1.IMM5491 14项photocopy of your marriage cetificate,if you have a co-signer and he or she is your spouse ,这句是什么意思呀,我在中国,男方在加拿大,我在中国已做结婚公证,需不需要他在加拿大再做一次呀,这个是不是要提供结婚公证复印件呀?
2.IMM5491 第17项 an original option c printout of your and your co-signer 's notice of assessment for the most recent taxation year ,是不是Option c printout 和notice of assessment 是两个文件呀?有什么区别吗?是不是两个都提供呀?
3.我是初婚,没有孩子,他是再婚,也没有孩子,担保人是不是只需要提供IMM1344,IMM5481,IMM5401,IMM5540,IMM5491清单,及有关文件,我是申请人,就我一个人,没有孩子,是不是只用填写IMM0008(generic application form for canada),IMM5669,IMM5490,IMM3903E清单呀?另官网上有NOTE: The person you want to sponsor should not quit their job or sell their assets until they have received their permanent resident visa.这句话的意思是不是申请人不能放弃工作或者卖掉资产。这样申请人需要提供哪些证明呢?
4.IMM3903E 第9项NOTE:for PRC,a kinship certificate is not acceptable as proof relationship.这个是不是亲属关系公证不能作为关系公证。是什么意思呀,到底得做什么公证呀?我已做的公证有:结婚公证,出生公证,无犯罪记录公证,户口本的公证。
5.IMM1344E 第7项b)UCI/Client ID这项是不是必填项,是不是要求担保人填写唯一的移民标识号号码?
6.IMM5481 第3项12-month period starting,and ending 这个填写日期是根据什么来填写的呀,有没有固定或指定日期的呀。应该怎么填写呀?
7.IMM5490第7项,prior to your spousal/common-law/conjugal partner relationship,was your sponsor or any of your sponsor's family members related to you or any member of your family?这句是什么意思呀,应该选NO还是YES呀?
第11项,Did your sponsor meet any of your close friends or family? 我外婆的妹妹(姑奶奶)算不算friends or family 呀?
8 .IMM5669E, 就我一个申请人,indicate whether you are ,我是选the principal applicant 还是 the spouse,common-law partner or dependent child aged 18years or older of the principal applicant,我是担保人的配偶。这个选哪个呀?
第7项EDUCATION 我把初中也填上去了,关于middle school 中field of study 这个选项填什么呀?
第8项,status in country, 应该怎么填?是填citizen 吗?
9.IMM0008 第四项Immigration office requested for processing this application 是填Beijing Embassy,PRC吗?
personal details 第2项Have you ever used any other name(e.g.nickname,maiden name,alias,etc)比如户口本上曾用名王艳,后改为王燕,这个也算吗,是不是写得写上去呀?
2.IMM5491 第17项 an original option c printout of your and your co-signer 's notice of assessment for the most recent taxation year ,是不是Option c printout 和notice of assessment 是两个文件呀?有什么区别吗?是不是两个都提供呀?
3.我是初婚,没有孩子,他是再婚,也没有孩子,担保人是不是只需要提供IMM1344,IMM5481,IMM5401,IMM5540,IMM5491清单,及有关文件,我是申请人,就我一个人,没有孩子,是不是只用填写IMM0008(generic application form for canada),IMM5669,IMM5490,IMM3903E清单呀?另官网上有NOTE: The person you want to sponsor should not quit their job or sell their assets until they have received their permanent resident visa.这句话的意思是不是申请人不能放弃工作或者卖掉资产。这样申请人需要提供哪些证明呢?
4.IMM3903E 第9项NOTE:for PRC,a kinship certificate is not acceptable as proof relationship.这个是不是亲属关系公证不能作为关系公证。是什么意思呀,到底得做什么公证呀?我已做的公证有:结婚公证,出生公证,无犯罪记录公证,户口本的公证。
5.IMM1344E 第7项b)UCI/Client ID这项是不是必填项,是不是要求担保人填写唯一的移民标识号号码?
6.IMM5481 第3项12-month period starting,and ending 这个填写日期是根据什么来填写的呀,有没有固定或指定日期的呀。应该怎么填写呀?
7.IMM5490第7项,prior to your spousal/common-law/conjugal partner relationship,was your sponsor or any of your sponsor's family members related to you or any member of your family?这句是什么意思呀,应该选NO还是YES呀?
第11项,Did your sponsor meet any of your close friends or family? 我外婆的妹妹(姑奶奶)算不算friends or family 呀?
8 .IMM5669E, 就我一个申请人,indicate whether you are ,我是选the principal applicant 还是 the spouse,common-law partner or dependent child aged 18years or older of the principal applicant,我是担保人的配偶。这个选哪个呀?
第7项EDUCATION 我把初中也填上去了,关于middle school 中field of study 这个选项填什么呀?
第8项,status in country, 应该怎么填?是填citizen 吗?
9.IMM0008 第四项Immigration office requested for processing this application 是填Beijing Embassy,PRC吗?
personal details 第2项Have you ever used any other name(e.g.nickname,maiden name,alias,etc)比如户口本上曾用名王艳,后改为王燕,这个也算吗,是不是写得写上去呀?