SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

Sk同学,最近申请EI。 正当休假,超过一个月,没想到要申请EI才能拿到其他工资。很麻烦。


B - Below basic exemption |
M - Maximum |
P - Post-Retirement benefit |
S - Self-Employed earnings |
CS - Credit Split

如果发现表格最后一栏记录“M",也就是maximum,是不是意味着退休金的贡献超出了本年度的最高要求,因此也就是不能完全有效的获得益处 (比如你交500,就可以获得每月100元的退休福利,那么交800的话,也获得100的福利,这样其中的300就没有任何意义了)。


回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

All people who receive EI regular benefits must be
available for and able to work, even though they are
unable to find a job. For this reason, if you are receiving
EI regular benefits, you must report those days when
you are not available for work (e.g., when you are on
vacation). You can report your unavailability on the
Internet, by telephone, or by mail every two weeks.
回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

估计楼主说的是CPP contribution,其大小跟你的工资有关系,按一定比率交,但工资有一上限,超过上限,按上限交(Maximum),你的投资不能影响contribution,如果你说的投资是RRSP和其它类投资的话。B 的意思是免交CPP,比如说你年工资低于一定数值。你可以上网查到相关数值。没有研究过,仅供参考。
回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

估计楼主说的是CPP contribution,其大小跟你的工资有关系,按一定比率交,但工资有一上限,超过上限,按上限交(Maximum),你的投资不能影响contribution,如果你说的投资是RRSP和其它类投资的话。B 的意思是免交CPP,比如说你年工资低于一定数值。你可以上网查到相关数值。没有研究过,仅供参考。

回答基本正确。投资和CPP contribution完全无关。以下是2013的rate:

2013 EI and CPP Rates
New contribution levels have been announced by the Canada Revenue Agency for the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Employment Insurance (EI).

For 2013, the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE), on which CPP contributions are based, has been increased from $50,100 (2012 level) to $51,100. This means that CPP contributions will be deducted at a rate of 4.95% up to a maximum contribution level of $2,356.20.

The annual maximum insurable earnings for EI have been set at $47,400 for 2013. EI contributions are deducted at a rate of 1.88% to a maximum of $891.12.

Employees who earn more than the YMPE will see these deductions cease at the point in the year when their year-to-date earnings exceed $51,100.
回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

春暖花开45 同学,信息很专业,很有用。谢谢

Sky23 同学,有的休假可以申请EI,有的单位有病,家庭等原因的休假福利,如果你不用可以积累,比如我的同事上次给我看他积累的2000天的病假。假如他腰酸背痛需要休养一年,他可以使用这些,但申请EI不光是下岗, 假如满足条件,单位一般认为,既然已经交了保险,就要充分利用,所以要求你申请EI, 然后工资和EI差的部分再补给你。

回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

春暖花开45 同学,信息很专业,很有用。谢谢

Sky23 同学,有的休假可以申请EI,有的单位有病,家庭等原因的休假福利,如果你不用可以积累,比如我的同事上次给我看他积累的2000天的病假。假如他腰酸背痛需要休养一年,他可以使用这些,但申请EI不光是下岗, 假如满足条件,单位一般认为,既然已经交了保险,就要充分利用,所以要求你申请EI, 然后工资和EI差的部分再补给你。



2000多天普通假期,要在同一公司的top management里面至少干50年,而且从来没有休过或者cash过假期,你觉得我会信吗?而且你还说的病假。
我这里说的是top management,如果一个普通员工,咱们算时薪35刀,这2000天就是56万刀的vocation payable。

回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠


2000多天普通假期,要在同一公司的top management里面至少干50年,而且从来没有休过或者cash过假期,你觉得我会信吗?而且你还说的病假。
我这里说的是top management,如果一个普通员工,咱们算时薪35刀,这2000天就是56万刀的vocation payable。



回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

OK, that's it. Your company does not have these benefits does not mean other companies don't!

I worked for oil and gases before, I do understand how much you could make if work for them. Why I accepted this job? I got an offer last summer from a big oil company, I can make around 200k if I accept. But I did not .

There if a reason for that. Sk123, you will understand someday. At least 4 colleagues worked in O/G before, but we enjoy much more for our current job.

For those on salary, it is impossible to cash the backed holidays but you can use it when needed. 2000 days, as my colleague said, it is just a number to him; but to others, say somebody had some chronic diseases, could enjoy this benefit fully.
回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

By the way, recently, I went mostly lightstream ( Petrobakken) hummingbird etc. When I was in AB, I dealt with basically Shell, Suncor and Nexon. That's why I think O/G here is much smaller.
回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

OK, that's it. Your company does not have these benefits does not mean other companies don't!

