回复: 饱和英语学习法zt
[FONT=宋体] 荒僻的小镇是生我养我的小镇,每次我千里迢迢的回去总惊异于家乡的变化之小[/FONT]---[FONT=宋体]人还是嚼舌头的人,事儿还是乌七八糟的事儿。可我仍旧如此渴望它,离家太久每每令我神伤。咋回事儿呢[/FONT]
That place is where I was born and raised, however, still I got startled by how immutable the town is, and how unchangeable the people are, finally their unfailing love for gossip and trifles. Even so, unfailing also is my nostalgic and yearning heart throb-- each time I think of the days with the land and the people I am long far off. How so?