
回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013

<Discover Canada> P11:NB is the only officially bilingual province.

I don't think I answered your question...but you can check it in the book.

请问 which province has the most bilingual canadians? Newsbrunswick? Ontario?
最后编辑: 2013-10-11
回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013

<Discover Canada> P11:NB is the only officially bilingual province.

I don't think I answered your question...but you can check it in the book.

正确答案是ONTARIO 我查过书, 上面说ontario also has the largest French-speaking population outside of Quebec, 这种题目也太不直接了,应该不会出吧
回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013

最近要考试了,认真复习,发现问题还真不少。 上次问大家的哪个省的双语人数最多? 是魁北克。做了数次题目,答案竟然不一样,最后是魁省比例居多,那就是它吧。


What does Register of Electors contain?
A. List of Canadian citizens of more than 18 years who are qualified to vote in federal elections and referendums.
B. Personal information of voters which is given to each political party.
C. List of all Canadian citizens who are qualified to vote in federal elections and referendums.
D. List of Canadian citizens less than 18 years old who are qualified to vote in federal elections and referendums.

我觉得是A, 但答案每次都是C。 是因为不仅仅是more than 18,应该是18 years of age and older, 想跟大家确认一下。觉得又回到了高考,咬文嚼字。

回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013

回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013

最近要考试了,认真复习,发现问题还真不少。 上次问大家的哪个省的双语人数最多? 是魁北克。做了数次题目,答案竟然不一样,最后是魁省比例居多,那就是它吧。


What does Register of Electors contain?
A. List of Canadian citizens of more than 18 years who are qualified to vote in federal elections and referendums.
B. Personal information of voters which is given to each political party.
C. List of all Canadian citizens who are qualified to vote in federal elections and referendums.
D. List of Canadian citizens less than 18 years old who are qualified to vote in federal elections and referendums.

我觉得是A, 但答案每次都是C。 是因为不仅仅是more than 18,应该是18 years of age and older, 想跟大家确认一下。觉得又回到了高考,咬文嚼字。


觉得你说得对。应该是18 years of age and older
回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013

richmond library和那个v-soul citizenship test上的知识点全面包括了,考前多做几遍,争取正确率很高。但是也需要看书但是真的不用紧张。
考试有true or false的题目。零零散散复习一周,没有不会的。考试流程和之前的一样,5分钟交卷,但是面试等了将近三个小时,面了5分钟,最后考官通知我过了。3~5个月后宣誓,希望大家好运!

1. 成为公民后的privilege --- vote
2. 1922年重建的,之前被烧毁的是什么? --- parliament
3. 加拿大官方语言 --- 这个不用说了吧.....
4. 冬季的传统项目 --- hockey
5. system of government --- federal, provincial, municipal
6. 如果从东到西旅游,那里是你的起点? --- newfoundland
7. 加拿大第一任总理 --- macdonald
8. remember day是为了纪念? --- To remember the sacrifice of Canadians who have served or died in wars up to the present day
9. 加拿大国旗的颜色...(做到这一题的时候我觉得智商被淡淡的侮辱了) --- 红白
10. true or false题---加拿大法律的无罪原则(考的书上的原句,true)
11. 哪个动物是official symbol of Canada --- beaver
12. three oceans border Canada --- atlantic, arctic, pacific.
13. NAFTA是那三个国家? USA canada mexico
14. 哪个是west coast province --- BC
15. a law before it is passed?--- bill
16. 某女的来加拿大移民,为什么和某男一样有工作? --- 男女平等
17. federal election? --- third monday in oct
18. 没有收到选票怎么办? --- contact election office
19. 谁是metis? --- first nation + european
20. 还有一个true or false题实在记不住了。反正也是书上的一句原话,是true。

回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013

richmond library和那个v-soul citizenship test上的知识点全面包括了,考前多做几遍,争取正确率很高。但是也需要看书但是真的不用紧张。
考试有true or false的题目。零零散散复习一周,没有不会的。考试流程和之前的一样,5分钟交卷,但是面试等了将近三个小时,面了5分钟,最后考官通知我过了。3~5个月后宣誓,希望大家好运!

