?---English and Franch
4.Not responsibities---owning your own home[FONT=宋体]其他答案:[/FONT]Obeying the law, helping others in the community,protecting natural resources(P9)
5. What is the significance of Remembrance Day?[FONT=宋体]平时做的题一样[/FONT](P22)
6. [FONT=宋体]联邦选举的一种方法:秘密投票[/FONT](P31)
7.citizen’s Right---freedown of association and freedown of conscienceand religion (P8)
8.A Aboriginal live in small,scattered communities a cross the Arctic----.inuit (P11)
9.shock troops of the British Empire---vimy Ridge (P21)
10.Newfoundland and Labrador,Prince Edward Island,Nova Scotia and New Brunswick which Regions?---The Atlamtic Provinces(P45)
11. A-41-women she visiting Canada during Fedral Election.can she voting? why?---Not,She is not a Canadian citizen.
12.Moden energy industry[FONT=宋体]这题不记得怎么问了,答案有选[/FONT]oil,[FONT=宋体]我好象选了有[/FONT]industrialized[FONT=宋体]的答案。老师讲这一章的时候我错过了,所以印象不深,平时也没怎么看,所以考起来比较模糊。[/FONT](P24)
13 Sit in the House of Commons represent you what’s title?---MP(P30)
14. Why tade in Canada is significance ? standards of living[FONT=宋体]答案都很长,另一个答案是加拿大服务业占[/FONT]75% (P42)
15. [FONT=宋体]联邦选举中代表你的候选人属于哪个[/FONT]Institutions---House of Commons[FONT=宋体],其他答案:[/FONT]sovereign,senate (P30)
16.the Prime Minister’s one right is?---choose Cabinet minister
17. [FONT=宋体]什么情况下举行选举:[/FONT]the party in power is defeated. (P31)
[FONT=宋体]总理[/FONT]ended, Queen[FONT=宋体]提出,总督提出[/FONT] (P31)
18. In 1939 Canada other to: against Adolf Hitler Nazi dictator of Gemany, [FONT=宋体]其他答案:美国,德国,日本[/FONT] (P23)
19[FONT=宋体].加拿大与美国之间的关系不对的是:第二大贸易国家[/FONT] (P43)
回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

1.If you cannot afford to pay for a lawyer, where can you get free or low cost legal service?---Legal Aid (P37)
2.What is Canada’s national winter sport? ---Hockey (P39)
3.Which are the two offical languges of Canada?---English and Franch
4.Not responsibities---owning your own home[FONT=宋体]其他答案:[/FONT]Obeying the law, helping others in the community,protecting natural resources(P9)
5. What is the significance of Remembrance Day?[FONT=宋体]平时做的题一样[/FONT](P22)
6. [FONT=宋体]联邦选举的一种方法:秘密投票[/FONT](P31)
7.citizen’s Right---freedown of association and freedown of conscienceand religion (P8)
8.A Aboriginal live in small,scattered communities a cross the Arctic----.inuit (P11)
9.shock troops of the British Empire---vimy Ridge (P21)
10.Newfoundland and Labrador,Prince Edward Island,Nova Scotia and New Brunswick which Regions?---The Atlamtic Provinces(P45)
11. A-41-women she visiting Canada during Fedral Election.can she voting? why?---Not,She is not a Canadian citizen.
12.Moden energy industry[FONT=宋体]这题不记得怎么问了,答案有选[/FONT]oil,[FONT=宋体]我好象选了有[/FONT]industrialized[FONT=宋体]的答案。老师讲这一章的时候我错过了,所以印象不深,平时也没怎么看,所以考起来比较模糊。[/FONT](P24)
13 Sit in the House of Commons represent you what’s title?---MP(P30)
14. Why tade in Canada is significance ? standards of living[FONT=宋体]答案都很长,另一个答案是加拿大服务业占[/FONT]75% (P42)
15. [FONT=宋体]联邦选举中代表你的候选人属于哪个[/FONT]Institutions---House of Commons[FONT=宋体],其他答案:[/FONT]sovereign,senate (P30)
16.the Prime Minister’s one right is?---choose Cabinet minister
17. [FONT=宋体]什么情况下举行选举:[/FONT]the party in power is defeated. (P31)
[FONT=宋体]总理[/FONT]ended, Queen[FONT=宋体]提出,总督提出[/FONT] (P31)
18. In 1939 Canada other to: against Adolf Hitler Nazi dictator of Gemany, [FONT=宋体]其他答案:美国,德国,日本[/FONT] (P23)
19[FONT=宋体].加拿大与美国之间的关系不对的是:第二大贸易国家[/FONT] (P43)
回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!


