

Quebec immigration bill would create uncertainty

By Joel Goldenberg, February 26th, 2014

Quebec’s Bill 71, introduced in the National Assembly last week to change the province’s 1968 immigration law, would be unfair and create uncertainty for those who want to emigrate to Canada, says immigration lawyer Mitchell Brownstein.

According to the proposed law, those who want to come to Quebec must send an “expression of interest” to the immigration ministry, and those who are eligible are placed in a bank to be considered. The government is saying the processing time for potential immigrants would be reduced to two years as opposed to up to five years.

Brownstein, who is also a Côte St. Luc councillor, said that in Bill 71, “for the first time ever, they’re saying they can retroactively refuse files.

“They’re saying they’ll be able to take people’s processing fees when they submit an application for immigration — the government says it’s going to be faster — and in the time they decide to process the file, they can [later] decide that this person is no longer in demand based on his occupation, even though at the time he applied, he was in demand. They can just say ‘no’ and send back his money.

“This doesn’t give anybody any certainty whether they’re eligible for immigration or not, which is a really bad thing,” he added. “When they accept a file, and the person’s occupation is in demand, they should process it within a reasonable time, so they can get here while the occupation’s still in demand. It shouldn’t take them five, four or three years.”

Brownstein pointed out, as have media reports, that there is a backlog in Quebec of 80,000 files and the government is claiming the process is currently taking up to five years.

“That’s ridiculous, they’re just not managing their inventory properly,” he said. “They have a large backlog because they’re accepting too many files or they don’t have enough staff to process the files in the various Quebec delegations around the world. If they want to accept that many files, they need more staff. If they want to accept less files, then they should accept less files. But they shouldn’t take people’s processing fees — they’re on a track and waiting, and to then be in a position, that later on, they could just be told no, they’re not eligible, that’s just not right.”

Brownstein said a similar situation took place on the federal level in 2001, when immigration rules were changed with the effect that most of 300,000 clients would not be eligible to emigrate to Canada, and that those who had applied would just be sent back their money.

“At our office, we had 125 files, and 72 of them authorized us to take the files to a Federal Court judge to send an order of mandamus (a judicial remedy) to the Canadian consulate where their files were being processed, to ensure that the files would be reviewed and they would be called to an interview before the date the law was to come into effect. We won that case.

“Our clients, two days later, received letters from the embassies, were called for an interview and they were either accepted or refused — 98 percent were accepted. But then the law came into play, and it was similar to the Quebec bill. It was going to be retroactive, so a group of 70 lawyers across Canada formed a class action and took the federal government to court, and settled with them. They decided to allow the 300,000 clients to be considered based on the old and new laws, whatever was more favourable to them.”

Brownstein said governments have the right to apply retroactivity, but it should be done in a reasonable way.
“If the rules of play are being put into the law before the candidate applies, it wouldn’t be deemed unconstitutional, it would be acceptable. It’s not fair, it’s not properly treating people making plans for a future life, but it’s legal.

“It’s a sad day for immigration, because it’s showing there’s less respect for individuals coming to this country.”
Another aspect of Bill 71 is establishing francization as a guiding principle for immigration to Quebec.

“I don’t think that’s anything so new,” Brownstein said. “They’re just putting it into the law. They’ve been doing it for years. I don’t think it’s great because they’re not necessarily getting the best immigrants for this province by insisting they pass a French test, and come here with a high score on the test. They’d be better off bringing the most qualified individuals, all of whom can learn French.

“By limiting immigration to Quebec to individuals who come from French countries, you’re really limiting your pool and not getting the best out there.”


更多内容: www.canbecflower.com

独立式 individuelle 半独立式 mitoyenne 独栋住宅 la maison de deux étages

平房 la pavillon (Une baraque ,une crèche) 地下室 le sous-sol 车库 le garage 阁楼 le grenier