1. 成为公民后的privilege --- vote
2. 1922年重建的,之前被烧毁的是什么? --- parliament
3. 加拿大官方语言 --- 这个不用说了吧.....
4. 冬季的传统项目 --- hockey
5. system of government --- federal, provincial, municipal
6. 如果从东到西旅游,那里是你的起点? --- newfoundland
7. 加拿大第一任总理 --- macdonald
8. remember day是为了纪念? --- To remember the sacrifice of Canadians who have served or died in wars up to the present day
9. 加拿大国旗的颜色...(做到这一题的时候我觉得智商被淡淡的侮辱了) --- 红白
10. true or false题---加拿大法律的无罪原则(考的书上的原句,true)
11. 哪个动物是official symbol of Canada --- beaver
12. three oceans border Canada --- atlantic, arctic, pacific.
13. NAFTA是那三个国家? USA canada mexico
14. 哪个是west coast province --- BC
15. a law before it is passed?--- bill
16. 某女的来加拿大移民,为什么和某男一样有工作? --- 男女平等
17. federal election? --- third monday in oct
18. 没有收到选票怎么办? --- contact election office
19. 谁是metis? --- first nation + european
20. 还有一个true or false题实在记不住了。反正也是书上的一句原话,是true。


回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013



2012-05-09 申请
2013-01-17 IP开始处理)
2013-04---- 要求指模
2013-09 ----转Local Office
2013-11-22 收考试信日期
2013-11-19 入籍考试日期
2013-11- 25 收信通知宣誓日期
2013-12- 03 宣誓日期









1 .the Prairie Provinces

2 .308 electoral districts

3. secret ballot

4. In Canada, gay and lesbian Canadians, who enjoy the full protection of equal treatment under the law, including access the civil marriage.

5. Quebec experienced an quiet revolution in 1960s (p.24)

6. We celebrate Jul.1 as Canada day, because the Dominion of Canada was born on Jul.1.1867

7.The citizen in each electoral district elects one MP who sits in the House of Commons

8.如果法官犯法是不是可以赦免罪答案是no,这条考的是no one above the law

9.Why is the discovery of insulin by Canadians so important?

10.volunteers help community work without money

11.what should you do if you didn't received your voter information card

12.What are the Atlantic Provinces?

13.Which province is the main producer of oil and gas?

14.who is Canada’s biggest trading partner?

15.The name of the Royal Anthem?

16.If you travel Canada from the East to West, which province you should start?

17.which building was rebuilt in 1922?(Parliament)

18.Choose one responsibility for Canada Force?
(Defending people)

19.Which book is for preparing the citizenship test?
(Discover Canada)

20.Women's suffrage movement achieved women have right to go school and work?
A. True


回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013


The First World War
Most Canadians were proud to be part of the British Empire.

P22 Between the Wars
After the First World War, the British Emprire evolved into a free association of states known as the British Commonwealth of Nations.
回复: 总结近期考试题2012-2013

1, ____ protects you to vote?
Secret ballot
2, How many seats in Parliament?
3, ** you selected to represent you in __________ .
the House of commons.
4, the equality of woman and man.
5, what are Canadian freedoms?
6, Canada's diversity includes gay and lesbian ....(orignal words from the book) .....including access to civil marriage.
7, New comes are expected to .......
The rules of the law.
8, who you take an oath to................
Queen Elizabeth II
9, Central Canada provinces......
ON and QC
10, Natural resource
Fishing and Mining
11, which in O Canada repeat twice?
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
12, The highest honour of Canada
The Victoria
13, the Prairie provineces
M, S, A
14, Black loyalist were well established here before Europe.
15, The Dominion of Canada was created on July 1, 1867, that why July 1 is Canada Day
16, Sir Paschal, George-Cartie, John A Macdonald,
The fathers of confederation
17, three parts of parliament
S, S, HM
18,Qebec rapid change in 1960,
Quiet Revolution
19, volunteer
help others without pay
20,forgot unfortunately.




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