回复: 发帖求助-美国高速的一张超速罚单
其实美国警察也喜欢罚外地车, 所以去外地一定要夹紧尾巴严格遵守限速
确实如此. 反非法移民期间更是不策手段找借口拦车.几年前我在新泽西遭遇过一次. 大清早从纽约出发, 刚进新泽西就被盯上. 看到辆警车远远跟着, 不一会闪起灯逼我靠边. 上来就是: YOUR LICENSE PLEASE.拿过回他车里敲键盘, 良久返回, 附带一张罚单.
Me: "What's wrong with my driving? Sir"
Him: "You were waving on the road."
Me: " Waving? I don't think so.I never do that because I do not want to kill myself."
Him: "Just sign the ticket, Please."
Me: "I am sorry I can't sign it. It is not true"
Him: "Then you have to go to jail. By the way, why your car plate is from Arkansa?"
Me: " Why? I just rented it at the airport. Why can't you ask them why."
That is the point. He suspected me an illegal immigrant moving somewhere so he made up an excuse to pull me over.
结果, 我签了字但警告他我会上法庭. 回来后向当地警局和法庭申诉并要求出示"WAVING" 录象. 无果, 不了了之. 罚款见鬼去了.
你这个超速不知能否在录相上反映出来. 若可, 又坚信未超速, 不妨试试.
总之, 遇上有意找岔的警察不能怕, 要据理力争, 他吃不了你.