加拿大250亿元炼油厂 获中国工商银行牵头融资


China's largest bank will be helping to finance the proposed Kitimat refinery, which would process oil from the Alberta oilsands in B.C., instead of the raw bitumen being shipped overseas.

B.C. media mogul David Black said he has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) for the proposed refinery that is estimated to cost $25 billion.

Black, who was in Beijing on Thursday, did not say how much money ICBC will provide, only that the bank has expressed interest in loaning money to the enterprise, functioning as a co-ordinator to get other banks involved, and providing engineering and construction help to build the refinery.

B.C. media mogul David Black met with ICBC officials in Beijing this week.
"They’re very interested. There’s a lot in this for China and there’s a lot in this for Canada and B.C.," Black told CBC News. "This is a non-binding letter of intent. There’s lots of negotiating to do, lots of fleshing out for the agreement. But I am very sure that we’ll get there."

Black said more memorandums of understanding are anticipated between Chinese companies and his company, Kitimat Clean.

The Kitimat refinery — which should have the capacity to process the entire output of the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline — will create 3,000 full-time jobs, 6,000 temporary jobs and generate large tax revenues for the government, Black said.

Kitimat Mayor Joanne Monaghan told CBC News she hopes the deal with ICBC goes through.

"You know once it's built, it's 2,000 to 3,000 permanent jobs at really good rates," she said. "I think we have to take a really good look at it."

The refinery plans to use a newly-patented "cleaner" approach to processing heavy oil. The Fischer-Tropsch process is said to decrease greenhouse gases per barrel by 50 per cent.

In addition to the refinery, the project will include a possible pipeline between Edmonton and Kitimat, a marine terminal, and a fleet of oceangoing tankers for the refined fuels..

"We're on our way to something that’s going to fabulous for Canada and B.C. and we will reduce environmental difficulties for the planet," Black said. "We’re hopefully going to reduce the greenhouse gases by half compared to any other refinery in the world."

A political issue?

The refinery is being planned on a 3,000 hectare parcel of Crown land near DuBose, B.C., that is zoned for industrial use.

The DuBose site is 25 kilometres north of Kitimat, 25 kilometres south of Terrace, and would be approximately 40 kilometres from a pipeline from a planned Enbridge marine terminal on the Douglas Channel.

Environmental groups and members of Canada's First Nations have expressed concern about a pipeline moving crude oil across ecologically sensitive northern B.C.

In March, Premier Christy Clark said she was in favour of the plan, while the B.C. NDP has repeatedly cast doubt on Black's ability to finance the project.

With the Liberals and NDP now in the thick of campaigning for the provincial election in May, the proposed refinery remains a sensitive topic.

While the refinery would mean the creation of a lot of new jobs, it also would involve an oil pipeline — something both parties have been trying to distance themselves from.

On Thursday, Black said he hoped the issue wouldn't become a political one.

"There's so much in this for B.C. I don't think we should let politics get in the way of this," he said.

卑诗省北部加地美(Kitimat)250亿元炼油厂再取得重大进展。筹建者传媒人布莱克(David Black)成功争取到中国工商银行牵头融资。为炼油厂的兴建打下坚定的基础。他估计在兴建期间可以为本地创造6000个工作机会。在投产以後,可以创造3000个永久就业岗位 iask.ca

布莱克又表示,有意邀请中国公司参加炼油厂的建筑。。 加拿大 家 园 网

筹建炼油厂的「洁净加地美」(Kitimat Clean)公司昨日发表公告,透露布莱克与中国工商银行在周四(18日)签订了谅解备忘录,让这家全中国规模最大的商业银行将来参与炼油厂的融资。






布莱克表示,原先与奥本海默投资集团(Oppenheimer Investments Group)签订了合约,由该公司安排筹募资金,可是该公司一名主要负责人突然过世,让他不得不另觅伙伴。 www.iask.ca


布莱克成立 「洁净加地美」(Kitimat Clean)公司主理炼油厂的筹建工作。该公司目前还需要取得环保许可证,以及与原住民展开谈判。但布莱克胸有成竹,说不论石油是通过输油管还是火车运载,也是一项可行的投资。

