2)有一个重要的building 意外着火,然后在1922年重建?(Parliament building)
3)太平洋铁路的象征意义 (unity)
4)下面的那一句最好的描述了法国人与英国人的关系 (have lived together in partnership and create tension for more than 300 years )
5)最著名的冰球运动员是 ( Wayne Gretzky )
6)the name of the first Prime Minister
7)the name of the book we studied for this test?( discover canada )
8)the black loyalists和 Europe loyalists, 谁最先来到加拿大?page 15
10)who can vote? 18 years old, citizenship and (on the voter's list)
11)在加拿大妇女可以选择什么样的工作?(whatever she wants)
12)the longest undefended boarder (canada-united states )
14)bills become laws, 在总督批准之前,先要经过谁和谁的同意 (the house of common and the Senators)
15)the register of electors is ... 记不清是怎么问的
16) a defender of Metis rights ...(Louis Reil)
17) federal election day (on the third Monday in October every four years following the most recent general election)
18)Parliament has three parts (the sovereign,king or queen ; the senators; the house of commons)
19)the sovereign is the head of state, the head of government is ( the prime minister)
再补充一条我做练习时从来没见过的,这题出现在12月1日卡城的考题里(LD 的同事这天考)