回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

1.If you cannot afford to pay for a lawyer, where can you get free or low cost legal service?---Legal Aid (P37)
2.What is Canada’s national winter sport? ---Hockey (P39)
3.Which are the two offical languges of Canada?---English and Franch
4.Not responsibities---owning your own home[FONT=宋体]其他答案:[/FONT]Obeying the law, helping others in the community,protecting natural resources(P9)
5. What is the significance of Remembrance Day?[FONT=宋体]平时做的题一样[/FONT](P22)
6. [FONT=宋体]联邦选举的一种方法:秘密投票[/FONT](P31)
7.citizen’s Right---freedown of association and freedown of conscienceand religion (P8)
8.A Aboriginal live in small,scattered communities a cross the Arctic----.inuit (P11)
9.shock troops of the British Empire---vimy Ridge (P21)
10.Newfoundland and Labrador,Prince Edward Island,Nova Scotia and New Brunswick which Regions?---The Atlamtic Provinces(P45)
11. A-41-women she visiting Canada during Fedral Election.can she voting? why?---Not,She is not a Canadian citizen.
12.Moden energy industry[FONT=宋体]这题不记得怎么问了,答案有选[/FONT]oil,[FONT=宋体]我好象选了有[/FONT]industrialized[FONT=宋体]的答案。老师讲这一章的时候我错过了,所以印象不深,平时也没怎么看,所以考起来比较模糊。[/FONT](P24)
13 Sit in the House of Commons represent you what’s title?---MP(P30)
14. Why tade in Canada is significance ? standards of living[FONT=宋体]答案都很长,另一个答案是加拿大服务业占[/FONT]75% (P42)
15. [FONT=宋体]联邦选举中代表你的候选人属于哪个[/FONT]Institutions---House of Commons[FONT=宋体],其他答案:[/FONT]sovereign,senate (P30)
16.the Prime Minister’s one right is?---choose Cabinet minister
17. [FONT=宋体]什么情况下举行选举:[/FONT]the party in power is defeated. (P31)
[FONT=宋体]总理[/FONT]ended, Queen[FONT=宋体]提出,总督提出[/FONT] (P31)
18. In 1939 Canada other to: against Adolf Hitler Nazi dictator of Gemany, [FONT=宋体]其他答案:美国,德国,日本[/FONT] (P23)
19[FONT=宋体].加拿大与美国之间的关系不对的是:第二大贸易国家[/FONT] (P43)
LZ的time line 真快,多谢分享给我们很有用的试题。好同胞。
回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!