正在申建的北方门户输油管(Northern Gateway)计划计划从阿省北部油砂田向加地美输送重油,再出口到亚洲。布莱克声称,炼油厂将原油加以提炼之後再出口到亚洲,包括中国及印度等市场,是一个更为折中的方案。不仅航行海上的运油轮不会运载污染性更强的重油。加地美炼油厂的环保规格也较其他地方的炼油厂更严更高,可削减温室气体的排放。 本 文 来 自 家园网 IASK.CA

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Spectra Energy Corp. and BG Group PLC are proposing a new pipeline megaproject to carry natural gas to the British Columbia coast for export to Asian markets, making it the largest bet yet that the province’s energy riches will find a home abroad in a high-stakes race worth tens of billions of dollars.

The two companies envisage brisk demand for B.C. natural gas from customers in Japan, China and South Korea, and big potential in India and Thailand, said Doug Bloom, president of Spectra’s Western Canadian operations.

In the process, they are attempting to build a future that stands to see Canada’s westernmost province rival Alberta as Canada’s natural gas heavyweight.

“It’s British Columbia that has a massive resource base, and that’s where the bulk of the supply will come from,” Mr. Bloom said in an interview Monday in Spectra’s Vancouver office. “There are enormous amounts of domestic supply and production capability that are way in excess of domestic needs.”

Houston-based Spectra and BG of Reading, England, will be 50-50 owners in the pipeline estimated to cost up to $8-billion, with Spectra building the line and BG filling it with natural gas.

The pipeline plans serve as an insight into the size of the terminal BG is looking to construct. Based on research by CIBC World Markets Inc. earlier this year examining the cost of liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals in Australia, such a project in Canada could cost $24-billion to $32-billion for the terminal alone, although costs between the two countries aren’t directly comparable.

The pipeline, which remains conceptual and would take years to permit and build, would connect the gas fields in northeast British Columbia with Prince Rupert, where BG has gained access to port land it believes to be suitable for construction of an export terminal for LNG.

The 850-kilometre line would be built with a capacity of 4.2 billion cubic feet per day. When it is full, the new Spectra-BG pipe will carry more natural gas than Ontario and Quebec burn today on a daily basis. The tremendous size being contemplated is the latest indication of how much gas companies believe they can extract in British Columbia and how substantial plans are for the province to become a globally significant player in gas markets.

Earlier this year, TransCanada announced plans for another pipeline, which it calls Coastal GasLink, that would initially carry up to 1.7 billion cubic feet a day of gas to Kitimat, B.C., another coastal town not far from Prince Rupert, where a series of companies have proposed new LNG terminals.

That’s on top of a third pipeline, the Pacific Trails pipeline, which could carry more than one billion cubic feet a day to Kitimat.

Combined, the three pipelines promise to carry 6.9 billion cubic feet of B.C. gas for export, at a time when output in Alberta, long Canada’s primary source of gas, is fading. According to figures released by the Alberta Energy Resources Conservation Board in June, Alberta’s natural gas output is expected to fall to seven billion cubic feet a day in 2021. Seen that way, the new pipelines, including Spectra-BG – which could enter service as early as 2019 – portend a future where British Columbia vies for the title of Canada’s leading natural gas producer.

BG confirmed earlier this year that it had secured access to a 200-acre section of coastal land on the Ridley industrial development site, owned by the Prince Rupert Port Authority, to assess the viability of an LNG terminal there. The port normally provides companies 12 to 24 months to assess whether they can make a project work.

Monday’s pipeline announcement suggests BG is optimistic about the Prince Rupert site’s potential, although such projects require vast construction budgets and complex negotiations to secure enough gas to load onto tankers, and then sell to end users. As such, they come with a degree of uncertainty. Spectra’s Mr. Bloom said his company and BG expect to make final investment decisions in 2015. The pipeline project itself is forecast to create 4,000 construction jobs.

BG declined to comment on the terminal size it is contemplating, although spokesman David Byford said of the proposed pipeline: “All of the gas would be subscribed to BG Group.” In other words, it would feed only the BG terminal.

“We’re still in the feasibility process – more information, more disclosure will come as we move through the process,” said Mr. Byford said, who anticipates growing demand for LNG.
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Michelle Libra

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这个项目还只是计划阶段, 成不成都是问题

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这个项目还只是计划阶段, 成不成都是问题
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