房间 la chambre、庭院 la cour、楼层 l’étage

Le toit 屋顶 l’avant-toit 屋檐 la cheminée 烟囱 la tuile 瓦片 le volvet 百叶窗

l’allée 小径 la porte d’entrée 前门 la boîte aux lettre 信箱 la main courante 扶手

le palier 楼梯平台 le balcon 阳台 L’interphone 对讲机 la sonnette 门铃

le marteau de porte 门环 la serrure 、la clef 锁,钥匙

la chaîne de sûreté 门链 le paillasson 擦鞋垫, 门毡 le tapis 地摊

Le radiateur 暖气片 l’aile 扇叶 l’appareil de chauffage 电暖器

le ventilateur 风扇 l’ampoule 灯泡 la prise 插头

neutre 零线 sous tension 火线 la prise de courant 插座

la tension 电压 l’ampère 安培 le courant 电流

le fusible 保险丝 la boîte à fusibles 保险盒

la génératrice 发电机 le courant continu alternatif 交流电 le transformateur 变压器

le compte d’électricité 电表 la coupure de courant 停电

le réseau d’électricité 电网 l’enlèvement de déchets 垃圾处理

la boîte à déchets récyclable 可回收垃圾盒 la boîte de tri 分类垃圾

les déchets bios 有机废物 la poubelle 垃圾桶 la pédale 踏板 le couvercle 盖子

le plafond 天花板, 顶棚 le tableau 画板 la lampe 灯

l’applique 壁画 la pendule 挂钟 le miroir 镜子

le vase 花瓶 la tablette de cheminée 壁炉台

le garde-feu 挡火板 la bougie 蜡烛

la bibliothèque 书架 la vitrine 橱柜

la canapé 长沙发 le coussin 靠垫 la table basse 茶几

le rideau 窗帘 la store vénitien 百叶窗 le store 卷帘

le crochet 挂钩 l’assainisseur 净化剂 le climatiseur 空调

le thermostats 温度调节器

la table 桌子 la vaisselle 陶瓷餐具 les couverts 餐具

le poivre 胡椒粉 la chaise 椅子le dossier 靠背椅

le siège 座位 la nappe 餐布 le set de table 餐具垫

la grande tasse马克杯 l’assiette 盘子 la cafetière 咖啡壶

la thétière 茶壶 le pot 带柄水壶 le coquetier 蛋杯

le rond de serviette 餐巾套环 l’assiette plate à soupe 主餐盘

la fourchette 叉子la cuillère 勺子 le couteau 刀

l’étagère 架子 le revêtement 防溅板 le robinet 水龙头

l’évier 水槽 le tiroir 抽屉 le four 烤箱 le placard 橱柜

le plan de travail 工作台 la hotte 抽风机

le micro-ondes 微波炉 la bouilloire électrique 电水壶

le bol du mixeur 搅拌容器 la lame 刀片 le mixeur 搅拌机

le robot ménager 食品加工 le girlle-pain 烤面包机 le lave-vaisselle 洗碗机

le freezer 制冰 le congélateur 冷冻室 le réfrigirateur 冷藏室

le bac à légume 蔬菜保鲜格 l’égouttoir 沥水架 le brûleur 火炉

cuire à la vapeur 蒸 faire sauter 炒 éplucher 去皮

couper 切 râper 擦碎 verser 倒 mélanger 混合

frire 煎 étaler au rouleau 摊 remuer 搅动 mijoter 炖

pocher 沸水煮 rôtir 烤 griller 煎 la planche à hâcher 案板

l’épluche-légume 削皮刀 l’ouvre-boîte 开瓶器 la poêle 煎锅

la casserole 有柄平底锅 anti-adhérent 不沾 la plaque 盘子

le gant 手套 le moule 糕点模子 le tablier 围裙

自: www.canbecflower.com

  1. 在托运的箱子和登机的行李上挂上联系方式和电话


2. 需要随身携带的物品:

(1) 护照

(2) 机票

Gate : E 08 为登机口,持票进入口,在登机口附近等待

Boarding Time : 23:10 登机时间,一般提前三十分钟就可以上飞机了

Seat: 33F 进飞机后抬头找到33这个数字,然后再看F对应哪个座位

(3) 钱包(信用卡,若干加币,紧急联系人的联系方式)

(4) 手机(提前开通国际漫游业务,入境后拨打加拿大手机,前面加拨1,然后再拨XXX-XXX-XXXX);

(5) 手表(上飞机后调成加拿大当地时间);

(6) 飞机航班信息;

(7) 不会说英语的小纸条(上面可记录重要用语);

(8) 水杯(可以让服务员一次多倒一些热水);


(10) 拖鞋;



(13) 打印此宝典一份 嘻嘻

1. 座位:

(1) 每个人的座位上会有一个小毯子,枕头,和耳机(插孔在座椅扶手端);

* 头顶上有控制灯光和空调的按钮,还有一个带小人图案的按钮,需要乘务员帮助的时候可以按;

(2) 座位前方有电视,有中文电影和飞行地图,可以实时了解飞机高度,速度和飞行时间以及到达时间。飞机上还是要多喝水多休息;

* 飞机起飞前要关掉手机

2. 喝水:

(1) 每隔一段时间会有乘务员推着小车送酒水饮料,她们一般会问:Anything to drink? (您要喝点什么?),


(a) Hot tea, please.(热茶,谢谢。) ----发音------浩特剃,普利斯

(b) Hot coffee, please. (热咖啡,谢谢。)----发音------浩特考费,普利斯

(c) Orange juice, please.(橙汁,谢谢。)----发音------欧润芝 住思,普利斯

(d) Apple juice, please.(苹果汁,谢谢。)----发音------爱剖 住思,普利斯

(e) Water, please.(矿泉水,谢谢。)----发音------沃特儿,普利斯

(f) Hot Water, please.(热水,谢谢。)----发音------浩特沃特儿,普利斯

3. 去洗手间:


更多内容:http://goo.gl/GU4mNe -- 加拿大满地魁花 www.canbecflower.com




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