Thanks,you too.
回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

1.If you cannot afford to pay for a lawyer, where can you get free or low cost legal service?---Legal Aid (P37)
2.What is Canada’s national winter sport? ---Hockey (P39)
3.Which are the two offical languges of Canada?---English and Franch
4.Not responsibities---owning your own home[FONT=宋体]其他答案:[/FONT]Obeying the law, helping others in the community,protecting natural resources(P9)
5. What is the significance of Remembrance Day?[FONT=宋体]平时做的题一样[/FONT](P22)
6. [FONT=宋体]联邦选举的一种方法:秘密投票[/FONT](P31)
7.citizen’s Right---freedown of association and freedown of conscienceand religion (P8)
8.A Aboriginal live in small,scattered communities a cross the Arctic----.inuit (P11)
9.shock troops of the British Empire---vimy Ridge (P21)
10.Newfoundland and Labrador,Prince Edward Island,Nova Scotia and New Brunswick which Regions?---The Atlamtic Provinces(P45)
11. A-41-women she visiting Canada during Fedral Election.can she voting? why?---Not,She is not a Canadian citizen.
12.Moden energy industry[FONT=宋体]这题不记得怎么问了,答案有选[/FONT]oil,[FONT=宋体]我好象选了有[/FONT]industrialized[FONT=宋体]的答案。老师讲这一章的时候我错过了,所以印象不深,平时也没怎么看,所以考起来比较模糊。[/FONT](P24)
13 Sit in the House of Commons represent you what’s title?---MP(P30)
14. Why tade in Canada is significance ? standards of living[FONT=宋体]答案都很长,另一个答案是加拿大服务业占[/FONT]75% (P42)
15. [FONT=宋体]联邦选举中代表你的候选人属于哪个[/FONT]Institutions---House of Commons[FONT=宋体],其他答案:[/FONT]sovereign,senate (P30)
16.the Prime Minister’s one right is?---choose Cabinet minister
17. [FONT=宋体]什么情况下举行选举:[/FONT]the party in power is defeated. (P31)
[FONT=宋体]总理[/FONT]ended, Queen[FONT=宋体]提出,总督提出[/FONT] (P31)
18. In 1939 Canada other to: against Adolf Hitler Nazi dictator of Gemany, [FONT=宋体]其他答案:美国,德国,日本[/FONT] (P23)
19[FONT=宋体].加拿大与美国之间的关系不对的是:第二大贸易国家[/FONT] (P43)
回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

(1) Which of the following are examples for natural resource industry (something like that)
-> I don't recall the exact answer, but it was of these: mining, fishing, oil, timber, farming ....
... all the other examples were either manufacturing or service

(2) Which of the following statements is not true about Canada's relationship with the USA:
-> "The US is the second most important trading partner after Mexico
... the others were the usual ones: closest ties, longest undefended border, most Canadian export goes to the US, etc

(3) Which act ensured equal rights for French and English in the government (or parliament)?
-> The Official Language Act, 1969
... other options were I think British North America Act, 1867, Constitutional Act of 1791, and Quebec Act, 1774

(4) Who are Donovan Bailey, Wayne Gretzky, Chantal Petitclerc?
-> Canadian Athletes
... other answers were Canadian writers, scientists, and something else

(5) Which province is the main producer of oil and gas?
-> Alberta

(6) Which city is Canada's financial capital?
-> Toronto

(7) What is part of the Canadian parliament (or government)?
.... Options were (a) Senate (b) House of Commons (c) the Sovereign (d) all of the above
-> right answer is (d) all of the above

(8) Something like "When do we commemorate our fallen soldiers?" or "When do we wear a red Poppy?" or "What do we celebrate on November 11?"
... Choices were Victoria Day, Domion Day, etc.
-> Answer was Remembrance Day.

(9) On which principle is "due process" based?
That was a bit tricky because among the options was
(a) the presumption of innocence
(b) everyone is guilty until proven innocent
-> I went with (a) the presumption of innocence because (b) is an explanation not a principle

(10) Soandso is 36 and just immigrated to Canada, can he run for office?
-> yes (over 18 and citizen)
... options included: no, because he probably doesn't have enough money
[edited update: see next 2 posts - if the question says "immigrated" it means he is a resident and cannot run for office. If the question says "just became a citizen" it means he can. Read carefully!]

(11) if you are called for jury duty, are you legally required to serve?
-> Yes, it is your legal obligation (something like that)
... there were no answer options with viable reasons to refuse like disease, the options were in the line of: Not if you don't feel like it, Only if you voted, ...

(12) Citizenship responsibilities
-> they were exactly the same as in every online test I did

(13) Equality of men and women, which of the following is not allowed in Canada:
... options (a) honour killings, (b) gender based violence, (c) forced marriage, (d) all of the above
-> I think you know this

(14) Origin of the Acadians
-> French Settlers in the Maritimes, early 1600s

(15) Who lived in Canada before the first European settlers came
-> Aboriginals

(16) A Mari Usque Ad Mari
-> From sea to sea

(17-20) I don't remember with certainty but as I said there were no surprises.
I think one had the answer "British North America Act, 1867",
one was about who can vote,
and another about Quebec and pulp, paper, hydro-electricity.
回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

上面第九题引起争论,按书的意思,ab 俩答案都不对,清楚的同学麻烦帮分析分析.




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