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现在越论越清了,共同学习。选择答案包含这句吗yes (over 18 and citizen)?:wdb37:
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01. 有关The Northern Territories
选:Contain one-third of Canada's land mass
02. Who helped to form the new country called the Dominion of Canada
选:John A. Macdonald
03. Three requirements for vote in a federal election
选:A Canadian citizen; and at least 18 years old on voting day; and on the voters’ list.
04. Queen's representative in Canada
选:Governor General & Lieutenant Governor
05. Electoral districts
06. 有关British Columbia
选:the West Coast
07. If you cannot vote on election day, you can also
选:Vote at the advance polls or by special ballot
08. 有关Canadian Crown
选:Canada is a constitutional monarchy
09. One objective of Official Language Act in 1969
选promote equality between French and English in Canadian society
10. 有关Women can choose to take a job like any man
选:Because of the equality of women and men in Canada
11. 有关Volunteers
选:Help other without pay
12. The descendants of French colonist who began settling in what are now the Maritime provinces in 1604
选the acadians
13. During the War of 1812, the British paid for a costly Canadian defence system
选the Citadels at Halifax and Quebec city
14. Women's suffrage movement
选:Women to achieve the right to vote
15. In 1873, Prime Minister Macdonald established ___to pacify the west and assist in negotiation with indians
选the north west mounted police (NWMP)
16. Members of the House of Common
选:Elected by voter
17. National winter sport
18. Why English and French became Canada's official language
19. Parliament include
选:Sovereign, Senate, House of Common
20. Great Charter of Freedoms doesn't include
选:Freedom to seek personal revenge to others whose...
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01. 有关The Northern Territories
选:Contain one-third of Canada's land mass
02. Who helped to form the new country called the Dominion of Canada
选:John A. Macdonald
03. Three requirements for vote in a federal election
选:A Canadian citizen; and at least 18 years old on voting day; and on the voters’ list.
04. Queen's representative in Canada
选:Governor General & Lieutenant Governor
05. Electoral districts
06. 有关British Columbia
选:the West Coast
07. If you cannot vote on election day, you can also
选:Vote at the advance polls or by special ballot
08. 有关Canadian Crown
选:Canada is a constitutional monarchy
09. One objective of Official Language Act in 1969
选promote equality between French and English in Canadian society
10. 有关Women can choose to take a job like any man
选:Because of the equality of women and men in Canada
11. 有关Volunteers
选:Help other without pay
12. The descendants of French colonist who began settling in what are now the Maritime provinces in 1604
选the acadians
13. During the War of 1812, the British paid for a costly Canadian defence system
选the Citadels at Halifax and Quebec city
14. Women's suffrage movement
选:Women to achieve the right to vote
15. In 1873, Prime Minister Macdonald established ___to pacify the west and assist in negotiation with indians
选the north west mounted police (NWMP)
16. Members of the House of Common
选:Elected by voter
17. National winter sport
18. Why English and French became Canada's official language
19. Parliament include
选:Sovereign, Senate, House of Common
20. Great Charter of Freedoms doesn't include
选:Freedom to seek personal revenge to others whose...
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who is the father of manitoba and defender of metis right - louise reil.

what are the two official sports? hockey and lacrosse

which province has the most people? ontario.

to whom we pledge allegiance during oath? QE2

man and women are equal means which of the following cannot be done? obvious answer

what are the rights that canadian citizen can enjoy? freedom of thought. other answers are not correct

from where Canada word comes from? aboriginal word for "village"

for whom canadian citizen votes on election day ? MP of that electoral district

what are the prairie province?

which one is not a responsibility of a citizen ? own a house.

who is canadas biggest trading partner? USA

Quiet revolution of Quebec

federal state, parliament democracy , constitutional monarchy

which countries fought in the battle of plain of abraham? france and UK

what we do on rememberance day? remember the sacrifine of brave fallen

who can ask you about whom you vote? no one

which one is canadas best known symbol and natonal police force? RCMP

what do we call our royal anthem? God save the queen
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Which of the following answers is NOT true about the Canada/USA relationship?
Canada exports very few goods to the USA.

Which of the following are Atlantic Provinces?
Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island

Who out of the following is above the law in Canada?
No one

What is the highest honour a Canadian can receive?
The Victoria Cross

What is Canada's system of governance?
Federal state, parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy

Which is the Canadian province with the largest population?

How are Members of Parliament chosen?
They are elected by voters in their local constituency (riding).

What do Canadians remember on Remembrance Day?
Sacrifices made by Canadian veterans and brave soldiers in wars

In the 1960s, Quebec experienced an era of rapid change. What is it called?
The Quiet Revolution

What are Canada's two official sports?
Hockey and Lacrosse

Who is considered by many to be the father of Manitoba?
Louis Riel

Who are the national police force of Canada and one of its best-known symbols today?
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

What is the name of the Royal Anthem of Canada?
God Save the Queen (or King)

Which countries fought in the Plains of Abraham, 1759
France and Great Britain

.Due to the equality men and women, which of the following is not tolerated by Canadians?
A. spouse abuse; B. “Honor Killing”; C. forced marriage; D. All of the above. Answer: D

If you need a layer but cannot afford it, what can you do?
Ask for legal aid service.

Where can we see the coat of arms?
Dollar bills, government documents, public buildings

What are the three parts of Canadian Parliament?
The Sovereign, The House of Common, and The Senate.


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Who are Quebecois?
A. All the French speaking people in Canada are called Quebecois
B. They form a nation within a united Canada
C. They are descendants of British settlers who live in Quebec
D. They are the Canadians who only speak French

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The simple answer is that a Quebecois is the French name for anyone who lives in Quebec. In English, we call them Quebecers.
In other words, Quebcois is the French speaking resident in "La Belle Province" (the Province of Quebec). Most of them live in -- the Province of Quebec. They are Canadian citizens -- some with French &/or native &/or Irish &/or Scottish &/or ... lots of other ethnic groups. They are regular Canadian citizens with a distinct society.

Therefore, the answer is (C).
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Who are Quebecois?
A. All the French speaking people in Canada are called Quebecois
B. They form a nation within a united Canada
C. They are descendants of British settlers who live in Quebec
D. They are the Canadians who only speak French

回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

The simple answer is that a Quebecois is the French name for anyone who lives in Quebec. In English, we call them Quebecers.
In other words, Quebcois is the French speaking resident in "La Belle Province" (the Province of Quebec). Most of them live in -- the Province of Quebec. They are Canadian citizens -- some with French &/or native &/or Irish &/or Scottish &/or ... lots of other ethnic groups. They are regular Canadian citizens with a distinct society.

Therefore, the answer is (C).
Quebecers are the people of Quebec, the vast
majority French-speaking. Most are descendants
of 8,500 French settlers from the 1600s and
1700s and maintain a unique identity, culture and
language. The House of Commons recognized in
2006 that the Quebecois form a nation within
a united Canada.




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