I worked for oil and gases before, I do understand how much you could make if work for them. Why I accepted this job? I got an offer last summer from a big oil company, I can make around 200k if I accept. But I did not .

There if a reason for that. Sk123, you will understand someday. At least 4 colleagues worked in O/G before, but we enjoy much more for our current job.

For those on salary, it is impossible to cash the backed holidays but you can use it when needed. 2000 days, as my colleague said, it is just a number to him; but to others, say somebody had some chronic diseases, could enjoy this benefit fully.

还吹呢,大哥。我给你换个方式解释下,就是说你这个所谓的“同事”,未来5年多,不用工作,全是paid vocations。这跟cash了这些vocation有区别吗?只不过一个是可以一边工作拿regular pay,一边cash vocation,一个要take vocations,then get paid vocations。
还有就是backed vocation from prior years是可以cash的,只不过你cash的同时,公司要based on这个number给你在累积current year vocation pay,其实这个“同事”又得到了更多的accrued vocation了。
对于那个EI,石油行业的潜规则是low season了,就lay off你,让你去拿EI。我敢说加拿大没有那个公司会正常休假还让你申请EI的 - 只能是跟你说最近没活,你休假去吧,我给你办个lay off的证明,你可以去申请EI。
回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

Oh yeah, For sick leave, you must have something to show you need it, hospitalized or a written recommendation from a physician.

For family leave, yes, it is up to you.

Tell you the truth, I did not cash but bump out 330 days paid vocation. Why, I have my reason, I think that is a better option to me. I do not take the advantage of our benefits, but I could if I think I need in the future.

That's the beauty working for crown. You work 2-3 hours per day, but get fully paid.

SK123, you may not fully understand the life and work of others.
回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

By the way, recently, I went mostly lightstream ( Petrobakken) hummingbird etc. When I was in AB, I dealt with basically Shell, Suncor and Nexon. That's why I think O/G here is much smaller.

你这个by the way弄的我更无语了。Petrobakken是base out of SK好吗!为什么它叫Petrobakken呢,意思说的是Petroleum in Bakken Area。Bakken Area是哪里呢?就是萨省的东南部Midale-Estevan Area加ND的部分Area。
至于Shell,你可以去读读萨省1950s-1960s的oil and gas industry的历史,为什么它进不来萨省。你可别提shell in SK,提起来他们公司该降半旗默哀2000天了。哈哈。
再就是Nexon开始more involved in SK了。

回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

Oh yeah, For sick leave, you must have something to show you need it, hospitalized or a written recommendation from a physician.

For family leave, yes, it is up to you.

Tell you the truth, I did not cash but bump out 330 days paid vocation. Why, I have my reason, I think that is a better option to me. I do not take the advantage of our benefits, but I could if I think I need in the future.

That's the beauty working for crown. You work 2-3 hours per day, but get fully paid.

SK123, you may not fully understand the life and work of others.

哥们,你还真说的2000天sick pay啊?那你想拿到2000天的病假,每个200年,可是够呛啦。
膜拜大神,黑山老妖 or 天山童姥。
1. vocation pay不是take advantage of your employer。
2. 算你一年4周假,恭喜你为你们公司工作了16年了,还从来没修过假,你是公司的栋梁啊。
回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

Oh yeah, For sick leave, you must have something to show you need it, hospitalized or a written recommendation from a physician.

For family leave, yes, it is up to you.

Tell you the truth, I did not cash but bump out 330 days paid vocation. Why, I have my reason, I think that is a better option to me. I do not take the advantage of our benefits, but I could if I think I need in the future.

That's the beauty working for crown. You work 2-3 hours per day, but get fully paid.

SK123, you may not fully understand the life and work of others.

至于work for crown的事儿,坐等大神@satic来确认。
回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

By the way, recently, I went mostly lightstream ( Petrobakken) hummingbird etc. When I was in AB, I dealt with basically Shell, Suncor and Nexon. That's why I think O/G here is much smaller.



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回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

两位别打仗了,有空给咱们聊聊萨省的oil gas。

萨省的mining有点后劲不足了,正琢磨着混进oil gas里呢。当然到Alberta也不是不行,这不热爱萨省不想搬家嘛!
回复: SK123, 申请EI的时候发现一个问题,请教大侠

两位别打仗了,有空给咱们聊聊萨省的oil gas。

萨省的mining有点后劲不足了,正琢磨着混进oil gas里呢。当然到Alberta也不是不行,这不热爱萨省不想搬家嘛!





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